4:09 PM | Saturday, February 24, 2007 | Link
Childhood times... not really lame.
My relatives just came and a relative brought her grandson. And it was super cute! Okehs, not cute, innocent looking. I loved his hair man. Suitable for a child, BUT NOT FOR ME. DEFINITELY. hahas, I don't wanna a round hair man. =)) I think a bowl was put onto the head and the excess hair was snipped off. Hahas. =))Childhood times... not really lame.
Anyway, he doesn't really look cute in the pictures because he doesn't know how to LOOK CUTE. wahahas, some BIG gals do know how to man. I know a few in my school.. =((
Heh, I didn't have anything to post so I just post it bahs. My hands are itchy manz!
Some are taken with my phone and cam. Guess you know which is which. =)) 0-0
That's all! Frankly speaking, I do smile when I see children playing. I mean the joy that they feel; we CAN'T and WON'T feel it anymore. Although I don't wanna feel it, but I guess childhood is really cool. =))
Like you have all sorts of ways to feel happy. Innocence and everything. Be delighted over a teeny weeny bit of stuff, it's really very nice. I mean, now you won't be happy over a sweet or biscuit ehs? Perhaps even a phone won't make us feel DELIGHTED. We may just manage a smile and grab the phone and BYE BYE!
See what I mean?
But anyway, I still prefer being a teenager. Hmmm, teenager...
Okehs, someone who is going to reach teenage. =)) Uh huh!
It rocks more. I have a nicer wardrobe and I'm treated more adultish.... =)) It's like nicer and you get more respect. =)) Not that I don't get any when I'm young...
4:30 PM | Tuesday, February 20, 2007 | Link
Porky Year!!
It has been a long time since I posted pictures or at least something interesting. Oops, I guess the pictures of my basketball shoes are exempted then. =))Porky Year!!
Hehes, just received an email that is very cute. Many animated pictures too. =)) Wahahas, get your brains ready! Maths here everyone!! =))

HUMANS = eat + sleep + work + enjoy
PIGS = eat + sleep
Hence, HUMANS = pigs + work + enjoy
if, HUMANS - ENJOY= pigs + work
in other words,
Men = eat + sleep + earn money
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Men = pigs + earn money
if Men - earn money = Pigs
in other words,
Women = eat + sleep + spend
Pigs = eat + sleep
Hence, Women = Pigs + spend
if, Women - spend = Pigs
In other words,
Women that don't spend = Pigs
Men earn money not to let women become pigs!
Women spend not to let men become pigs!
Men + Women = 2 Pigs
Wish All the Pigs Happy Forever.
Men earn money not to let women become pigs!
Women spend not to let men become pigs!
Men + Women = 2 Pigs
Wish All the Pigs Happy Forever.

hahas, that was really cute. I received lots of emails regarding new year. It's really cute on how people can associate pigs to humans.
However, in Singapore, we are really open because we are CHINESE. So PIGS are included in the Zodiac so nobody really cares because Singapore is more of a Chinese-dominated country. HOwever, in Malaysia, pigs aren't allowed to be included in advertisements or banners. So practically, in Malaysia, you can't really feel the new year feeling.
Well, regarding why you can't include pigs right, I give you a hint. Look at the culture of Malays. That you will understand. =))
We should respect their culture right? Oh yahs, talking about culture, I have to write an essay regarding that. UNDERSTANDING CULTURE AND RELIGIONS... hmmm, this's a difficult one man. But I leave that later. don't wanna write that now. =))
So, last but not least,
10:18 PM | Sunday, February 18, 2007 | Link
Hehs, CNY'S first day started with some abrupt waking-ups man. I was rudely awoken by the callings of my mum. She asked me to wake up at 8.30man! Obviously, it had to be in the morning. But well, after some slacking here and there, I woke up at...9! wahahas.CNY...lalala
Well, after greeting my parents and of course, get some ang paos, it was time to do some visiting here and there. And of course, saying happy new year and getting ang paos!
Hahas I guess every of you go through the same thing so I guess I miss that part off my blog post.
