8:36 PM | Wednesday, September 24, 2008 | Link
Life's mundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundanemundane.mugmugmug
Emphasis is required when life really is horrible. French test was fine yesterday. The teacher was kind and polite. At least she didn't cut me off when I spoke halfway, unlike Teri. And she even explained the question to me(: When I HUH??!!, she smiled and repeated her sentence, although I don't think I really understood ahha.
But I still think I screwed up. zZzz
There's a way to release stress though. CALCULympics, made up of CALCULATOR + Olympics. Simple, challenge your friend to 0. 100m would be urm. 100 + =
Ans -1
then keep pressing = and see who reaches 0.
retarded but it's more interesting than lessons.
I found it real interesting yesterday but it ain't anymore.
My mum came back already(: safeandsound. haha.
She bought 6 earings and 3 dresses and a shirt and a short and 3 long pants -.-
Dresses o.O
blahblah. TAGTAG please.
Mugged geog in school for AWHILE.
Gonna mug maths with rachel tomorrow. Mugging maths tonight. Friday would be french test + mugging for geog. History would commence tomorrow too! No study dates from now on. You gonna date yourself! ):
Anyway I realised that Yangmehmeh's method of facing a white wall and doing your work in a quiet room does work sometimes. Just put coffee beside you to stay awake.
I'm going to try a day of mugging without sleeping. Like 3-1. sleep for 2 hours. 3-3 next day.
Then the next day crash till the next morning.
OHYAH. And I cut my hair. SHORTSHORT. Feels lighter and makes me happy. Changes make me feel happy(:
Goodluck for maths diagnostic quiz. I hate quadratic graphs.
Off to bathe and mug.
WHY mug?
1. Cos you don't want to screw up.
2. And you want to spare your ears from rantings
3. cos it'll affect your damn future
4. cos you go to school to study = mug
5. cos if you suck and end up in some not-so-nice combo class, you won't be happy
6. teachers look down on students with bad grades.
7. a good student is a student who can mug. which in this case is rightfully wrong.
): the list can go on and on. and I'm damn right about point 6.
7:53 PM | Monday, September 22, 2008 | Link
just a short break
I just came back from school so I'll stink most probably. Had my lunch though. just a mere 15 minutes for this post and I'll probably go bathe. Note the word probably... haha. Not that I won't, but just that i'll probably drag on for about an hour or so. PROBABLY. Hey i love that word.just a short break
I didn't know the school would be that quiet. Mugged dossiers 12-17, learnt many new stuffs and realized that studying alone is much more productive, although it would certainly bore you out. Completed Maths practice paper but felt damn pissed with graphs. Quadratic graphs suck. I can't draw freehand, nor can I draw with the flexible curve. So what happens? you go erasing as if the paper wouldn't tear and soon, you realise you aren't wrong at all. DUMB isn't it.

Was feeling sleepy and hopeless at a point of time, so I walked to the canteen to buy two cans of coffee and a menthos. Drank only a cup and felt energetic. I LOVE COFFEE, cos they make you feel useful once again. But they gonna make your teeth go yellow if you drink it as if it's plain water.
(: I felt super happy when I begin speaking french to myself in the class and it sounded relatively fluent. I just hope that I won't meet the same freaky Singaporean who speaks french like some bullet train. Then I'll go HUH? Then she'll repeat. Then I'll go .......... and she'll smile and speak slowly. But the time I get the rough meaning, 2 marks gone. -.-
Today was a yawny day. I counted. Yawned 12 times during assembly, 5 times during Chemistry. What's with life. Isn't it supposed to be exciting and entertaining?
Assembly was lame, although Ms Tan did make it entertaining at times. Nick Vajinini or something is a cool guy. He exudes so much optimism that you wouldn't even think that he was limbless, if you just hear his voice.
If only one can be so optimistic, the world would be undefeatable.
Yesterday was my second yoga lesson and it was nice. I learnt something from Master Van though.
Once you've learnt how to torture yourself, torture is nothing anymore.
I don't mean torture as the torture those assholic japanese soldiers gave to torment the prisoners-of-war. It's another torture. He said that we chose to torture ourselves by joining yoga and it's true. When you stretch, you feel as if your muscles are going to tear apart any moment and your bones are going to be dissected and well, you'll die.
It's quite true though. But these build up your mental strength and you'll turn into a stronger person(: And thus, you'll emo lesser or won't even emo AT ALL, because you'll know that everything is just part and parcel of life.
I LOVE how yoga makes you feel tranquil and appreciate life. haha. it really calms you down and makes you listen to your heart. ANDAND, there isn't a need to express the pain you feel in your body on your face. Because, THE FACE ISN'T FEELING any pain, so why make it seem so?
