11:58 AM | Saturday, July 28, 2007 | Link
Where's my life?? Give mine BACK

I FEEL BORED. super bored.

10:02 PM | Tuesday, July 24, 2007 | Link
whoots. It has been a long time since I blogged about emails. =DD And I received many nice ones. My mum started on her email-sending spree. It has been about a month since she has done so. =DD
Subject: Chinese+English=Chinglish

You might like it. This is hilarious.....even an Englishman could not construct sentences using numeric, which is exclusive only to Malaysians and Singaporeans.

Ah Lek was asked to make a sentence using 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10.
Not only did he do it 1 to 10, he did it again from 10 back to 1. This
is what he came up with.....

1 one day I go 2 to climb a 3 tree outside a house to peep. But the couple saw me, so I
panic and 4 fall down. The man rushed out and wanted to 5 fight with me. I ran until I fell 6 sick and threw up. So I go into 7-eleven and grabbed some 8 eggs to throw at him. Then I took a 9 knife and try to stab at him. 10 God he run away.

10 then I put the 9 knife back and pay for the 8 egg and left 7-eleven. Next day I called my boss and told him I was 6.sick He said 5 fine, tomorrow also no need to come back 4 for work. He also asked me to go climb a 3 tree and jump down. I don't understand. I am so nice 2 to him but I don't know what he 1.want
this is so cute!! those words in italic are typed by me. I know some words are obvious but I feel like doing it... =DD I can't believe that he was so creative!!
My friend who's rather good in English, didn't really understand.
So this email tests if you are truly Singaporean. =DD

I just realised this is the only email I can share.
Nevermind. Just to share with you a crap email that I received.
You won $420,000.00! Yahoo! Mail congratulates you!



YOU WON $420,000.00!

Yahoo! Mail gives members random cash prizes. Today, your account is randomly selected as the one of 12 top winners accounts who will get cash prizes from us.We are happy to inform you that you have won a prize money of (Four Hundred And twenty Thousand US Dollars) ($420,000.00) for the month of MAY Lottery win promotion which is organized by yahoo.messenger.com every month.

YAHOO! collects all the mail id of the people that are online on yahoo messenger, among the millions that subscribe to yahoo messenger we only select five people every month as our winners through electronic balloting System without the winner applying,we are congratulating you for been one of the people selected.All participant were selected through a computer balloting system drawn from Nine hundred thousand E-mail addresses from Canada, Australia, United States, Asia, Europe, Middle East, Africa and Oceania as part of our international promotions program which is conducted annually.

This Lottery was promoted and sponsored by a conglomorate of some multinational companies as part of their social responsibility to the citizens in the commmunities where they have operational base. Further more your details(e-mail address) falls within our Spanish representative office in Spain, as indicated in your play coupon and your prize of $420,000.00 USD will be released to you from this regional branch office in Spain.

We hope with part of your prize, you will participate in our end of year high stakes for US$1.3 Billion international draw.


These are your identification numbers...................... .

Batch number.....................Lwh 09445
Lotto number.......................Lwh09446
Winning number...................Lwh09447

To begin your claims, kindly contact your claims Agent;

You are required to forward him with the following details:

13 AMOUNT WON...................

As soon as you contact the Agent, he will advise you on what to do in order to get your prize money. Congratulations once more!!

For security reasons, we advice all winners to keep this information confidential from the public until your claim is processed and your prize released to you. This is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming and unwarranted taking advantage of this programme by non-participant or unofficial personnel.

Yours Sincerely,

The Yahoo.com staff
This is my second time I received such crap. My dad doesn't believe in this so I don't care if I post it here or not. The first time is here.



10:03 PM | Monday, July 23, 2007 | Link
image flooding
I didn't know what to name this post so I shall name it image flooding since I have 21 images to post.
I don't bother to count them. Just that if i use photobucket, it will help me count. And it uploads pictures much faster too...

The few pictures are collated over a few days cos I was too lazy to blog and if I just posted the few pathetic pictures, this post would have no content. And I love flooding a post with pictures. NOt separate ones. Then at least I no need to rack my brains to think of a nice and suitable blog title. =DD

I'm so smart right?

