9:45 PM | Thursday, January 24, 2008 | Link
Another tired day ):
Ugh. I'm feeling super tired. This is what happens when you have been a potato couch for like 2 months and finally, YOU ARE ALIVE AND FINALLY KICKING! Skipping 200 times is like so damn difficult now. Used to do about 300-500 in the past, easily completing the first 100. Now it's draining off ALL my energy. Another tired day ):
Deduction. My deduction. Can't jump or shoot anymore. Can't do a freaking shit. ARGH.
And tomorrow's P.E. According to Rae's
After 2 days, she still can't do more than 10 sit-ups...... -.-
That's tomorrow's torture.
I'm going to fail NAPFA this year.
Embarrassing. Eww.
Music rocked today (: That was what made my day, I supposed. The teacher was fun, although he can't really sing....I can't sing either.... heee
Played the ang-klong (: Number 7... fav. no. It's just such a nice number.
The Ang-klong sounds damn cute. At least it sounds nicer than some BOOM and BIANG and some deafening sounds. :D
LA Lecture was ok luh. Except for the fact that I HATE TEACHERS SKIPPING PARTS OF A MOVIE. Just because we are studying war poems doesn't mean that the dark side of wars must be shown. The teacher practically showed us the GROSS parts whereby rats surround the corpses and dead bodies were strewn all over the place. Practically thrown in a big BIG hole. Full of mud.
The movie was super old. OLDDDD. And erm, the photographer's not that good. ...
HAIIX. Maths was as crazy as usual. Learning college maths in US. Indices are only taught in college in US!! What the hell? I think I gonna fail my indices. Don't understand a toot.
Training was ok (: Had a team talk with the juniors. They didn't talk back, good (: hee. I don't recall talking back to my seniors when I was a junior anyway. Did some lay-ups and ball-handling. The first two or three months is always slacking....
It's gonna be another week again. Time flies fast. REAL FAST. But sleeping time just seems to get from short, to shorter and shortest. Deprived of sleep. Deprived of time. Deprived of everything.
--Zoom to a happy place when bad memories or sorrow rear an ugly head.
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2:36 PM | Monday, January 21, 2008 | Link
Lousy day.
I'm blogging in the school library while waiting for time to pass. Having french lessons later.... zZzLousy day.
The school library is packed with many year sixes, and of course it isn't a library. IT IS DAMN NOISY HERE. And I'm beside two girls who can't talk softly. A chair away. So they can't really read what I type or bash me up.
Chinese people, judging from their accent. And I bet a Chinese just used this computer cos everything in the browser was in Chinese. Ok, not EVERYTHING, just the google frontpage. Had to change it to English. Chinese is just so difficult to read can.
Today was shit. School sucks. First day of school always suck. I'm down with flu and a slight fever. Ok, slight one, that's what I think but Teri, Sing Rue and Yvon said that I don't have fever. But I feel feverish neh. How? Nevermind, I'm still going to attend school. (: Gonna support the seniors tomorrow, versusing Ngee Ann. So excited and looking forward towards it. I hope they win though (: Then we enter the second round. HEE HEE.
Let me crap about how lousy today was. First lesson: CHINESE. Great. I was sooo looking forward towards it.
Learnt about summarizing a long sentence and frankly speaking, I think summarizing is for lazy people. Details are good and nice. (:
Handed up my chinese compo which is like 2 pages long. Stupid Sylvia wrote 2 compos. I thought the second compo could be handed up till a later date. .....
Recess time. THe only not-so-bad period. Crapped and ate cha shao bun. (: 50 cents! Ha. Got my key (: Thanks comint!~ Sylvia was damn happy when I told her about this. She doesn't need to borrow the basketball anymore after PE everytime.
ASSEMBLY. Death. Learnt about character and Emergency Evacuation. Practically slept through the whole talk until some teacher dressed in a french dress (Syl's description) came and reprimanded us. The only new thing that I learnt was that if we ever took more than 5 minutes to reach the hall for assembly, we would have detention until 2. oO. interesting. I didn't know Dunman had detention. I wonder what would happen if the whole school is under detention. o.o
History was next. Christopher Colombus and whether he should be honoured. Just by reading the notes (the short one), I think he is overrated. But after listening to Marcus and En Zhi crap about how great he was, I thought that he was not that bad after all. (:
At least this year's history isn't as bad as last year when we spent almost the whole semester learning about why we should study history. -.-
It was the FIRST Bilingual Programme lesson we had since the start of 2008 and it definitely wasn't nice ok. Let's not mind about the super strict rules of the teacher. Let's talk about the project. I wonder what's the problem with having our own groups. Why must we let the BP rep and the ex-BP rep group us? So of course, we have some
The nice librarian just helped me scan and print (: HEE HEE.
I'm going to head towards the MOE library to do my stuff ler. Obviously, I can't do anything here. NO tables. THere are chairs. For people to sleep.
Meng: OK!! Sure! Valentine's day with ya! Haha. I want chocolates! Or biscuits! Maybe I can go to your house and lalala. Go mess up your house and clear your stocks of nice chocos. I know you have them.... (: Or do you have school after that? When's Valentine's day ar? Friday? I know it's on the 14th (:
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3:20 PM | Sunday, January 20, 2008 | Link
Reply tags (: Very little though(:
Zhan ♥ OF COURSE NOT. Just too lazy to blog and life is more of a routine so what's there to blog about?Reply tags (: Very little though(:
Shermin ♥ HA. Too lazy to change. And I think this skin works out fine yea?
Nicole ♥ HARLO!!!!
Yvon ♥ Er yea, but then, it would be lame to just scold you in ONE post and nothing else.
D@D ♥ Just don't feel like blogging so yea. hello.
Ziying ♥ HELLO! It isn't random. Nice to be nice to say hello yea (:
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2:55 PM | | Link
So far so good (:
Ah, this is dumb. I clicked ENTER after typing in the title -.-So far so good (:
I've yet to finish my homework. Not much though, but just don't have the mood to mug or at least do something meaningful.
Was mapling ):
Just trying to find something to do but yea, I just don't know what to.
Someone save me please.
The last few days were quite ok. Except that we had two days of three periods of Chinese IN A ROW and of course it isn't good. Tomorrow would be Chinese again. ): Two periods though.
I wonder what's with the school. They line up the lessons like you're queuing up for lunch or something. We had maths the whole week except friday. That's so insane. Indices are ok if you grasp the concept. But I doubt i understand it fully. Luckily, I'm SITTING IN FRONT so I just need to raise my voice a little. If I were sitting at the back, I bet the teacher must have pretended that she didn't see me so that she need not walk all the way to the back.
And yes, I STILL CAN'T BELIEVE that i'm sitting in front and I'm going to stone there for like one more term. There are loads of pros and cons though:
- You need not repeat your answer because the teacher will definitely hear it.
- You don't need to strain your eyes. INstead, you would go blind cos the screen is practically in front of you.
- You get the least crumpled piece of paper or the paper which is in the best condition.
- the teacher attends to you first when you have queries. You need not wait for the WHOLE WORLD to be attended to before you are.
- There's not a need to raise up your hand and go saying TEACHER, I CAN'T HEAR YOU. CAN YOU REPEAT WHAT YOU SAID? because you can hear every goddamn word that is being said.
Ah ha. That was long. Now the Cons. HAHA
- You can't talk. Yes, TALK. Because the bloody room is so tinnyy and you can even hear a mouse. Whispering would be talking.
- You can't secretly SMS or something because HARLO? YOU ARE SITTING IN FRONT OF THE TEACHER
- When you are just mouthing something or like talking to yourself, the teacher would go: HUH CHRISTINA? WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?, and you have to say NOTHING. That would be so embarrassing.
- You have to pass the paper down the row. But if you are smart, just like me, you can ask your partner to do so (:
- You have to turn around when it comes to doing project work in fours. Usually, in the past, I would have waited for the front row to turn around and I can just sit at my seat, not moving at all.
