10:23 PM | Saturday, October 20, 2007 | Link
Nice days (:
Today's bball practice was ok and enjoyable. The seniors' match was super nice though they lost but improved (: JIAYOUUU!

Then went to Yvon's house to do Science project. Didn't really do much because I arrived rather late and the yong-gongers chiong all the stuff. =(
Yvon's maid cooked super nice food and I LOVED THE SOUP, ESPECIALLY THE FISHBALLS (:

Yesterday was super shiok. Treated Meng to KFC and played ball for a teeny weeny bit of time and stressed. (: As in played stress. Almost won but her stupid piano teacher came. =( Then I balled.
I love the half-court. Super pretty

Then went to Punggol Plaza to buy her cake and bought a drink from sweettalk.

The morning was ok too. Xperience was rather fun.

We played the er-i-don't-know-what game. It was just passing a message down using actions. IT WAS BORING.

Then it was some blind game activities. We had to write and read through a pathetic "glasses" and fold aeroplanes and throw balls.
I wrote the words and threw the ball to Shu Jun. I think I folded about 2 aeroplanes. (:

Then it was WHEELCHAIR!!
This was the coolest thing ever. My arms were aching at the end but we won the challenge anyway. Threw in some balls into the pail =D

Blind soccer was LAME and STUPID. Nobody won though. Caris was stupid kicking the ball out repeatedly. Her starting of the ball was STUPID and lousy. HEHEHH. But it was super hilarious. (:

Then it was a super long talk. Quite boring. .............................
Then a game that was super long. felt rather guilty when I threw lousy dices but it was ok anyway. (: We got 2nd

I'm tired now. Guess I'll reply tags tomorrow. And erh, I think this blog post super siian.

Tomorrow would be the match for the Singapore Slingers. Don't know who's the opponents. Thanks Rene for the free tickets!! =DD
