9:19 PM | Friday, June 29, 2007 | Link
bball match against Bedok View
this post is late by 2 days... or is it 3?? >.< I have lots of time since there's no studying tomorrow.... although there's school. =Dbball match against Bedok View
School started rather well, although I was rather late... =D Then we had Maths, Science and yeah, Chinese.
Then Jiaqi, Rene and Amanda came to my classroom, staring at the windows and well, signalling or something like that. Teri asked me to looked and yeah, I looked. Hah. Then I packed up and the class was so sweet to wish me good luck. =D Yang Lao Shi too... ^^
And the year 3 seniors were so nice!! They gave us bananas and connected notes of encouragement on it!! SO TOUCHING man!! OUR SENIORS RAWK!!
Soo nice man.
[This is a pic from Jingmei's phone. She anyhow take de. =(( ]

Looks blurry....
When I reached home, I took a picture of the notes. Yeah, I'm crazy. Kee-siiao. =D

There were some group photos but I forgot to ask Qianye to send them to me.... BLAHHH
Then Jingmei and I took a picture outside the school: =D

ON the bus, Rachel and I were camera whoozing. Hehes. Look at her retarded face and you'll laugh like hell. I was ugly too. URGH.
The sequence:

I look fierce horh. I got tired right after the first picture and well, I'm really tired..... GRRRR, Rachel refused to cooperate and take a nice picture.
On the bus, the seniors passed us the post cards that Dinah prepared... So nice of her man!! =D

I like the part where they say that the answer is in your hands. And i just like the boy near the earth like that. Although he looks like a loner... >.<

I think I'm really nutty,but nevermind. =D
Then we reached Fengshan Community Centre and we warmed-up and we played. Urms, lousily. According to jiao lian, the teacher-in-charge, the seniors and myself too. The ball just didn't get into the net. STUPID BALL But nevermind, we'll improve!! =D We nervous mah. Anyway, we still won although we were supposed to win de loh. =((
Then I played basketball with Elizabeth, Comint, Rachel, Novia and Felicia. No sec 1s stayed back. They claimed to be hungry and wanted to eat something but I was wondering: Didn't they eat in school? Then they said that they ate sushi. Duh. Diiao. Sushi ISN'T NICE AT ALL. And it steals your money ALL AWAY man.
Urms yeah, I'm broke now. I'm really broke.
CHRISTINA'S ALWAYS BROKEOKayy, I feel happier now. BEcause I got my allowance for next month and I'm going to pay Jingmei some money. THen i'm free of my debt once again!! OOOOO!! I love this day of the month man. Lalalalas. I gonna save money again. =D I wonder why money can't be into the piggy bank, but instead, it keeps coming out of it. I'm pissed. Yeah, I WAN $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
THen my dad fetched me from Fengshan CC after I practised shooting for a while. Then went home, ate, played the com, and slept. It's boring. =( I wanna shoot. people. money. and basketball nets. =D
Firstly, HAPPY YOUTH DAY youths! This is my first time celebrating youth day, and saying goodbye to CHildren's day. =D It's feels great although I don't feel a difference. Siian.
the school organised a concert and some games booths for us but I only attended the concert. THen I went to ball with my team and our seniors. =D I didn't bother to play any games and the queue was long. I don't wanna wait.
After playing basketball for about 2-3 hours, Comint, Rachel, Jingmei, Jiaqi, Rene and I went to Bedok to watch the boys play. Jiaqi went for her piano lessons.
The match was rather well-played in my opinon, but the coach for the guys weren't satisfied. According to the seniors, they played lower than their usual standard but who cares? They won. =D
Then Comint, Qianye and I went to ball. I'm always balling. I love to ball. We saw some guys who dropped down from the sky and we decided to play with them. =D Then I shot in some goals and shot. The chopping feeling is cool.
At about 6pm, Chermaine came back from her O-levels oral and the seniors went home. I stayed back to ball at the basketball court that was behind Fengshan CC for about 15 minutes then went to take shelter at Fengshan CC after that. Then balled again since there was a shelter and my dad came to fetch me.
He was there niiao-ing about me balling too much and said that I should rest at home or something like that. Resting at home is boring and it only makes me a pig. Fullstop. Nevermind, anyway, I shut up and let him niiao-ed all the way.
Actually, I wanted to visit Nan Chiau since I suddenly felt like walking around for a few minutes but since the procedure was long and sucked totally, I decided to throw that idea away. I hate the PROCEDURE. Sucks.
I gonna go watch TV now. There's a rather nice show on Channel U. C.I.D I think. =D It looks funny. The cops' clothing looks like a diva entering a fashion show. I like that. =))
Will update the chinese version for fun tomorrow I guess. And I think my computer crashed. =(( Using my dad's one. The start-up didn't work and my dad is going to kill me. He hasn't even settled the ghost for this one. So I'll be a guai-kia for the moment and use this com or go watch TV. Can't youtube here. I think youtube's the reason why this computer crashed. HAHA.
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