IDMI sucked. I know I mentioned this a lot of times and I suppose a lot of people would say how lousy and stupid IDMI is, and that we would rather study instead of given free time and no school. I see no use, because I don't intend to be a commercial-maker, or whatever you call it.
I got the project A3 and that means that I have to create a commercial or advertisement, if you would call it, for BOLLYWOOD VEGGIE FARM.
Okay, if it was in english, I wouldn't have bothered because I feel comfortable in English, but the most important thing is, it's in CHINESE!!

I can't believe it and I absolutely dislike it. NOt that I'm biased to Chinese or what-so-ever crap, but it's the fact that Chinese isn't a comfortable and casual subject. And out of my group of 5, only a guy is good in Chinese. The rest are English-oriented. Okay, not for me, I mean English is a much better subject. Or maybe not all four. Duh, those group members who read this would understand what I'm talking about. >.<


I'm feeling really stressed up now because I only have one stupid day to finish my stupid project and the next day I have to go and present the damn shit.

Just played basketball with Rachel, Rene, Yi Ren and Yu Hua.
Ok, not play. It's called W.A.T.C.H.

Rene and Rachel were really nice and concerned over my injured leg, saying that they would pump if I just purely touched the ball or bounced. And they really did. So when I started shooting (without jumping), they started pumping, I think about 15 times.
I'm really touched and understand their concern they have for me, but they should also understand how I feel, not being able to play basketball and shoot properly. Or let's just say, run properly.

I feel as if I'm crippled. And maybe I really am. Or not, since I can still walk and function properly.
But I shall not despair!

That's something I must really say. I shall be a good girl and start waiting for my leg(s) to heal for a month or two before I start being a alive and jumping basketballer! I do not want to start regretting in the future. By that time, it would be too late.
I was already stupid in primary 6 not to rest after I sprained my ligament for the first time. I believe that if I bothered to pay heed to my parents and friends' advice, I would not be in this predicament today.

But it's never too late I think. >.<
Let me give myself an encouragement!!
JIAYOUS CHRISTINA!! and may your knee recover and be a good basketballer, alive and kicking one more time!!

Ahhhh, I feel much better and refreshed.

Let me start uploading my pictures and make this blog post a nice one. =))
My visit to the sinseh
This was on Saturday to the same sinseh and I wrapped my knee. The first visit to the sinseh didn't include any wrapping or what-so-ever. Hehe. And the kind sinseh gave me a kneeguard for free. so nice right??^^
And my dad went for treatment for his pathetic middle finger because he injured it when he played basketball about 2 years ago. And it's swollen.

My knee: I think I'm stupid and lame but nevermind.
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Gah, my leg looks FAT. shouldn't have zoomed in. >.<
And the knee guard's tight.

oOk, my legs were fat in the first place.

ARGH, i want slimming pills!!

Hehe. NO of course. =DD

And when I bathe, I got to wrap it up with plastic bag. And it looks gay and niiang kayy.
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My dad's swollen cute sausage finger. Hehe
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Then we went to eat hokkien mee and tau suan. And I got photo crazy again and took it. I think I"m really lame and everything. But the tau suan and hokkien mee is nice.
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2 bowls of SHIOK TAO SUAN!!

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My bowl of Tau suan. Saliva dripping eh??

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let's see it drip!! Hahas. this is really lame but I realised that my phone's 1.3 megapixels aren't that bad and pixelated after all. =DD

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finished. licked off the bowls. =DD
I didn't dare to eat the chilli that the hokkien mee aunty provided. So this is the first time I left so much chilli untouched. =))
I'm a guai girl
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ahhh, it's so far. I WANNA EAT IT.

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Yeah, it's nearer now

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my dad's eating it. We bought only 1 plate. So it's either he eats it or I eat it. =DD I want CHOPSTICKS.
Here's a vid of him eating. I'm experimenting with videos currently and I love photobucket's video service. I think it looks prettier than Youtube's one. =DD

I think he was talking about how good the mee is. >.< I can't taste any difference though. hehe.

CLEAN plates. Okay, not as clean as the tau suan bowls. =DD
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and evidence that I didn't eat the chilli.. =DD
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argh, I just saw some mee. I didn't eat it that clean after all. hehe. I can't pick them up with chopstick.
I DON'T KNOW HOW TO!! -______________________-

Let me start being random to describe some pictures that I took. This is really a random post. >.<

Oh yeah, I just remembered something.

I can't believe it can. It's like, WTF?? The screen sucks, having the fact that I can only see the bottom half of the computer. And that's really stupid okay.
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And if you compare it with my mother's room's nice computer, the difference is just so great.
I prefer grey coloured computers. =DD
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And here's a nice picture of Titoy and Morchoo (the mascots of Kranji countryside) that En Zhi drew.
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We asked him to draw for nothing as we did not use it in the end. Then I felt sort-of guilty for asking him to draw it and not using it, because he spent quite a long time drawing it. Then I used it as rough paper and wanted to throw it away, so before that, I shall show you the nice picture. =DD Because it's already in the dustbin so I should pay some tribute to him. -____________- it's called politeness

I just updated my blog post for the French Day. Just a picture with the french teachers. Nico sent it to me yesterday as we met, since it was French lesson. =DD

French Petite test would be next week. I'm really freaked out at the amount of stuff I have not done.
I have yet to do my science report, revise for my french test and complete my IDMI.

I hope I get a good grade. (=

IDMI's 20% of the whole CA. It can easily pull me down man.

P.S. Grace, I have inserted a link for the tagboard. =DD that one's fat and nice. ^^

10:16 AM | Saturday, July 21, 2007 | Link
yesterday was the gathering our IDMI (Interdisciplinary Multiple Intelligence week)group had. Intelligence huh? I don't have any.

Initially, we (Teri, Sing Rue, En Zhi, Tabitha and I) chose to meet at the National Library but changed our minds because the National Library is super duper quiet. SO in the end, we flocked to McDonalds.

Everything sucked.


I don't wanna continue explaining the damn crap.


heys, I think I love this.


hahas. That was how my MSN name worked. "i'm bored. FULLSTOP."
I think that by typing the word FULLSTOP emphasize your point. Get it?? >.< I DON'T WANNA end my life okay. This isn't a suicidal note or a hint to people who are concerned about me. I still want to live with life and achieve many many things!! Life's short! I don't want to make it shorter!

I can't believe I procrastinated for 5 days and have not finished my french homework. I'm going to chiong it today and the IDMI thing tomorrow. My scanner can't work. URGH.
And I still have a science report to do. I CAN"T BELIEVE THIS.

Currently, life is boring except the few science lessons I had. >.<>Experiment: Making a quail egg jump
  1. put a quail egg in a beaker
  2. cover the quail egg with acid (HCL) completely.
    After a while, carbon dioxide will generate on the top of the quail egg and the skin of the quail egg will slowly peel off and what's left is a jumping quail egg!
  3. Stir the acid with the egg with a glass rod
  4. Immerse the egg into water and wait for a few days before you get a really JUMPY quail egg!!
This is a stupid list since it has only three numbers but it was really fun. I forgot to take the picture where my quail egg was really foaming but I tried my best. Lovies to Mrs Chu who allowed me to take pictures. =DD

I took my egg too early before the whole shell has pealed off. Kind Huiwen let me use her beaker of acid.So there's two cute eggs!!

Huiwen: =DD
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She looks sheepish I must say. And her chopstick skills aren't bad.

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See the foam?? It has sort-of died down. You should have seen the puffy one, it was super scary and looked as if it was going to savour the whole pathetic cutey egg. The liquid is acid.

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Looking from the top... (= Every angle of the egg is cute and round and yellow and nice. =D

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After you clear the acid, this is what it looks like. It's rather evening spread out though. And the skin's jumpy =DD It's sort-of soft and would go back to it's original shape after you "squeezed" it. Of course, you can't expect it to be as flexible as sponge!! Be gentle.

After that, we had to clean the egg with water. =DD
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Washing the egg. Err, I know I'm wasting water. Sorry.
Sorry Earth. I didn't mean it to. =((

I tortured the egg. Making it hit the base of the beaker all the time. It's cute you know. It goes DOI, DOI DOI!!
Imagine if it's a human head. >.<

Argh, okay, I'm gross

sorry, it's slanted. >.<

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ARGHHH!! I don't wanna separate with Huiwen's egg!! I have grown feelings and I"m attached to it!!
Christina, PUT ME BACK

And I did. (=
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Uhhhh.... OOOOO I feel sooo much better. Thanks pal. =DD

Okay, I'm lame. let me stop this torture. =DD It was fun though. hahas. those caps and everything. =DD

Then we tested if the eggs could jump. It was my egg. Huiwen couldn't bear to let her egg suffer so much.


And to end the post, let's post an x-factor!! =DD
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Mine's the left egg.

This picture's nice..... ^^


9:58 PM | Sunday, July 15, 2007 | Link
I'm stupid
I wonder how I really did that. i mean, I just jumped and I felt as if a huge size 7 or maybe 8 basketball hit my left knee. But there was NOTHING. read it. NOTHING So was it hallucination??

It was something tearing my muscle and my bones M.O.V.E.D. It's really stupid. And it's my left knee. Previously, it was my RIGHT KNEE which had some crappy problem and that "virus" sort-of 'transferred' to my left knee and damn, it sucks.

I just went to the sinseh yesterday and the two knees have 2 DIFFERENT PROBLEMS
My right knee (the old ah-peh lao lao one:) = a long old injury that occured because of dislocation
My left knee= overstretching of the ligament

But it's practically because of the two different types of injuries that I could walk properly =DD Think of the bright side of things!! (:

I can't straighten my left knee and I can't bend my right knee. So I can walk properly!! Although I would be limping. Haha.
I was sooooooooooooOOOOOOOOO glad that my parents did not make a fuss out of it or force me to quit basketball. I teared at the thought of it in school you know. Luckily no one saw.... -_____-'''

But I'm going to abandon basketball training and PE lessons for a month or two. And that would definitely SUCK. s.u.c.k.
But I would still be going to basketball trainings to see the trainings. Just in case I would be a TOTAL NOOB when I come back for trainings. I still can go practice my ball handling. >.< I must jiayou!! =DD

I wonder what Mr Yap would say about my knee man. I mean, he is a really strict PE teacher and the only thing that can excuse me from any Physical Education lessons is an MC. So maybe I would wrap my knees with thick bandage and go. But I would still change to PE, because we are currently learning Netball passings and well, I still can move my hands right?? =DD
Let's hope that my knee improves... ^^ Wish me good luck!!....

Yesterday was Dunman's open house and there were many DSA applicants for basketball. But most of them were boys, so well, the coach and the teacher-in-charge was rather disappointed. However, there were some good players who applied for DSA and I think jiao lian passed them all. =DD He should, since ALL OF THEM ARE GOOD.
Jiayous, basketball.

I just realised that I love to say the word jiayous. It sounds rather spastic if I keep saying it doesn't it? Okay, I shall stop it. Only saying it once in a blue moon. =DD

I'm going to Teri's house to do the cell model later. I'm going to turn her house upside down for food. >.< I'm a greedy person. It's just done purely for fun.

I just received many emails which would end this post beautifully. It's just so inspirational and encouraging. I love the pictures too. >.< Just too beautiful to be described. It's beyond description. ^^

I have many emails::
Food for thought: Don't ever give up!!
Good Morning, this is GOD . I will be handling ALL your problems today. Please remember ...I WILL NOT NEED YOUR HELP!!!

If life happens to deliver a situation to you that you cannot handle, do not attempt to resolve it. Kindly put it in the SFGTD Box (something for God to do). It will be addressed in My time, not yours. Once the matter is placed into the box, do not hold onto it.

If you find yourself stuck in traffic, don't despair. There are people in this world for whom driving is an unheard of privilege.

Should you have a bad day at work, think of the man who has been out of work for years.

Should you despair over a relationship gone bad, think of the person who has never known what it's like to love and be loved in return.

Should you grieve the passing of another weekend, think of the woman in dire straits, working twelve hours a day, seven days a week to feed her children.

Should your car break down, leaving you miles away from assistance, think of the paraplegic who would love the opportunity to take that walk.

Should you notice a new gray hair in the mirror, think of the cancer patient in chemo who wishes she had hair to examine.

Should you find yourself at a loss and pondering what is life all about, asking what is my purpose? Be thankful! There are those who didn't live long enough to get the opportunity.

Should you find yourself the victim of other people's bitterness, ignorance, smallness or insecurities, remember ... things could be worse. You could be them!!!!

So, just relax, and have a GREAT DAY!
Matthew 11:28
"Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden,
and I will give you rest."

This is really inspirational. I meant, it's really true. >.< ANd I found out that I have white hair, but I guess I should treasure my healthy scalp. >.< Haha.
Hi.!!! Hope this will brighten yr day....
Something interesting....Here's something for you to think!!!!

Read this. it is a 100% challenge that u will have a wrong answer to the question asked in the passage.

