6:08 AM | Wednesday, February 27, 2008 | Link
Early in the morning. at 6 o clock (:
Ha. that title sounds familiar. (: It's about 6am now and I've just finished my powerpoint! (: I love powerpoints. They're pretty if you make them pretty. (: My job is quite slack though. And my bro is sleeping in this room while I just printed the slides. My dad just came in and told me to type S.O.F.T.L.Y. Ha. Can't control myself. i shall continue slamming the keyboardEarly in the morning. at 6 o clock (:
Yesterday's training was hiong. CHIONGGG. Scary. Our coach was changed, therefore, the sudden scariness. Felt tired but happy in the end. (: Can't skip on one leg though. Retarded slow legs. Takes them like 1 second later to realise they have to jump over the rope. Got caned in the end. >.<
P.E. was sucky. Missed 15 minutes of recess because of the mock Napfa. Got punished for being late by doing 10 push-ups. We didn't even know that we were going to do the 5 items can! We thought we were running. TOOT LA.
I have many many drafts but I never posted them cos I was multi-tasking and did not finish the posts in the end. HMM. Since I have so much time now, I shall go post them later (:
Slept at 10.30 yesterday and woke up automatically at 3:18am. I think my body is nuts. Going to holland v. to do surveys. Then gonna chiong to French.
Our classroom is changed from the small pathetic hot room with barely 4 more fans to a COSIER, AIR-CONDITIONED NICE PRETTY ROOM with like millions of fans?
There're curtains too (:
Can sleepppp too.
TOmorrow, we would be supporting the b-boys. CRUCIAL MATCH. Hope they winnn (:
Winning just rocks. Whee.
Then gonna rush back to school and train, I suppose. And I gonna pon two periods of classes (:
But ACC isn't that bad.
Gosh, I just REMEMBERED that I haven't packed my bag. damn. And I feel ashamed cos people have like 200 posts and this blog has hardly 100 posts. Archives blog isn't included.
And my tagboard is dead. geee.
-I really have nothing to say ok. Your're just so fantastic to make me feel so amazed. Yea yea.
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