11:01 AM | Sunday, June 24, 2007 | Link
a whole lot of crap
These few days have lots of things happening. Let me start with the 6A Class gathering!! This class gathering was held on 21st and at Grace's condo. =D We played basketball, chatted and barbecued. Damn shiok man. The gathering was fun loads and I really missed our class then. =D 6A ROCKS!
Here's some pictures during that day: [taken from Janelle's phone and Zhan's the photographer]:

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a over-barbecued hotdog...

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Food!! The nuggets rule man!! =D

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Curry lohs. It's rather nice and not that spicy as what the rest say

Some pictures of people~~!! =DD

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YITING!! =))

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Meng and her sis.... =D

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Zhan, Syl and Me. I think I look spastic after playing basketball.....

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Zhan, Syl and Ivy. I think everybody looks sweaty and weird... ^^

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Zhan and Cheryl.

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Grace looks weird... hahas... Zhan didn't delete the photo... haha... =D

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Grace, Rachel and Janelle!! Their smiles look weird... ^^

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3 of them again! They are really great friends... =D

These are just a few pictures. I didn't really take any pictures and my phone's pitures' quality suck at night. There were some group photos but Janelle said that she would send it to me... =D

I just got my jersey!! and my number's 15. 15 doesn't seem to fit me though. I think numbers like 7, 10, 11, 12 suit me... but nevermind....=D

These are some emails........ and it has really been a long time since i blogged about emails... =))

Some exercises in office every one hour

Some exercises in office every one hour


1st: Warming UP
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2nd: Stretching
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3rd: the upper body exercise
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4th: lower body exercise (moving to left and back)
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5th: lower body exercise (moving to right and back)
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6th: Head exercise (make sure to do the 2 nd part, it works!)
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7th: whole body exercise
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8th: Jumping exercise: The Pose is the key! but remember to jump!
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9th: relax
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LV3 over: Well done!
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Hahas, I like the pictures... they're cute... =D

And this is the Mr Bean acting Mr Boombastic video:

I remembered that I had much more things to blog about but i forgot what. Anyway, I gonna blog at my chinese blog and I'm lagging behind by 2 posts... =((
