2:36 PM | Monday, January 21, 2008 | Link
Lousy day.
I'm blogging in the school library while waiting for time to pass. Having french lessons later.... zZzLousy day.
The school library is packed with many year sixes, and of course it isn't a library. IT IS DAMN NOISY HERE. And I'm beside two girls who can't talk softly. A chair away. So they can't really read what I type or bash me up.
Chinese people, judging from their accent. And I bet a Chinese just used this computer cos everything in the browser was in Chinese. Ok, not EVERYTHING, just the google frontpage. Had to change it to English. Chinese is just so difficult to read can.
Today was shit. School sucks. First day of school always suck. I'm down with flu and a slight fever. Ok, slight one, that's what I think but Teri, Sing Rue and Yvon said that I don't have fever. But I feel feverish neh. How? Nevermind, I'm still going to attend school. (: Gonna support the seniors tomorrow, versusing Ngee Ann. So excited and looking forward towards it. I hope they win though (: Then we enter the second round. HEE HEE.
Let me crap about how lousy today was. First lesson: CHINESE. Great. I was sooo looking forward towards it.
Learnt about summarizing a long sentence and frankly speaking, I think summarizing is for lazy people. Details are good and nice. (:
Handed up my chinese compo which is like 2 pages long. Stupid Sylvia wrote 2 compos. I thought the second compo could be handed up till a later date. .....
Recess time. THe only not-so-bad period. Crapped and ate cha shao bun. (: 50 cents! Ha. Got my key (: Thanks comint!~ Sylvia was damn happy when I told her about this. She doesn't need to borrow the basketball anymore after PE everytime.
ASSEMBLY. Death. Learnt about character and Emergency Evacuation. Practically slept through the whole talk until some teacher dressed in a french dress (Syl's description) came and reprimanded us. The only new thing that I learnt was that if we ever took more than 5 minutes to reach the hall for assembly, we would have detention until 2. oO. interesting. I didn't know Dunman had detention. I wonder what would happen if the whole school is under detention. o.o
History was next. Christopher Colombus and whether he should be honoured. Just by reading the notes (the short one), I think he is overrated. But after listening to Marcus and En Zhi crap about how great he was, I thought that he was not that bad after all. (:
At least this year's history isn't as bad as last year when we spent almost the whole semester learning about why we should study history. -.-
It was the FIRST Bilingual Programme lesson we had since the start of 2008 and it definitely wasn't nice ok. Let's not mind about the super strict rules of the teacher. Let's talk about the project. I wonder what's the problem with having our own groups. Why must we let the BP rep and the ex-BP rep group us? So of course, we have some
The nice librarian just helped me scan and print (: HEE HEE.
I'm going to head towards the MOE library to do my stuff ler. Obviously, I can't do anything here. NO tables. THere are chairs. For people to sleep.
Meng: OK!! Sure! Valentine's day with ya! Haha. I want chocolates! Or biscuits! Maybe I can go to your house and lalala. Go mess up your house and clear your stocks of nice chocos. I know you have them.... (: Or do you have school after that? When's Valentine's day ar? Friday? I know it's on the 14th (:
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