10:36 AM | Thursday, October 25, 2007 | Link
Post Exam activities
Today we played like 6 maths games and I thought it was rather siians. We lost most of the times and some of the games were like crap. But I thought the Dominoes and Wilson's game were nice. The game using the Game of Life rule is like errr.r..... not even related to Maths? Post Exam activities
And we lost that, so I'm super not happy.
The past 3 days were part of Xperience which we paid $2, while the rest of the fee was subsidised by the school.
The first day was Xplosion or Xperience. Not sure. We learnt the difficulties faced by the handicapped and it was quite fun.
It started with charade. Quite stupid. I was doing Boring movie using hand signs and it turned out to be HIP HOP.
I can't believe it.
we lost to 1I in the challenge cos we talked to the last person while 1I got it completely right without cheating.
Then we had to do 3 different activities against 1L. They gave us some WEIRD GLASSES which had a transparent plastic that was doodled with black marker and had a green piece of paper covering it. There were only 3 PATHETIC HOLES in it and we HAD TO SEE THROUGH THOSE.
- write and read a passage
- fold 15 aeroplanes / 5 cranes
- pass a ball using a non-master hand
I think I blogged about it before but this is a more detailed one (: Just feel like chunking all the details.
Then was WHEELCHAIR!! and blind soccer.
First dayWe played with the i-dont-know-what-the-name-is. It was balancing something that looked similar to weights on a string. AND EW, I ain't good at that.
Then was stupid juggling.
And then that stupid thing again.
And I don't like the guy that supposedly dropped out of primary school and takes juggling as his occupation now. He talks super loudly and thinks he is amusing....
I wouldn't be SO PROUD if I dropped out of school and have an occupation that earns not-so-much and isn't really very common, though it's quite unique.
I think proclaiming that you have a bloody good cert would be much better than announcing to the whole world that you have dropped out of school.
Though the first one super show-off la. (:
I thought the two coaches for the balancing thing were quite nice. (:
Juggling just sucks.
I can do the wrong method but not the right one.
We were supposed to wait until about 12:30 before we could leave school. Balled with Rene and Jiaqi. After a while, we went to ball with Jubix people. It was super fun.
Rene and Jiaqi then treated me to ban mian and we were just in time to watch the third quarter of the basketball match of Year 4 DHS basketballers VS Alumni basketballers. We thought it started at 3 but it turned out to start just about 20 minutes after we left. Or was it 10? o.0
The basketballers were trashed man. Even after the coach and Mr Low went up to play. =( And the senior citizens played damn well. Their speed was like so..........
I'm jealous.
Then the final score was 88 - 67 I think.
Balled again and went home with Rene after her irritating pestering.
Second day:
The next day was like shit. Skipping was first. They spent a bloody long time arranging us in NEAT COLUMNS AND ROWS. I didn't really like the male trainer cos he treated us like soldiers and that we were in some stupid army and he was the commander. I just don't like the tone he commanded us in. I know, we were very rowdy and took like 5 minutes to FINALLY UNDERSTAND what he was talking about but that didn't give him the right to shout at us.
We have to be spoken nicely to (:
I wished we dragged the time longer though.
Then skipped and skipped.
I can't believe people take skipping as a profession.
I know skipping is a CCA in primary school but it isn't in secondary school. And I doubt anybody would want to learn how to do stunts with a skipping rope at an older age.
Next was hip-hop dance. Aw man, the black guy rocked. He was super flexible and I loved his making of waves using his hand.
It's just so.... AWWW
I can't dance. But I appreciate dance (:
The whole thing ended off well with 3 different coaches dancing 3 different types of dance. MTV dance, Breakdance and street dancing (:
Balled for quite some time before some PE teacher came and shoo-ed us out because we were apparently late for some kinda of talk.
Sat at the back behind the tallies of 1L.
Was feeling super thirsty so I borrowed a mineral water bottle from Teri and opened the cap before going back to my seat. For some reasons, Sylvia SNATCHED the bottle by SQUEEZING IT.
And piew! Water spilled over some guy. (don't know how to spell his name. heheheh).
Then it was presentation by Jalan boy and he gave out sushi. Everybody was practically fighting over it. And according to Rachel during basketball training, the sushi tasted like shit because of the wrong usage of rice. She said it was gluey and everything negative.
And a sushi was wasted when some idiot threw it and the receiver didn't catch it. So in the end, the POOR sushi became a basketball (:
Basketball training next. Da Shermaine came. Jiao lian didn't. I said something embarrassing. ):
Jiaqi would know it.
3rd day
Making of pottery at Dragon Kiln!
The start of the day sucked because of mosquitoes biting my legs. Had about 6 mosquito bites. Then they let us watch some video in a room with fans which were not turned on and some pathetic chairs. The guys snatched almost all the chairs so we had to stand. Stupid Sing Rue was jumping about and in the end she SWEATED like she didn't sweat before. (:
Made an ugly-looking "pot" and a pig which looked retarded. Waited for a bloody 1 hour for the stupid bus which apparently lost its way.
Past few days were like that.
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