10:37 PM | Wednesday, August 01, 2007 | Link
I'm finally back
I didn't go overseas or anything, but it has been a week since I blogged. And I don't like it. When I felt like blogging, I can't because of the hectic schedule of homework I have. When I have no homework, the mood isn't there. This is stupid.I'm finally back
HOWEVER, I wanted to blog badly today so I managed to finish my homework fast. I realised that I can finish my homework really fast if I don't surf the net or chat. That's why I wasn't online today. =DD COncentration is still the best.
Recently, many things have occurred. At least the changes are rather a lot to me. ^^
Basketball training has been back to square one where we trained very hard for PT (Physical Training). I did not train but just by looking at the team train, it made me feel good. I can't wait to go back to training and enjoy the nice warm touch of fitness. =D
I rather be tired than feeling fat although I know I'm not really that.... F.A.T.
More projects coming up. Yes, this is stupid. I have two projects going concurrently and many many stupid tests. And what's worse, neither of the projects have started!!!!!
I can't believe this but nevermind, I still have to work harder.
I still find it hard to breathe in secondary school. I know I say this all the time but I'm still adapting. I noticed I'm not really very adaptive. =(
But I'm adaptive when it comes to sleeping. I can sleep ANYWHERE, EVERYWHERE Of course, the location has to be nice and have a great ambience, not stinky and ewwwwwWWW!!
I just finished my student portfolio. =D I'm feeling hyper and nice. My history graded assignment is done too. I'm printing my reflections now. It's really nice to have a printer as it does all the work for you. X)
My student portfolio is simply the best works that I want to present of each pillar, particularly BSP Bilingual Programme, KSP (Don't know what this is) but I'm using IDMI, a major project. There's HAP Geography, MSP Mathematics and Science, CIP, CDP Leadership and CCA
Siians right?
Let me just include something interesting that not many people would be able to visit. =D
haha. I went there to study before the French test and the librarian was really cute. He was asking me what school I was from and where I stayed, and also switched on a French movie to watch. He was fun and cute. The air-conditioner at the library is really cooling and refreshing. =DD

the cool table. See my baggy? It's spacious and I like the wood. =DD Btw, the "it" refers to the table.

nice pretty bookshelves!! Though the number of books are little. I don't read them anyway because they are too complicated. Can you believe that they are meant for ages 4-8??!!
I'm ashamed of myself.
Then I went to watch a movie. Only watched 1 hour of the show, didn't manage to complete it. X( This is the only CD in the library. I cannot believe it.

I can't believe they have such good teevee. My teevee is lousier. =( I think you've seen my teevee before right? Sometimes, it shows half of the screen. You have to hit it real hard before something comes out. And soon, it goes back again.
And the borrowing counter:

Yay, I'm happy. =DD
My smile looked kinda fake cause I was worried about my french.
But I became happy again because I saw MENG. Haha. =DD we chatted for about 10 minutes and then went to our respective classes. ^^
I have just added an image to my sidebar (profile). I think it's cute and it describes absolutely what I am now.
I'll end this post with two short cute newspaper articles that I found. =DD
GIRL IN SEVENTH HEAVENThis is so cool! i love the number 7 too! My basketball number! I want to have MONEYYY. This girl is really lucky. =DD
BANGKOK: A baby girl born on July 7, 2007 - 07/07/07 - in the back of a taxi bearing the licence plate 7777 is to receive a scholarship worth 700,00 baht (S$35 000), a college said on Wednesday.
The Panyapiwat Institution of Technology has promised the girl, nicknamed "Seven", a bursary until she graduates.
"It is an unconditional scholarship that we gave to her because she was born on July 7 of the year 2007, and in a taxi with the licence plate 7777," said rector Ratana Prasertscom.
"And when the mother and the girl checked in at the hospital, they were given room 707 on the seventh floor."
Thais place great faith in the mystical importance of numbers, and the succession of sevens in the baby's birth has been seen as deeply auspicious.
Another one, but this one is more of information, and its long.....
French doctors are puzzling over the case of a 44-year-old civil servant who has led a normal life with an extraordinarily tiny brain.
In a case published in the medical journal The Lancet, doctors led by Dr Lionel Feuillet of the Hospital de la timone in Marseille say the man was admitted to hospital after suffering mild weakness in his left leg.
Scans by computed tomography (T) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed that the man's cerebral cavities had massivelyexpanded, taking up most of the room in his skull, leaving only a tiny sheet of actual brain tissue.
"The brain itself, meaning the grey matter and the white matter, was completely crushed against the skull," Dr Feuillet told the Agence France- Presse. "The images were most unusual...the brain was virtually absent."
Neuropsychological testing, the accuracy of which is sometimes contested, revealed that the man had an IQ of 75, below the average score of 100 but not considered mentally retarded or disabled either. Despite this, he had led a life that can be considered normal.
"He was a married father of two children and worked as a civil servant," Dr Feuillet and colleages wrote in a letter to The Lancet.
"Even if he has a slight intellectual handicap, this has not hampered his development or building social networks."
Dr Max Muenke, a paediatric brain defect specilaist at the National human genome Research institute who was not involved in the case, said: "What I find amazing to this day is how the brain can deal with something which you think should not be compatible with life.
"If something happens very slowly over quite some time, maybe over decades, the different parts of the brain take up functions that would normallly be done by the part that is pushed to the side."
So this shows that normal people like us who have nice brains of the right size should be even smarter and go on with life?
Don't be like the girl who committed suicide because she read a fake e-book online, saying that Harry Potter would die in the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows book. Go on with life.
and jiayou. ^^
Labels: food for thought