8:20 AM | Sunday, October 14, 2012 | Link
The feeling that everyone gonna part ways has yet to sink in. Maybe cos instead of seeing it as goodbye, it's more of a temporary thing - where everyone would gather back again some day.

Whatever the feeling, these 6 years have been a blast whenever I reminiscence. I grew hell lot from the moment I stepped into Mount Sinai, to the day I leave the campus at 10 Tanjong Rhu Road.

Basketball has always been a part of my life, since the day I decided to join the school team at the age of 9. The way I perceived 'team' has gradually changed - it was no longer about the accolades and the fear of being in the shadow, but rather about how the journey was shaped. The process was all that mattered - the time together as a team, the trainings and who can forget the bitchings?
Basketball is a cca full of drama and chaos, yet when we think back about secondary school days, it fills up at least 2/3 of the school memories. Even though the guys and girls aren't close as glue, I daresay we are one of the few ccas where the guys and girls are close enough to define the cca.

Perhaps our involvement in the sport will differ from now on, but there is no doubt that it has shaped the way we are, and will affect the way we interact with others. Whatever the varying paths we gonna take from now on, let's spread the spirit and love for the sport alright (:

22 has been the closest class I've ever been with. I never felt such a close connection with both 2K and 4L, and i'm glad to be given the chance to know how it's like to be bonded with a group of more than 4 people. No doubt we will always lament about how it's a pity we only got to know each other at the second half of senior high life, but I say it's better late than never. 

And memories are always for us to craft, isn't it?

Couldn't upload this on facebook /: so this had to be here!

2K and 4L: Thanks for the memories, and for being in my life, no matter how brief it was. The depth of the footprint doesn't matter, as long as there was an impact some way or another before.

To everyone who has been a part of my life, no matter how brief it was, thanks for leaving your footprint!
I know this face of mine will continue to give an unfriendly vibe, but thanks for bothering to break the thick icy wall I build around myself, and being willing to give the aloof, dao girl a chance.
Really glad that yall have been willing to tolerate my whines and judgmental opinions that can be pretty infuriating at times!

Now is just the start of the end, we have prom and post A-s and the next 5 plus months together!

//That was kinda an awesome way to start the mugger way i gonna be.
Let's get the A-s down.