9:58 PM | Wednesday, January 02, 2008 | Link
First schooling day of 2008
This blog was dead for 2 exact months with useless spammed crap posts. Now, I'm finally back but I guess all my readers flew FAR FAR AWAY. Well, quite great. I can crap whatever I want.


Just came back from French lesson with Monsieur Huet. He's quite a nice and good French teacher. Not strict but attentive. Good luh. If only he could improve his English. I always remember the first lesson when he was explaining this french word in English.

He: Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Class: HUH??
Class: What??!!
He: Sheeeee
One guy: Oh! Is it the SEA? Have fish de?
Class: OHHHH

That was so damn hilarious ok. At that time though.
Then arrived home at 8 with a painful stomachache due to the GREAT traffic jam. I hate traffic jams. Screw my stomach up. Then I felt weird and for no reason, I cried. KEE SIIAO. Maybe the feeling was too weird. Or perhaps I was yawning then tears dropped. Not too bad though, just a lone tear (:

Then walked home reallyyyy slowly. Don't know what's the problem; my knee or my stomach. My body is failing me ):
I sound like some idiot old woman.
I wonder what's wrong with my body nowadays. It's just so stupid and dumb.

Let's talk about the first day of school. It was ok though I must say it was a waste of time. I was complaining to Syl that I should have ponned school.

2nd day of 2008 started with me waking up at 5:15 a.m. feeling weird. Didn't sleep well the previous day. Slacked all the way. I was almost late for school anyway. Standard.

Then Mr Sng gave a speech, thank god it wasn't long. Then the year 1 pinned their badges and we proceeded to the hall to listen to ANOTHER talk regarding Dunman High Programme 2.0. (:
The name's funny, like some Microsoft programme.
The programme isn't nice ok. It sounds stressful.
And I'm jealous of the 3 sec 1 classes who get free laptops.


If only I was born one year later.
Er no. I rather stay what I am now


Then it was recess but we didn't eat. Stayed in the CRAMPED room talking. It was COLLLDD. I'm going to bring a windbreaker if not I die of frostbites. (:

Miss Kheng came in to settle some admin stuff. It was boring.
I hate feeling bored.

Then the SFs came and we played games. That was the only fun thing I guess. Though i was very slow and always caused the person in front of me to get hit when we were playing double wacko.

Ate lunch and went to the library to spent 3 hours there. Practically waited for time to pass.

Then went to buy a drink and I was off to MOE LC.

I can't believe this.
But yes, it's like this.

And tomorrow's going to be some amazing race.
And I'm supposed to sleep earlier.
So I shall go sleep.
Plus I have nothing to do.

I'm pissed off now. Can't download the dossiers from MOE language center website. Why merge the websites? Now I can't find a damn shit and the french teacher gonna run after me for some bogus crap worksheet that isn't there at all.

