5:22 PM | Sunday, February 03, 2008 | Link
Change of layout (:
I have been using this com for the past 6 hours. HMMM. Change of layout (:
Just changed the layout for a fresh change but I think it's quite plain. Haiix. I don't know lar. I don't like millions of colours though ):
And I made the banner myself (: Hee. Took me quite long to figure out what's wrong with the whole damn thing.
CNY's coming (: I gonna go back to NC i guess.
I'm tired now. Going off to watch teevee now. And my homework's undone ):
Have not read the history notes. I can go commit suicide yea.
Bball practice was ok (: Realised that I was going far far far too unhealthy. Didn't even do any vigorous running and I was feeling tired. How dumb. Just did some lay-ups which weren't even FAST AT ALL. WHAT THE HELL.
I guess I'm disappointed at my fitness. Can't even do 100 skips at one time. DAMN LA. My knees would give way and I would go crushing down like a pathetic toot.
Reply tags: (I don't bother to make the italic lalala or whatever)
Lingyue : Linked (:
Meng: That was for fun anw. I mean the nickname
Jam: HARLO!! (:
Caris: LAMEEEE luh. Haha. YOu really typed what I asked you to (:
Joy: HeLLLOO! And it isn't xinku. It's just that I'm feeble.
And err, the names are not in sequence. HEE. (: