11:10 PM | Sunday, May 24, 2009 | Link
Just realised that my blog was actually quite dead. Time passes really fast.revive
EDS night yesterday, kinda nice at the back, with Mr Ken's monologue and the encore. The drama was kinda boring and the dances were o.o abit. ahas. but overall, it was nice(:
Interclass's great now. hahas, I must admit that the lots are wonderfully drawn and we're lucky. Heard that 3I wasn't really happy cos we were rough and stuffs. Not really going to say sorry cos if the referee blowed for the fouls of both sides, it's really fair. And during the first 5 mins of the first quarter, my class was blowed for fouls like crazy yeah.... If there are really any complaints right, ohwells, basketball is supposed to be kinda rough i suppose. Sorry if I smacked/elbowed/or did any rough actions to anybody. :/ Hope everything still remains friendly after interclass and that there weren't be any stupid interclass feud.
the match with 3D was fun hahas. enjoyed it alotalot and it was super relaxed(:
played ball with some yr4 guys with crystal after interclass. it wasn't really super fun, but the guys were kinda funny I suppose :/
Wonderful dad decided to fetch me after his game, so I ended up practising my shots.
sigh, school starts tomorrow and i haven't really done much besides filing my worksheets. DAMN IT.
interclass tmr, goodlucks everybody(:
You really changed okays. You dont realise it but I do. we're the alternative solution for your boredom. eff it okays. at least i don't think i'm that insignificant. please learn to treat the people around you properly, and appreciate their existence. they aren't lackeys or dogs that follow you around and for you to boss around just when you feel like it.
I just gonna shut up until I cannot take it any longer. Seriously I think people deserve better treatment. You changed, and ohwells, only some people can see it.
10:51 PM | Tuesday, May 12, 2009 | Link
Reply tags
woah. damn long ago ones lols.Reply tags
Richard: lol. -.-
JJ: heheh i'm a fast learner yeah.
Shermaine: oh okays sures
Amanda: lols thanks alot yeah(:
Calvin: hahas finally tagged you dodobird.
Jingmei: ah this tag darn long ago. evil woman, everytime come try scaring me :/
Jacob: yeah, hahas, harlos
Annoymous: lols thanks for concern(: made me think alot yeah.
Chan: yeah play ball soon(:(:(: INTERCLASS. hee you like stalker lidat. :D
Fraser. Sitong: LOL.
Tanjiaqi: heee. anon huhs? everytime kachiao me when you feel like it horh.
Crystal: wanna me to cheer up then ball with me muahahhaaa :D hahas thanks anyways(:
10:35 PM | | Link
yeah, breathe slow is like a super nice song. I know I'm like darn freaking lag but ohwells, i'm stuck with this song, till now :DBREATHE SLOW
Training was fine lahs. Just that we kana kicked out which isn't a very good thing. But ohwells, when people decide to fume and get pissed, we can't really stop it, can we, just like how we suddenly got hyper and zihigh.
stayed back awhile to shoot and read a little.
I DECIDED to add chinchow to my list of favourite drinks(:
Changed seats to the middle manz. Siao one, so squeezy and the people behind are like shorter than me. Then tabs had to pass a note to me to request to switch places but the problem was that mrs tan felt that the new seating arrangement would make learning more conducive for us.
sigh. still dozed off in maths although i abit paiseh to sleep now. and I'm so used to dumping all my stuffs on the table behind me ):
Changes suck when you don't get what you want.
Friendships change, everything does. It's so complicated manz.
And rae just introduced this website to me and it's like super hilarious..
"Old aunts used to come up to me at weddings, poke me in the ribs and cackle, telling me, "You're next." They stopped after I started doing the same thing to them at funerals."
got to go do maths and chem already. sigh.
nvms, tomorrow gonna be better(:
HAPPY 15TH jas!(:
stay happy kays, and don't get too stressed up. I dont think you'll read this anyways, but I DON'T TALK LIKE A FLOWER lol.
and 梦, ahhas, thanks for the sweet little mention at your blog yeah. No lahs, you should see the date of the post. Just sudden pangs of sadness, nothing de lah. NO BIG DEAL :D
just feel like spitting all the shit out to my blog, those who feel uncomfortable can just shoo rights(: we should really catch up sometime manz. take care yeah(:
&miss those times.
11:17 PM | Saturday, May 09, 2009 | Link
Today was a fabulous day. Went pray and shop a little before stoning in front of the com for 7 straight hours, chasing after some jap show which name is so long that I can't remember. It was kinda nice. then went to pray again at night. I seem to be praying all the time LOL.(:
Tomorrow I gonna do something constructive yeah.
Yesterday was fine. Cabbed to SBC for the seniors' match. It was seriously a good fight. Pity the sudden decrease of team morale at the end, and the horrible foul-out): But the good fight made me learn that you've to stay strong if you want to win the game. Falling down and being less fierce would make you lose the ball. Sorry-s are for the end of the game cos no one will actually pity you if anything happens to you.
I thought I would have been able to practise enough self-control by rushing off for french afterwards, but I ended up playing ball. Was left alone in school after Crystal had to go for her cc competition. Shot a few balls and was trying hard to get my ball feel back, then decided to stone and watch people play ball. The sunset wasn't really nice but ohwells, it was satisfying cos it was orangeee. :D
10:39 AM | Sunday, May 03, 2009 | Link
I'm having a terrible stomachache now. Twisted my knee when I was just having fun yesterday with chan, at the ball court. GAH. It was so unexpected. I mean, it was my right knee, the one which hadn't been touched for damn long.ache
but it aint swollen or anything so yeah, I suppose it'll be fine after yoga today?
I hope so.
These few days weren't really hectic but there was much emotional burden. Whole family just felt sad and disappointed altogether. I mean, it was so unexpected and i found it hard to believe at the start. No matter what, I just hope you're the devil with the angel in him; you just need more understanding from people and more time to learn that you've to think twice before you speak or carry out your actions. My impression of you being the impulsive guy who has no ill intention at heart will not change, though everyone's seem to have had.
The day at the beach on Friday was really great. I found the peace and calm I needed, though the sunset was disappointing. The sky was kinda pretty however, with it being pink and orange. The breeze, though relatively weak, was calming. I wanna build an attap house by the beach and be woken awake by the sounds of waves slapping the beach and birds chirping. But Singapore's ocean aren't crystal clear): Looks like diluted shit or mud.
Didn't go watch movie with teammies and I felt kinda bad when I said I had family matters. I really had to attend to them at home, but it wasn't as if I couldn't go watch. Just wasn't in the mood to watch after what happened.
When I went home that day at around 9:30, the house was noisy as usual. It wasn't the type of heartwarming noise which was due to people chatting nonstop, but it was the kind where the atmosphere was intense and uncomfortable. Didn't feel good, so I drank soup and rested on the sofa, drifting to sleep unknowingly. Guess I was really tired.
Balling with chan yesterday was kinda fun, although we didn't really drain our energy and be tired as we wanted. Ate instant noodles for dinner and bought deo(: Went to this kiddy place with aircon. When I saw a kid being lame enough to run into the place, slap his palsm on the wall, run out, run in, slam the "PRESS TO OPEN" button, and repeat whatever he did, I wished I was back to 10 years ago when I could still be lame and childish again.
I think being silly is a kind of detachment from the reality. When you laugh like some nutty crazy woman because of some stupid thing you did, without even bothering about what others think, you're really relaxing.
I remember what I said to Chan. It's not as if ballers can't make a fool of themselves when playing ball. That's why when I play ball with rae, I'll laugh like nobody's business. Using psychic powers to "suck" the ball back to you, pulling each other to prevent them from shooting, travelling, doubling, running too fast till you overshot your opponent and bang into the pole instead; all the stupid things just make people laugh real hard.
Celebrating early Mother's day today(: HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY mum.
Thanks for everything(: there's no need to actually write all of them out cos they'll be in my heart yeah.
sounds cheesy lols.
Tomorrow's monday. again.