Mugged with Jingmei and jacob on saturday. Sent my mum off at 5 at the budget terminal. Gave her a nice tight hug cos I'll really miss her. And she was happy I suppose, because I wouldn't start a hug. Usually SHE'S the one.
Geez, my nose is itchyyy. And I'M already missing her. It just feels so weird when you don't see her although we hardly talk because I would be rotting in front of the computer when she comes back and the only words said would probably be "HELLO MUMMY". Then she'll come in to the room and say something like "what you doing?" in a concerned manner and I'll just dao cos she'll apparently see that I'm doing work and walk away.
Coming to think of it, I'm abit worried. It's bangkok. Just come back quick! Tomorrow(:
Stayed at Starbucks for like 5 hours then shermin came for about half an hour and left then jacob came then jingmei came. Stoned at starbucks for an hour or so, talking and camo-ing before heading to macs for lunch. stoned for another hour and went to t3's macs. DID WORK and went home(:
Chatted quite ALOT and I realise I just completed on the topic of reproductive systems -.-
And I JUSTJUST learnt that fertilisation occurs in the fallopian tubes! WTF, I thought it occurred in the uterus. Andand, Jacob feels embarrassed when I mug biology. Cos I'll go asking "Uh, what's the function of the penis besides giving off sperms?"
then he'll ask me to study biology in school =.=
What's wrong with asking things that's natural. I mean, they call pornography art in US. It depends on your view actually.
Tomorrow's French oral and wednesday's science practical and friday is french test.
And I gonna change my lifestyle when EOY's are over. Let's just hope so.
Oh, tomorrow'll be a nice day(: I'm sure
Cos today was relatively nice.

If the sky was as dark as this, how would you be able to see? You were already blinded in daylight, not to mention night time.
Walking in the dark just give you so much strength to rethink about everything, and getting out of the darkness once again.
Harlo(: thanks for getting the ball rolling hahhaha
I DON'T appreciate the tiger marks ok! Nothing can be peaceful when I sit with you I tell you. And yepp, you're the second one lol. And I wish we can sit together again. BLAH. What's with democracy?
Ok lah, doesn't really sound wrong, cos there are probably more wrong stuffs. And uhh I didn't know it'll be THAT dangerous but I don't know uh. And hi(:
10:34 PM | Thursday, September 18, 2008 | Link
mood swings
I wonder what is with me can. Yesterday felt pissed just because calvin and hansiang were fooling online. I was chatting happily with my mum before that and felt light-hearted, but all of a sudden, all f-words came out like a flow of river. mood swings
ahh i just laughed at Hot Shot's joke. ah ha. mood back to normal. what the hell.
Today was horrible. Snapped at people for no reason. Laughed before recess then was crappy after recess. Laughed at seriously funny jokes but felt annoyed when there was annoyance after that, which were just a little.
Food cheered me up a little(:
Recess: Hamburger and 2 choco chips
Lunch: 2 choco chips, 2 tarts and waffle
Greedy pig isn't it haha.
mugged at changi with jacob. calvin and hansiang didn't want to go. met jam caris and shermin at the foodcourt haha. Was quite productive. Science is good now.
It's 11:30 and i should be sleeping. my mum just came out to scream. SCREAM SCREAM SCREAM. ok lah, it's just nagging. blahblah. i want to sleep but i so wanna watch.
let's hope tomorrow would be a good day(: I always say that what the hell.
9:40 PM | Tuesday, September 16, 2008 | Link
I thought I was able to study with the computer switched on but I realised not. 2 hours gone like that. Fast. I gonna make use of the hour left. Time's running out. I sound as if the world's going to end HAHA.digressing
But there were numerous times when I wondered what I would do if the world comes to an end. I wouldn't even be here I guess. No computer, no teevee, no basketball, no food. But there would be friends(:
Dozing off during french. This is the probably the first time since I slept through French. Somehow I can stay awake but my eyelids were heavy today. Slept after CME test and I was really dead asleep. Gosh, I was damn afraid that I was salivating. -.- Not that I do but yea, worries crawl up you just like that.
Maths test was expected. PASSED. I scored like shit for the whole test and did I feel sad? NO. That's probably the saddest thing. I felt nothing near the sadness I felt when I failed my science test. Life's horrible when results betray your expectations.
Yesterday's assembly was fine, although I thought it was SLIGHTLY retarded how 3 people can find so much joy and satisfaction maneuvering an inanimate object. The last part was the most interesting I suppose, laughed abit.
I gonna mug hell lot on thursday and friday. I guess self-study would be much better. Study dates are somehow hopeless because you'll end up digressing. But study dates are a must for science.
and it's going to be one month since I had a new tag-.- Maybe I should just consider removing the whole goddamn tagboard. Blah.what's with that word there? argh.nevermind.
i can't wait for everything to go back to normal.
10:43 PM | Monday, September 15, 2008 | Link
a day gone again
Just came back from Changi after a study date with Jiamin. Study date sounds nice and less muggish lol. Changi is really quiet and serene. Ok, not EXACTLY quiet, but it's peaceful and calm. I was telling Jiamin that it was quite romantic if poor couples decided to take a walk at Changi and not buy anything. But that would be quite a loser isn't it.a day gone again
Mugged two science topics and I'm surprised that I can remember the reproductive organs and the transport system. Biology is nice. At least nicer than horrible chemistry which just seems so difficult.
Lunch was ok and funny. Had stomach pain cos i was laughing too much. Calvin Jacob Hansiang are jokers. Then I think the girl behind me left because we were too noisy and affecting her mugging. Didn't feel like being considerate because i seriously needed a good laugh. However, stupid castrated eunuch En Zhi hid my wallet and thus I lost 30 mins by going back to school and back to the mrt again. I was cursing him on the way because i was angry and annoyed. F words came out and I even wanted to castrate him lol. It's abit pervertic uh.
I bet the people who walked past me must have been thinking I was insane because I was talking to myself and I looked fedup.
But nice sylvia decided to bring my wallet to me(: haha. I seldom praise her de wo. hurhur.
Bused-27 home. Had a nice sleep on the bus and felt refreshed. This is the first time I felt good on new buses and had a nice sleep. I think getting seats on the new buses is important. Tomorrow's CME test. Let's hope my morals and ethics are enough to allow me a pass. i wonder what's the use of such lame tests.
And I have a damn complaint to make. The cool parents thing is spamming our inbox. whatthehell. Annoying. I'm getting easily pissed damnit.
My mom's going to bangkok. I gonna miss her. And her food preparation for us for breakfast. Sigh. Got to stick with bread): Life's sad. I just hope she comes back safe in one piece and buys loads of stuff for me. hahah. Bangkok seems to be messy uh.
Finally completed the ACC script. ACC's a lame thing. But I think the history is interesting. They shouldn't make us present and do lame stuff. Everything's lame actually. I wonder what's EOYs for.
The mid-autumn celebration was ohwell, quite a waste of time although I think spending some time learning about our roots is quite good. mooncake making was ok and my mooncake tasted surprisingly edible. Mum's ones are still the best(: I love bing pi. Icy icy.
i need a study mate and a twin. i wish the days in primary school. but i'm contented with everything currently.
cos i've learnt to be contented.
and i'm indeed blessed.
so stop it christina. hope for more and you'll lose more.
8:46 AM | Wednesday, September 10, 2008 | Link
being here.
Being here stuck in the computer lab. The past few weeks were tiring although I don't think I did anything constructive or meaningful. Well, except mugging. haha. I strive to improve my french and ohwell, let's hope the efforts will pay off.being here.
Flunked science test and I think I deserved it. My mind was in a complete blank when I saw the test paper. IT's never too late so I shall studystudystudy.
Just a few more weeks and training will resume, everything will be back to normal(: That's when fun starts.
I didn't believe that my mum would be so understanding. It's amazing yet bewildering how they can behave beyond your expectations. My mum understood why I didn't go school and was quite passive about it. My dad was furious and blabbered on and on. Sometimes he can be THAT understanding about certain stuffs. I'm so glad they're like balanced. When this fumes about certain thing, the other wouldn't. Weirdos. I wonder how they got together in the first place haha. But I'm glad it's over(:
Yoga lesson started last Sunday. I didn't know what to expect but of course, since it was the first lesson in my entire life, I believed that nothing could be THAT difficult. I was the youngest in the class I think, but the instructor still treats us equally. HOWEVER, Master Van didn't look like a yoga instructor. He wore a white loose top and brown loose long pants. An Indian with a tummy. ahaa. But he was awesome. Flexible like a flexible curve. He could just sit down, stretch his legs, and bend all the way to the front.
The stretches and bends made me realise how weak my knee was. I was trembling and fidgeting there and I felt pain at my knee. My waist felt a piercing pain when I stretched upwards. Everything's painful, but I think it'll pay off(:
Yoga's about cultivation too. Felt peaceful when Master Van told us to close our eyes and concentrate on our breathing, ignoring all things except ourselves.
It was so quiet that I could hear my heartbeat against my clasped palms. Life was peaceful, for once.
Maths common test tomorrow. All the best everybody(:
I shall concentrate on my EOYs after last year's horrible experience. I don't want it to repeat again. It's time to start.