Then after some gambling and losing of money to my relatives, it was time to eat... urms,I don't really know the english version of it... PSPS!!. It's like mixing all the ingredients together. Urms, in chinese, they call it Lou Hey. Hahas, English han yu pin yin. =))
All the different types of veges are mixed together. =)) It tasted really nice last year because the taste was just nice and well, I love COLD FOOD. But this time, round, I guess my mum had put too much ginger bahs, but anyway, it just tasted WEIRD. And plus, I HATE GINGER. Okehs, this kinda of stuff HAS TO HAVE SOME GINGER, but then, too strong a taste of ginger would taste SUPER WEIRD.
Okehs, it's new year man people, so I guess I shouldn't complain. As to what the chinese say, I should be contented with what I have I guess. If not God will punish me and take away what I have. =(( Then, I would end up with N.O.T.H.I.N.G.
Then I would be crying like shit man.
Anyway, about the ginger, I think it just tastes weird. My mum keeps telling me how good it is bla bla bla bla but haiis... nevermind... I SHOULD SHUT MY MOUTH UP ABOUT GINGER!@!!! **Bangs head to the wall****
Oh yahs, the feeling of everyone mixing the veges together up and down while saying all the auspicious stuff sounded rather cool and warm. I mean, cool in the sense like... COOL??
Warm in the sense like it is very ehart-warming.
Uh huhs! Hahas, understand liao hors? Lol!
Anyway, my right hand was almost covered with the veges from my elbow downwards. It felt cold and sticky. You know, y ou have to have some sort of sticky sauce on the veges.
Then after that was gambling, gambling and gambling. But heys, poker trains the mind man. YOu have to be QUICK. =))
It's practically gambling, eating and visiting during CNY. And heys, the gambling stuff is just a few cents and it's fun. Don't call the police here to my house man.
So well, I didn't had anything to do so I came home to blog and play audi!! =))
Just played audi with ko0n yesterday although I still had some projects. Anyway, those weren't compulsory. i finished those that I should. =)) And there was another patch where we could have 3 couples! That was so damn cool lors!
And I sort-of regained my audi le! hahas! I think my perfecting sort-of improved but my pressing of buttons are still rather slow compared to my previous speed. Gotcha jiayous man! But I can't play for so long so well, it's just for fun de. =)) I wanna explore the many modes. One thing that is SUPER BAD AND DISGUSTING is that I keep dcing practically every 2 or 3 rounds!!!
My com is getting lousier and lousier man. Siians, I think I am getting some sort of stupid virus. =(( GGGRRRRR!!
Anyway, that's all I blog about I guess. CNY isn't really fun but it's just a break for everybody bahs. That's the meaning of CNY i guess. It's almost the same every year isn't it? But I love the warm feeling and yahs, sometimes the shows that Mediacorp broadcast are nice although they are super oldies. 0-0
Other than that, school still ROCK!
9:33 PM | Tuesday, February 13, 2007 | Link
Hahas, our benevolent principal has kindly given us
a day off on 16th February 2007!!
Weee! I'm so elated and so looking forward to Friday! I plan with cheryl, Sylvia and the rest (people who are hardworking and bother to wake up instead of lying in bed all day, sleeping like hell) go to school at 7 in the morning!! Hahas, wanna have the feeling of an NCpian. It would be sooo super cool!Then I think I gonna bring my bball there to play. =)) Because the whole new year celebration starts at 10. Hahs, then I can go and disturb the teachers. =))
Okehs, I'm bad. I don't ka jiao the teachers, I listen to their lessons. Ah, not bad ahs? I guai kia right?
Mdm Chin wants Jia Hui and I to help her with the mediaclub stuff. Well, the primary fives are real messed up huhs? Then we, the heros, come step in and save the world. WAKAKAKHHSS.
I think not. I just walk around and boss around and just well, land my butt on the seat. Hehes, just talk crap can liaos. But I try to help bahs. ANyway, I believe they can cope de lorhs. We shouldn't really look down on them anyway. Who knows, they can build miracles. =))
Hahs, I bet all of you are jealous. Ko0n was jealous when I told her this. Hahas, she didn't SAY THAT SHE WAS JEALOUS. I infered that. Hehes...
