9:59 AM | Sunday, October 07, 2007 | Link
3 more days!!! 3 more days!! 3 more days!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!!3 MORE DAYS!!
HAHA, that was quite crazy. I practically typed the code from 150% to 10% for the font size. MUAHAHAHAS. (: So happy. A week passed so quickly and YES, a mere period of 3 more days will PASS TOO. (: HCL - (Thanks to Yvon and Caris LAAAAA), Maths, then Science (:
I was mugging quite hard for yesterday. Slacked quite a lot on Friday. Yesterday abit la. Watched HSM 2 with my bro after I found nothing better to do. Borrowed the CD from meng (: THANKS GAL. Wonder when I would return it to her. I wann my holi-es!!
Watched Teevee until about 1am yesterday. The show was quite hilarious and I had a super good night sleep (: LOVE LATE TEEVEE
Recently, I just watched the movie mv of Jolin and I must say it's quite good and creative (: Her acting skills not bad la except that the storyline a bit .......
HEHE. Fill in that word yourself (:
I'm quite bored today and I can't watch TEEVEE because I'm banned. But I'm not banned from the com. Quite ironic right? Since I can watch TEEVEE through crunchyroll and youtube. (: BUT I GONNA BE A GOOD GAL AND DO MY WORK.
Quite impossible though.
Just read Grace's tagboard and found out that her EXAMS ARE OVER. What the hell? So fast. And she must be relaxing like hell now. ARGH. So lucky.
But considering that other schools are still having like 2957348943789 million papers, I should be happy (: Ok la, not that I'm feeling super sad or what. (:
Just checked my hotmail and there were quite alot of spam mails. NOt alot for some but it was alot since I just checked my mails 2 or 3 days ago. I thought this period of EOY should have lots of people mugging but it turned out to be otherwise. Perhaps their exams are over. =( I HATE SPAM MAILS. Though I was one of the few who circulate them (: Simple ma, Just click forward, then a group, and SEND!! Simple (:
I still have another post to post about. My trip to the timsum restaurant. Began crazy and took like 8397438947 million pictures with my dad's cam. Then I was lazy to post. But when I felt like posting it, I realised that my card reader was SPOILT. Apparently, someone dropped it and the only possibility is my bro but he keeps denying it. DAMN IT. And now I can't post it. ): That could add on to my number of picture-heaving posts. (: And I love posting images loh, though it makes my blog SUPER SLOW.
Talking about food, I remembered the powerpoint slide that was for I.T. and I talked about the steamboat. Got quite a pretty score though it was rather sucky as compared to the rest who got like 90++. Ah ya, I think it was because my powerpoint was just crapping. I just SLAM all the pictures on the powerpoint and did not organise the slides. Everything was just shit with points being repeated OVER AND OVER AGAIN. ehehe. That was just so million years ago. I'm just trying to make this post longer and procrastinate longer (:
this post gonna be super long because of my HUGE pictures. (: Jokes again but this time it's pictures. The pics are CUTE instead of HILARIOUS. The baby looks cute (: And the jokes aren't really nice. I noticed I love the smiley (:

MUAFAFAHS. Finished. I have not really read the jokes. Gonna read them on my blog then (:
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Yvon ♥ I DIDN'T MEAN THAT YOU WERE PETTY. ewwww. HEHE. thanks for saying it's adorable (: I know it too. And the pig DOES LOOK LIKE A DUCK. I think the eyes and nose don't fit. THe nose looks like a BEAK. The feet looks wrong too. ^^
Caris ♥ HAHA. agreed. (: Pretty right? Roses and everything. The cream is damn even but I think it looks rather fake after you stare at it for quite some time.
D&D: ERRRR, I didn't really say I wanna go. Just amusing myself only. and nope, I hate Genting and I ain't gonna go there anymore after staying there for 3 days and playing the same thing over and over again.
JOYJOY ♥ HAHA. You JIAYOU TOO!! mug hard especially you are in the PRO PRO PRO STRESSFUL SCHOOL.
Grace ♥ HEYYY THAT'S good news!! What's the sport?? (: Is it really that fun?
Jingmei ♥ DAMN I HAVE LOTS OF POINTS TO COMMENT ON. Number 1. YOu are a THICK-SKINNED WOMAN. No money, so no pressies. But I can give you a bear hug if you want. Erm, but not really a huge one cos I'm quite skinny. (: Or I can just sms you happy b'dae or plaster a banner, HAPPY B'DAE for ya if you wanna. But I reckon you want neither. (: Then I can save time and trouble. Point 2. How to tag at your blog when it's private and you didn't give me permission?? -.- Point 3. I'M NOT EVIL. I'm the nicest person ever. Ok la, not the NICEST. But quite nice la. (:
Yiting ♥ HELLLOOO!!! Ok, i didn't want to eat the cake. Plus, I DON'T LOVE PIGS. (: Ah ya, just crapping a bit la. (:
Yay, finished (: I gonna go change my links code. Find it quite UGLY and not consistent and I don't quite like it.
Labels: jokes, reflections, tags