11:54 PM | Thursday, August 23, 2007 | Link
Back from the dead =D
Last few days were crap. It was as if I did not have any time for myself. Gah, but it's always good for a recount to keep in touch with my life and get to understand how little time i've for myself to slack. Or at least chat.Back from the dead =D
Yesterday was stupid:
Let me start with LA poetry slam which was founded by Chris-Mooney Singh in Singapore. We were class 1K, the first group in our class to perform but the third last class (Since Caris's group was behind us).
We were rather panicky about whether we would be able to perform at our best, or we would stutter and stammer, while making a great damn fool of ourselves.
Luckily, we didn't.
I sort-of pitied the people who could not remember their lines. some were rather confident, though their voices were shaking. i could understand their feelings, being on the stage, looking down at hundreds of faces staring at you, as if you were a peculiar cow. (hehe, title of Enid Blyton's book. It was the first one that I read, written by Enid Blyton but of course=D )
Feeling extremely terrible that you could not remember your lines is already bery bad, negative audience's response would make it even worse.
Jubix was very bad. In fact, the worst. Although we sort-of like smiled meekly when the speaker forgot her lines, we were not as bad as them. Especially for Wilson and Gordon. Yeah, it's bad mouthing something bad about somebody I know and another from the same CCA, but I just thought that they were pure bad and evil so it's not an offence to voice my opinions here.
They practically let out their LOUD laughter whenever somebody erred. I guess they were too confident of their classmates since they believed greatly that their TALENTED classmates would not make such a silly mistake.
AND YES, THEY DID NOT MAKE ANY MISTAKES They really did not and that isn't sarcastic. In fact, I thought they were very organised and loud, though I felt that the topic was not one that is suitable for poetry writing.
They did not laugh at any of the groups from our class or 1L, which was damn great. They looked practically shocked when the judges showed higher scores (as a matter of fact, we had the highest scores until the last 2 groups). Guess who had the last laugh? >.<
We emerged as the first-runners up, parring with Caris's team. 1L clinched champions.
Well you know what they are talking about. Yepp, the breasts. obviously, those who laughed were guys.
Gah, I think I gave a whole damn lot of details. And guess what the prize was?
$10 book voucher and a consent form for the heats I am so not going to comment on this
After research studies which was practically 10 minutes long since the poetry thingalicious took up most of the time, it was FRENCH CONTROL TEST. All our death period =(
Saw Meng in her Nanyang basketball jersey and thought that Nan Chiau's jersey still look the best. IT RAWKS. We chatted about everything under the sun, from Nixon Tay and Joey to her basketball match against RGS. hahas, BGR. I mean the former.
Then it was the 2-hour test. Frankly speaking, I did not really think it was difficult but I thought the listening comprehension disgusted me out TOTALLY. The speakers sounded stupid with the loud feedback and many technical problems.
But it was still rather okay.
2 days ago was "basketball practice". NOT when I'm not in it, training and sweating. We watched the year 1s boys play against some ancient, unknown people from Hongkong. The boys trashed them by 20 points. Hehe. WE RAWK. (:
Stupid rachel was down with flu and fever so she accompanied me on the bennch, doing algebraic questions. I thought that was rather stupid and idiotic but nevermind. We began to be silly and talked crap. Did some unsuccessful synchronized ball handling. I think I overstretched my left arm but I'll do something to it. =D
It was also English test summary. Not too bad I guess. i was like finding more words to make the passage longer and when I found the right words that would substantiate the whole damn passage, I overshot the word limit by 20. It's a miracle how many ENGLISH WORDS you can write in a seemingly short passage. judging from that, I think this blog post has exceeded 500 words.
Blah, life is not so monotonous and mundane this week but I hope this would continue. If only the sissy teacher would stop his praise for the professionals and his past students and concentrate on teaching the complete noobs for chinese well, I think I would not dread his lessons SO MUCH.
OH yeah, parents child day. Seriously, I thought that was crap.
PURPOSE OF PARENTS child day:yeah? I need to bond more with my dad? Hello, we always discuss about news and quarrel over musical stuff. he likes those old old singers and starts criticizing those new ones, comparing them to his idols. Hehe, sometimes it's rather fun. But he likes 落叶归根 (luo4 ye4 gui1 gen1) by Wang Lee Hom, one of the new songs in his newest album. I thought the song was rather boring and simple, but well, weird people like weird stuff.
to bond the parent and the child while letting the parent get to know about the child's progress in school
For the "class eating party", I contributed seaweed chicken, which was the most welcomed =D The whole 50 seaweed chicken were finished and the cooking? THANKS TO MY DAD!!

My dad frying!! WOOOAHH. sexy hands ehh.
HAHA. no, hairy ones >.< hehehee. i'm a perv


IN THEY GO!! ooah. look how OILY they are.

Frankly speaking, I think seaweed chicken is the best finger food ever, though it's expensive.
Gah, I think I gonna end the post here. My life is really screwed up now. My knees're shit, my homework can't seem to be on time though sometimes the homework is unnecessary, I don't seem to be doing anything constructive. Playing basketball IS constructive but I can't play.
I'm losing something called M.Y.S.E.L.F.
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