11:12 PM | Friday, September 24, 2010 | Link
Learning Outcomes
It just sounds weird. Period. If I were to list down the things I learnt this year, the list would be endless. And I don't like the sound of it, don't ask me why.

Ah, feeling exhausted already. Hardly even moved when playing ball ahaha, getting really old and slow already. Mugging in the canteen was kinda productive today, though it was a lil noisy.
It's only 6 more days, and although I can't wait for it to be over, I dread them. I wished I could skip everything altogether. The fact that the days are approaching is beginning to dawn upon me. Like these few days, exactly how slow am I?

Counting down .... 1. 2. 3.

My change in attitudes to things seriously amazes me. One moment I can be annoyed and the other i'll be fine with everything and anything, even to the point of questioning myself why I actually bothered about something so trivial, to the extent that it makes me look foolish and narrow-minded.

Shall mug my chem and do some math before turning in.
ahhh, I hafta post the family "gathering" for the mid-autumn festival aha.
Nights, sleepyheads.

9:50 PM | Monday, September 20, 2010 | Link
Sleep more?
I'm in the best of moods, and I know it's really ironic because I'm supposed to be complaining incessantly about having to bury my head in books. When I fall asleep while studying at my desk or bed, I always have this silly thought at the back of my head that, miraculously the information from my notes will diffuse into my brain, then active transport will allow MORE INFORMATION to enter. It's really motivating when you wake up and you can recall the things you mugged!

According to studies, it's better to study before you sleep. It's of utmost importance that you sleep around 12 cos that's when the brain rests the most? I don't know, they say short-term memory will be converted into long-term memory, so your information will be deposited in your brain longer.

It probably works for all the people the scientists test on, cos my special brain doesn't follow that theory. Yes, it may sound warped but I think it makes sense!
Cerebrum's involved in voluntary actions, cerebellum is responsible for maintaining balance, posture and equilibrium while the medulla oblongata is in charge of involuntary actions, which simply natural reflex. Am I right, or not? Anyway I just learnt that we don't need to know this during the EOYS. dumb thing. This is simply what happens when you see bio everyday.

iTunes is really pretty now. I like the new icon. (As you can see, my thoughts aren't in any natural sequence)
I like having my music library organised. Added many new songs which probably aren't new to many because I'm really lag. Nice music is really capable of lifting one's spirits.
How ironic is beautiful monster?

I wanna sleep here one day. Look at the shimmering sea. Damn. In Singapore, you'll only have water that looks like they flowed from the drainage pipes.

I like this Taiwanese artist 张芸京 (: Her image appeals to both gender, and she's really cool AHH. Although sometimes she looks like a guy because of the way she dresses up, and I realised her voice is rather low. BUT I LIKE HER. hahaha, no I ain't les. I think.

Oh bloody hell, there's this smell of cow dung now. In the night, the pungent smell never fails to penetrate the house. I'm not in the freaking zoo for goodness sake. Can't they use other kinds of fertilisers?! Nevermind, let's just wait for another 2 weeks for someone to complain and a change will probably be induced. BUT SERIOUSLY IT STINKS. even more than my sweat. And that says a shit lot.
My mum's nose is blocked.
lucky her.
I don't wanna stuff tissue in my nose cos that won't help things. And I want the air that I breathe in to be clean and filtered by my nostril hair. (bio!)

Back to workworkwork. A little of Chem and bio and off I am to lalaland for the conversion of short-term memory to long-term (:

9:15 PM | Tuesday, September 14, 2010 | Link
Passion can't be forced
And it really comes by naturally (:
The fact that I really enjoyed watching people play ball took me by surprise. I mean, I knew I liked watching people play (it's WATCH, not OGLE, cos that's what my teammies always say), but didn't know it would actually make me feel that happy. AHHHH.

Playing ball casually is one of the best times because there isn't anything to consider. The repercussions of passing this ball... would it get stolen or will I do a mis-pass (this freaking happens most of the time damn it)... Shooting the ball, what if it doesn't get in? Will the center get the rebound? Or worse still, will I just AIR-BALL (one of the most embarrassing moments of a player).
All this shit plus coach ranting at the sidelines....

This friday's Mid-Autumn celebration. I have this sudden urge to stare at the round moon this friday! These small little things which used to come by so easily.....

That's why they say, when things are gone, they're really gone

6:54 PM | Sunday, September 12, 2010 | Link
Don't begin to trust just because you need something to fall back on
Slackslackk With Qi and Crystal
Rachel was supposed to come along, but she had some curfew ): And nopes, we didn't go anywhere near the stretch of bars where the occurrence of fights was really high and someone actually died there before!
Although it was just 4 hours, it was hella fun. Having fun isn't all about what you do, but it's who you do it with. Even a simple walk would suffice.

@Clarke Quay, while waiting for Crystal. There was this chinese performance which I totally had no interest in. Stoned and walked around in Central. Frankly speaking, I have no impression of what we talked about / did. aha

Got a new wallet and bag. mad happy cos I always wanted a wallet but couldn't find a suitable one. You know it's all hot-pink and clutches these days..... & to think that the moment we enter the billabong shop we went to look at the bikinis ahaha. The nice one I saw last time wasn't there already. And anyway the prices are really steep. Sometimes I wonder, why do we have to pay more for lesser cloth? Doesn't make any sense right.

Dinner @ Ion. Qi had some delicious ramen while crystal and I had toast (: And I've learnt that I could crack an egg properly. Didn't really attempt cracking an egg ever since I failed quite some time ago, with all the eggs spluttered on my hands and egg shells appearing in the mixture.