Once there was loving couple travelling in a bus in a mountainous area. They decided to get down at some place. After the couple got down at some place, the bus moved on. As the bus moved on, a huge rock fell on the bus from the mountain and crushed the bus to crumbs.

Everybody on bus was killed.

The couple upon seeing that, said, "We wish we were on that bus" Why do u think they said that?

>Scroll down for answer
>Come on think again .......
>Come on try hard.....
>Come on think again .......
>Come on try hard.....
>Come on think again .......
>Come on try hard.....
>Come on think again .......
>Come on try hard.....
>Come on think again .......
>Come on try hard.....
>------------------- Answer !!!! -------------------
If they had remained on the bus instead of deciding to get down, the resulting time delay could have been avoided and the rock would have fallen after the bus had passed ...!!!
Think positive in life always and look for opportunities when u can help others.

Never take some one for granted, Hold every person Close to your Heart because you might wake up one day and realise that you have lost a diamond while you were too busy collecting stones." Remember this in Life.

Now with the last email that I LOVE TOO MUCH. I just love the pictures!! ^^ I hope you can read the words on the pictures. It's actually a powerpoint slide, I saved each slide as a picture...
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Haha. It's pretty. especially the last few pictures. >.<

I wanna add one more to the powerpoint slide:
God would not ask how many injuries you have gotten, but how many times you have picked urself up after each one
I've picked myself up for more than 10 times and this time isn't an exception!! ^^

Some people do not believe that I'm a Buddhist as they thought I was a freethinker or at least a Christian or Catholic, but let me just say that I believe in all of them. =DD

They are still angels who help every pathetic soul on this earthly earth.

P.S. to people who have friendster, can you add me on it? I'm updating my pathetic friends list...!!

P.S. 2: Who knows what's the Chinese meaning of Food for thought? >.<

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1:58 PM | Thursday, July 12, 2007 | Link
I'm tired. I wanna sleep.
This week has been really long. NO, let's say that this term is really going real slow and long. I'm tired and I really can't help it. I don't know why I feel so tired despite not having much basketball practices nowadays.

I'm now in school blogging because there's no basketball practice. Basketball training would start next week or 2 weeks later I guess... >.I have a feeling that this post would be very long.... and yepps, I really have loads of time... =DD

I don't wanna go blog at home. I don't know why. Then I would abandon my homework. After doing what I wanna, I would head for home. And this is the stupid list of my homework.... GRRRRR
  1. Hazard Log
    Due tomorrow.... DAMNn, I haven't located the locations of the hazards and haven't pasted the hazards. I don't think we need to do any reflections though... =)
  2. History WS
    The table of a rich merchant's house and a summarian city.... Got to locate the five aspects of a civilisation and get all the evidence from two pathetic pieces of paper
  3. Science WS

No more I think. But I'm really slacked and pissed off now. I wanna do something entertaining and meaningful like going out with friends and chatting and cycling and jogging and ice-creaming playing basketball and loads of stuff instead of just using the computer and going to home to rest or doing homework.

I'm really bored of my life man. Life at NCPS is really damn nice and cool. I don't look forward to school like I used to.
Syl and I just chatted after the science biology lessons about how life in the secondary school differed.

Everybody looks so distant and the school doesn't feel as sunny as NCPS. I know it's like dumb and stupid to compare them but unconsciously, I would do so.... =((
I wanna visit NC since I'm rather free nowadays but I dont like the part where I have to trouble the teacher that I know to come down and sort-of "fetch" me up.

I just wanna have a walk round the school to enjoy the feeling of an NCpian again. No no, ex-NCpian. So what's wrong with that? Do I need to trouble the teachers?? I know it's for security reasons but sometimes I just loathe it. Can't they make some exceptions?? >.< NOTHING
Actually, I could sort-of let myself relax by going to the Science Centre with my family this Sunday but I have a project going on. And the date due is going to be rather close so since we only have free time on weekends, I guess I sacrifice my time... =DD Besides, I don't think Science Centre would be fun anyway. I think going to somebody's house and ko-rouing their house would be more fun. =))

I think i would go back to NC on the National Day celebration, no matter what. =DD I'm not going to miss it. And maybe I would go together with a crowd so it wouldn't be so troublesooe. Most people miss NC I think. And I hope those pai kias would not do the shit they did when they came back to visit during the Chinese New Year celebration, and get us being chased out by the Principal and the teachers.
The feeling sucks.