10:48 PM | Sunday, February 11, 2007 | Link
Support. That's what basketball shoes are for
Hahs, I promised your this post right? Regarding my bball shoes. It's rather lame though and the resolution of the pictures are super no good because I took it with my phone which is only 1.3 megapixels.Support. That's what basketball shoes are for
So well, you know what to expect.
So from the diagonal view, it looks like this:
And from the top,
And the side,
But worse of all, from the TOP,
I mean, it looks so BIG.
Okehs, basketball shoes should be big because if you include all the padding to "save" your ankles from being crushed it would be 1 and a half size of your original foot. =((
Big foots don't look nice. =((
Hahas. Anyway, I bought the smallest size at the Ang Mo Kio sports shopping mall. There are really a huge variety of basketball shoes. From different colours, different cuttings, different brands and different SIZEs of course.
6 and a half was the smallest and the one that could fit my foot just nicely. =)) And the 6 and a half size is male's size for goodness sake. I was asking the salesperson if there was any basketball shoes that were meant for girls but he said there wasn't.
I shrugged and I tell you what I was thinking then. I was like:
"What the hell??!! Why are the creators of the basketball shoes so biased? Can't girls play basketball too?"And what's more, girls need more support because we tend to be not so stable. Okehs, not ALL girls but it's some of them. People like ME!! Hahas, I super light so even a stronger gust of wind can blow me away. i'm just so pathetic. =((
But basketball shoes feel good. In the sense like you feel a sense of security that you won't really hurt your ankle. And with the knee support that I have, I didn't hurt my ligament!!
WEeee!! I nearly hurt it and almost heard my bones crack, but something just stopped it. I guess that's my knee guard. It kept my knees tight and the bones more stable... I seem to be talking crap though.... And well, my knee is a little swollen, just half the size than it's usual swollen one. So everything is due to the kneeguard's great job!! Hahas, bought it for about $12.80 I guess..... 0-0
It's not really cheap. But I guess that's worth it since it saved me from every practice. I tell you, I almost sprained my ligament every practice! You can imagine that. If the knee gets swollen everytime, you can imagine how BIG my ligament would be..... 0-0
Two days later would be basketball practice again! I'm looking forward to it. I mean, it's a nice feeling to be tired after basketball practice. Although yes, it is taxing on the muscles and limbs, the feeling is still great after a while. As what they say, no pain, no gain. =))
*There I go with my philosophal rants again... =))*
I just tried Audi today and I could play!! Hahas, my com's a heck mad. I signed in and played for about 45 mins and saw ko0n inside!! Weee!! But I lost every match. Hahs, got rusty and my com was lagging. My com's laggy nowadays. Super lao ya.
What's more, my fingers were sticky after doing project work. Hahas, was too excited that I didn't bother to wash my hands and my fingers took about 1 second later to move. =((
But anyway, that was super fun and I managed to do my work quicker after that relaxation. =))
That's all for now I guess.
Looking forward to everydays.......=))
8:15 PM | Saturday, February 10, 2007 | Link
Meaning. Find that. =))
Hmmm, nowadays, my posts are super philosophical siia. Hahas, anyway, I just thought about something. Now almost every blog has a category whereby the bloggers dump all the posts that are some sort of everything junked up into something. For example: I'm listing them down according to my memory bahs. didn't really check. =))Meaning. Find that. =))
- For Grace right, who's the pioneer siiahs, started with Random Rambling #(~). However, her numbering is always off. =)) Hehes, right Grace?
- For me, whom I copy her, I super copycat de. =)) actually had -(~)- but eventually changed them to Rant And Rave #(~). Hehes, and now, I gonna stop using it. You find out why. =))
- For Zhan right, it would be #(~).
- Hmmm, then for Meng, it would be (~)st/nd/rd/th. Hahas. If I'm not wrong bahss.... =))
- Last but not least, is Joy's one. And hors, this gal hors super long de lorhs. Hehes, name until so long..... YOu must have a hard time typing it mans. It's with no particular subject in mind #(~)
WEEEEE~!!!@ Hahas, I finally finished typing it liaos! I'm not sure if Windz put them a not siiahs. Hahas, the only special one. I am also going to stop using it.