Zilianing is tiring, I swear.
And i can't zilian really well anyway. The frame wouldn't capture all 3 of us if I were the one doing it ahha. even my bro zilians better than me -.- and that really says alot.

MRT (:
That was the end of 4 hours. Wished we could spend more time. Sigh.

This holidays were the most meaningful and productive holidays I spent so far. I still remember spending last year's September holidays watching a drama and the previous was spent writing just 3 poems for my portfolio. To think I managed to stay on schedule (most of it), I'm happy (:
Just hope that the momentum is maintained for the next 2x days. Then this horror will be OVVVERRR. Then I'll look less tired in school and smile more often.

It was easier to put on a facade last time. Didn't know patronising smiles were that difficult to plaster on the face. How do people say and act in a way that is totally different from what they think?

Don't begin to trust just because you need something to fall back on. That makes your belief worthless and at some point of time, ludicrous. I delude myself sometimes, thinking it'll make me feel better, but when reality really slaps across my face, I'm left to wonder if I should continue clinging on to those beliefs. Even if i do, I can't help feeling silly and dumb.

Heard my siblings quarrelling today again. Over some stupid thing which I can't remember, or probably don't bother remembering because it's so minor. When out to ameliorate the situation cos they were affecting my mugging and talked some sense in them. This isn't the first time and sometimes I wonder why I'm so thick-skinned to believe that I'm that influential to induce a change in their attitudes and mindsets. Over-confidence on my part or self-deception, I don't really know. Maybe it's just hope. Clutching on to that pathetic thought.

I think I should consider being a preacher. Maybe that's why I'm better at giving team talk these days aha. but frankly speaking, as the years go by, I find team talks just a routine which actually defeats its purpose. Because we are trying to grab more people in next year to form a team, discipline and respect bla don't matter anymore. Anyway I think passion is more important. With passion probably comes talent, or say, improvements. Or maybe not. I've seriously no idea.

Maybe I should stop generalizing things.

1:14 PM | Tuesday, September 07, 2010 | Link
Chionged Personal Taste the past 2 days, which meant my days haven't been productive so far. The show was really addictive, and tear-jerking. I aint the kind who go gaga over shows, but I like the fact that they provide the cheap kind of entertainment which is absolutely necessary at this point of time.

Felt really surprised when the tears flowed unconsciously and no, it wasn't because of some mushy love story. I found the comments which mentioned that some people found the breaking-up scene too unbearable to watch, amusing. Only felt really sad when the female lead was narrating about her sad childhood when she lost her mum at the age of 5.
Then my eyes became really puffy and red, which kinda reminded me of what my teammates always say; that my eyes are like goldfish's.

Ever wondered how a goldfish's eyes look like?

wtf?! Definitely NO.

I think I've turned more sentimental over the years. Except for the fact that loveydovey stuff hasn't stuck a chord in my heart yet.
Emotional events do not fade with them, especially when you're one the one experiencing it. There are some things which will still cause your heart to stir no matter how many times you have thought about it, isn't it? The weak spots of people........

Nail polish (: I used to think nail polish was just pure vanity and for hiao-people, but I think it makes people feel happy. When I see the pretty colours I feel more motivated to do work, say type on the com or write stuffs. Call it self-deception whatever, but psychology affects the way I work alot. I'll psycho myself and the many ways I delude myself still work repeatedly. Amazing, isn't it?

Self-delusion isn't always a bad thing

8:30 AM | Monday, September 06, 2010 | Link
happy feet

search results are amusing. Typed 'sleep' and got these feet.
Probably woke up on the wrong side of the bed cos I'm feeling kinda uncomfortable right now. My natural alarm clock has been tuned to 8-9 these days, so the time I turn in doesn't matter. Whether it's a good thing or not, you decide.

My bro and sis woke up really early to go downstairs to jog. Their enthusiasm made me wonder when the last time I went to run was. Perspiration and panting! I was never an avid enthusiast of running; preferred to swim because I could avoid the hot and sticky feeling. And on a sidenote, swimming pools allowed you to look out for good bodies heh. I mean females actually, because males are either too scrawny or fat plump these days. Shant continue being critical since I'm in no position to comment. Growing out of shape these days. It's not surprising though.

Imagine having this diet:
Breakfast: Stuff
[12 plus] some biscuits while watching teevee
[2 pm ] lunch
[3 ] fruits! (My mum and I are arguing about this: She insists that consuming fruits after meals defeats its purpose because the nutrients will not be absorbed. Don't get the point. I mean, whether you eat them before or after, the nutrients will still be absorbed into the bloodstream right? Bio tells me so, I THINK, unless I've been doing my revision wrongly all the while...]
[4]SNACKS again cos I decided to watch some teevee
[7] dinner!
after dinner would be fruits and 2 rounds of snacking, at 8 and 10 respectively. Accompanying that would be a cup of warm milo!

My weight has been escalating since OBS (YAH OF ALL THINGS!) And it doesn't seem to fluctuate like what I thought it would have. Damn. Shant continue this topic lest I sound like a freak obsessed with her weight. I love food too much to turn anorexic or bulimic. the only advantage of having some dietary problems is YOU SAVE MONEY. And it's really alot, for someone like me who doesn't go shopping, but spends her time cooped up at home doing i-don't-know-what.

And archives that date back to 2007, what the freak?

Slow music makes me sleepy.
And it's weird listening to Apologize now. Wonder if anyone shares the same sentiments. There's this weird feeling when you listen to this song which was veryveryvery popular before. Somehow.