2:46 PM | Monday, August 27, 2007 | Link
I can't believe I completed my maths worksheets, both Volume and Surface Area and Area and Perimeter Assignment 2.
What's more, I have managed to complete the REsearch STudies powerpoint slides, which is about 60 pages long! (:
Rushed through the powerpoint slides and instructions for the group members yesterday until 12am. Though I managed to sleep at 12:30.

Woke up today feeling lethargic and wanted to sleep more. But knowing how much I slack and daydream, I managed to PULL MYSELF up and at least get back to life. It was a super damn nice dream, I was dreaming about the Hongkong Comedy To catch the Uncatchables. Yesterday was the last episode. I didn't like the ending though I thought it made me feel nostalgic. But nevertheless, it was a marvellous show. =D

Today was practically crap.
School started with me getting caught by a teacher for not wearing the tie properly. Gah, i don't like wearing the tie, it makes me feel stuffy. I did not button the first button, that's all. I tighted the tie very tightly though. :)

Then it was the 45 minutes of Mr Sng's talk about the discipline in school. I thought it was rather weird and boring though I thought that what he said was quite sound.


And then it was stupid CHINESE. I tell you, I HATE MY CHINESE TEACHER TO THE CORE. Just like how I hate poetry to the core and it's not IRONY OR SARCARSM. IT'S THE TRUTH.

He was telling us how he would deduct our marks from the exams through the non-paper-and-ink marking scheme and how he would mark more strictly during the examinations to lower our marks for those who don't really pay attention in class.
There he was, praising our class chairperson and telling us how we could improve ourselves and how GREAT he was at finding somebody's errors.


And the whole lesson was full of "fierceness".
Gah, can't bother to elaborate.


Everybody agrees.

Then school blahed and it was soon Chinese Opera time. I was practically talking or sleeping through the whole thing and I didn't really understand what they were talking about. Nevermind, I don't have the chinese talent. >.<

Ate ban mian with Rachel and here I am, using the library's computer. Gonna go for french later. I have yet to settle my script but hengs, no homework today. (:


well, for me. =D
