11:16 PM | Thursday, October 18, 2007 | Link
Yay. Just a few more days before school COMPLETELY ENDS.POST-EXAM ACTIVITIES GONNA START!! (:
This is just so cool. (:
This morning did not start well. I was IN the MRT station when I realised that my file wasn't with me. As we were supposed to bring the stupid Chinese examination papers which he obviously did not collect, I HAD TO BRING THEM TODAY no matter what. And damnit, I wasted 50 cents.
Spent a whole bloody 20 minutes detouring home and back. Luckily, my father hadn't gone to work so he just passed me my file (:
If not I had to open the gate, take off my shoes, take off my socks, rush to the table, take the file, put on my socks, put on my shoes, close the door
(: Saved quite a lot of time, considering that I tie my shoelaces T.W.I.C.E.
But I wasn't late for school though. (: Thanks to the fast train. I thought I would be late or at least rather late and disgrace myself by running to the front during assembly.
I.T. was quite fun cos I slacked. Was so bored that I played neopets. Haha, our school computers suck. Lag like hell and the animation was soooooo SLLOOWWW.
Then Yvon went crazy with the linking and I learnt a little of CSS. Quite similar to blogging though. (:
For once, Sylvia and Sing Rue did not shout for my name. (: Cos Syl forgot to bring her thumbdrive and their documents weren't found in the computer. Caris and Cherisse's one too. I think an idiot purposely deleted them away or the teacher just did a clean-up. But the other documents were there.
LA rocked with Ms Kheng letting us play a game. Quite fun la. (: And Yvon's group was like damn robotic la. Guessed everything right and fast. For eg.
Yvon: a gun
Shermin: Revolver
And the difference was lesser than 2 seconds. No fun.
Then Geog.
Then we were supposed to go for some crap meeting for RS and it turned out that WE WERE NOT EVEN INVOLVED
Waste of time.
And Caris Lau because Cans Lau while Tan Shu Jun became Tan Shu Fun!! So hilarious
For Caris's case, it's understandable but for Shu Fun??!!
Had a good laugh before basketball practice and I taped my legs once again. (: was super careful when running at the start but after a while, I DIDN'T CARE. Run run run and run. Training was uniquely different and fun.
So happy. I wish training would be as nice as today (:
Tomorrow's xPerience or something like that. Paid money le. Can't pon. Plus it's MY OWN MONEY.
Meeting Meng tomorrow to eat. HEHEHE. Saturday would be basketball practice while Sunday would be the Science meeting. (: Life is improving.
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Yvon ♥ walao, you crapped SOOO MUCH. Ok, I didn't think about the imitation thingy but hey, I got creativity de loh. You didn't OPEN your eyes to SEE and understand. And erh, point taken but I'm too lazy to change. Hehe. And ah ya, this kinda of stuff no need to point out de right, GRAMMAR TEACHER.
Cherisse ♥ OK (: Why you keep changing url de huh?
Jingmei ♥ OHH. I owe you money huh. Ok, return you ASAP. Didn't realise that it was you though I felt that I OWED SOMEBODY $$$$$$$$$
It's getting late now and I gonna turn in.
And YES!! My mum's coming back soon. (: Then I can slack more.