No matter what, when you blog,there is surely something that you base it on. When that happens, what you base it on could be used as a title isn't it?? =))
And when you do that, you tend to be more focused and hahas, this will help you in your compo!! Perhaps this was why my compo improved when I started blogging. Then I started using those Rant and Rave crap after examinations ended. Hengies man. Then at the start of this year, I found out that my compo sucked like shit. So well, that was when I guess this is the problem.
I told my parents how blogging helped me but they thought it was crap. perhaps they think that typing what happened that day doesn't really has anything to do with blogging but my english improved greatly. In the past, I was a complete nerd in English. My English sucked, almost everything did. =((
Hehes, I'm talking nonsense almost everyday. So the Ravings link in my linkies column is going to be there. That's Ravings for my archives. In this "new" blog, Ravings will be gone!!
WAHAHAHAS, this is really worth for celebration man. Celebration celebration celebration. I'm releasing my homework stress here man. Going psycho and crazy makes me feel younger... =))
I have children songs in my phone. =)) Elmo, Barney, Spongebob, Schnappi This isn't a really childish song, and I'm searching for more. =)) Recording them. Oh yahs, Bob the builder too..!! Hahas,=))And Blues Clues. They are super cute.
Hehes, going back to my younger times. Just put it in my phone for fun. =)) My friends are crazy over it too.....
I mean, it seems like a different genre and when you listen to it once in a while, it's super cute. =)) But obviously, I don't include them in my library.....0-0
Guess that's all for now, and well, find a meaning. IN EVERYTHING. =))
8:50 PM | Friday, February 09, 2007 | Link
Slash. Slash. Slash. All pains gone
Hmmm, slashing of wrists was heard before but i didn't really consider it to be like sort-of serious. I once watched a TV serial about slashing of wrists and how the victims felt. It's actually very simple. There are many reasons for it.Slash. Slash. Slash. All pains gone
- For fun like Joy. Although she didn't really slash her wrists. =))
- To erase the pain, disappointment or stress that is tormenting them by the excruciating pain when the penknife is pierced through the flesh, into the blood... Eeeks, this sounds so grosss.....
- To make people notice them.
It's very simple though. Because slashing of wrists seldom occur in lower sec, people tend to notice them and pay more attention to them. So well, then the slashing of wrists might stop if people continue giving them the attention that they want. But if they aren't given the attention, they will continue slashing their wrists although the idea wouldn't be very fresh then. =(( Instead, it would turn STALE.
Ta Da! Simple as that! Oh yahs, the for fun part right is because some people find it super fun because the slow moment when you slowly slash your wrists.
You know, you heart will beat furiously and when you finally get it in, it's as if a fast roller coaster ride that lasts lesser than 3 seconds when it comes down. That's what I saw from the television programme. So in some way, it's really scary.
Well you know, we people have different ways of dealing with stress. For some people, it would mean physical torture. Well, so that simply explains the wrist slashing.
For me, if I have stress, I would listen to loud music or go for a swim. Or simpler, go play. PLAY is the most fantastic thing in the world. LALALA. Play.!!
So well, just get to understand why. I tell you, people won't really go to psychiatrists. You got to find out the reason why they slash their wrists first before referring them to psychiatrists or teachers. If they are willing to stop slashing their wrists, it would be far far better and more meaningful than forcing them to stop it when it's some sort like their addiction....
9:37 PM | Monday, February 05, 2007 | Link
Hais. I moved here since many people feedbacked that it was super slow. So my previous blog was changed to http://floatingillustion-archives.blogspot.com". Everything is still the same. I don't update that blog anymore. I update this one. =))Moved
Just came back from french lessons today and have a whole lot of shitty homework. Hahas, tomorrow would be the basketball time and I get to wear my new basketball shoes! Weee!! I gonna blog about my beautiful pair of shoes this weekend bahs. If I have the time to upload pictures and stuff like that... =))
That's all for now.... -flies to homework in a whizz-
**LIght malfunctioning... TWEETzzz**
++I'm lame.. 0-0 ++