I'm going to change my topic to school now. I got to suit the environment, not let the environment suit me.... =((

Today was the day Jam and I have to do something for the performance for wo niu bang. It was a total failure. Jam kept laughing and I couldn't get what I wanted to say. I mean, I didn't even know what to say. We planned to like just say it on the spur of the moment, but nothing came to my mind so what I said was rather crap.

Then Mr Lim asked us to redo it. And we did the maths worksheet and I was SLOOOOWWW..
I took too slow to analyse and got into wo niu pai hang bang again!! It's so damn stupid. I think I gonna say jokes. Say 2 jokes. =DD Best if it's leng xiao hua. Or go find some nice funy video for them to see. Don't waste time in what skit. And I think it rather defeats the purpose.
Okayy, I don't think the wo iu pai hang bang has any use in the first place... =((

History powerpoint presentation was a sucky thing. OUr powerpoint presentation wasn't well done because it wasn't the edited one. The one which i edited wasn't shown!! I don't know why!! It's a rather waste of my effort then. Because I think i edited it two times. But I think Sher Min is the most disappointed... X(

And the font is different and weird! Lots of blank spaces here and there......

Darryl and Marcus kept shooting us with questions and some of which were rather unreasonable ones. I mean, how can they expect us to answer everything??!! But nevermind, I just hope they didn't fail us... =DD It would affect our scores badly... =((

The previous two posts were rather lame and meaningless. This post is rather meaningful. Lots of my feelings in it... =DD

Yesterday was French National Day. There was no french lessons, just purely fun. We watched a powerpoint presentation regarding the French National Day and did a quiz, did a happy birthday card, watch a short video regarding how to make a chocolate cake and fill in a questionaire and performed a skit.

Due to my misattendance during the last two lessons, I didn't understand what was going on and I must say our skit was the most not-so-good one. We were practically reading from the script and most of the words that we said were not really taught. Yufei said that she checked the dictionary. There were many other groups which were good. They talked and practically memorised the whole script.

There was one really funny group. Theirs was the most special. There was a robber who robbed a customer who was at a delifrance shop. The most funny part was that the customer wasn't even nervous about the robbery and the cashier didn't seem to bother or panic. The robber even said BYE to the victim!! Everybody laughed until they couldn't take it man!! =DD And they got the 1st prize for having the best score altogether.... They really deserved it. The skit was really entertaining... =DD

Here's some information I found regarding French Day:

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- Blue is the color of Saint Martin, a rich Gallo-Roman officer who ripped his blue cloak with his sword to give one half of it to a poor who was begging him in the snow. This is the symbol of care, of the duty that the rich had to help the poor.
- White is the color of the Virgin Mary, to whom the Kingdom of France was consecrated by Louis XIII in the XVIIth century; it is also the color of Joan of Arc, under whose banner the English were finally driven out of the Kingdom (XVth century). It became logically the color of Royalty. The King's vessels carried plain white flags at sea.
- Red is the color of Saint Denis, the saint patron of Paris. The original oriflamme (war banner) of the Kings was the red oriflamme of Saint Denis

What? French Day, otherwise known as Bastille Day
  • Took place on 14th July 1789 and marked the beginning of the French Revolution
  • The Bastille was a prison and a symbol of the absolute power of the then king, Louis.
    So by capturing it, it simply means that the people are free!! =DD makes sense though... =DD although I wonder how they can capture it...

  • The french teachers were so nice to give us a packet of french biscuits! And it tasted nice and unique!!

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    Here's Yufei and I biting it. My eyes look weird. I think I'm really tired.... =((
    Yufei's happy and hyper. =DD

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    A group photo. =DD
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    NExt week is e-learning week. I'm free!! =DD I think I would want to go home and sleep. ^^

    Hehe. It's nice blogging so long. It has been a rather long time since I blogged such a long post and I really feel good after recollecting what happened this few days....

    I still have 3 more pictures to post. All pictures of Syl.=DD She played with my phone during recess and took some pictures of herself. She's really crazy of herself... XD

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    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    She looks so puffy and cute!!! Hahas.

    And here's one which her hair looks like a rooster. =DD Reminds me of NN. The rooster head....!!! hahas. XD

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    OKayy, that's all for now. I gonna go update my chinese blog. It isn't updated for I think 4 or 5 posts le... =DD I think English is still a more prefered blogging language... >.<