Can't think of anymore cons. Would be adding on to the list if I ever remember yea (:
I'm just complaining about everything yea. I wonder why I'm so-not-happy with my life recently.
My seniors rock! Won 2 matches in the row. HAHA. Won the match again Tanjong Katong and Manjusri. The match against Manjusri was super nerve-recking. We were losing in the last minute and WOOOSH! Grace choinged and scored like 10 points? And we won!!
Rachel and i were practically dancing at the second floor and gleeing with joy. I was so nervous that I forgot to move the video-camera and the video cam was stoning at an empty court. HEE.
I hope nobody scolds me. (:
And I'm getting the cage key soon! (: LALALA, thanks to Comint yea. I'm so damn lazy. I'm supposed to borrow the key and duplicate it but then, hah, someone did it for me (: So nice.
Slacking rocks.
If only someone is willing to help me do my work.
My iPod was confiscated yea. How great. Confiscate my ipod. And ban me from the fast com. hah. Except during the weekends. I see how long this would last. I go crash the slow coms then see what happens. But of course, I'm not that evil though. Just that I still can watch youtube at the slow coms so yea, it wouldn't work.
I got my goals at last (:
Once I fulfilled them, I would then blog about it (:
HEE. My siblings know what they are though.
And NOOOO, school starts tomorrow again. I have to choing my compo(S) and pack my table. And write to my angel. And write to my mortal. HOW CAN.
So many things to do. But at least it's better than slacking. (:
And did I tell you that I had a BRAND NEW SOFA? I guess I didn't. It's quite nice, coffee coloured and i can practically SLEEP on it! It isn't that comfortable though but nevermind.
Chinese New Year's coming and Valentine's day coming. I'm looking forward to both. (: Chinese New year cos I would be able to see Meng, Khoon, Jas and Zhan again and all 6affinitians and Valentine's day because I would be able to know who my angel is again!!
HAAA, I knew it. People would be thinking that I was some zilian person, hoping for flowers or something.
And after that would be my birthday! HEEE. Let me think of my birthday resolutions. Usually, it's new year resolutions but who cares, I didn't have those so I shall have my birthday resolutions.
1. To shoot properly.
Jiaolian said that the way I shoot was DAMN UGLY and he could like vomit. Yea, that was what he said and it was hurtful can. HMPH. But I don't see what's wrong. Nevermind, I TRY TO SHOOT.
2. To do a left-hand layup properly.
WALAO. So diiao. Can't even do it properly at this age yea? I don't know why.
3. To save enough money
HAHA. THis is the most impossible out of the three resolutions. I want a new slingbag, cos my bag is too small. A new wallet, because mine gets dirty too easily and it makes NOISE. Ha. And a new water bottie because apparently, when I suck water from it, the teacher can hear it. zZz. And a basketball net!! HAHA.
I don't know why I'm so hyper about birthdays this year. Maybe because Huiwen and Jacob both got their birthdays known. I also want it too (: heehee.
Sylvia plus caris plus people were wishing Huiwen happy birthday. hah. She announced it through MSN. I didn't know that was her birthday though. Jacob had his pressie. I hope Sylvia has hers too. She's older than me if I'm not wrong.
And it's a new week again. Two more matches and more homework to come.
French is getting more and more difficult. I wonder what's wrong with MOE, asking us to learn such DIFFICULT stuff in just the second year of french learning. Even toddlers learn easier stuff even at the age of 6. We learnt four types of verbs, present tense, past time, past participle and command. Now we are going to learn FUTURE TENSE. Crazy arh?
Just be noob and use present tense laaa?? haiiyo.
Labels: sch0ol
9:37 PM | Thursday, January 10, 2008 | Link
I forgot to reply tags heh. Reminded by barbiedoll. (:REPLY TAGS!!
YVON ♥ YA YA. whatever. I replied your tag ler. And check out your name. It's HUGE. (:
Cherisse ♥ Ok, relinked (:
Abit too late and crazy.
Labels: tags
3:01 PM | Wednesday, January 09, 2008 | Link
juniors (:
Yesterday was the basketball trial and I met a junior. Or maybe two. There was one from DSA (same as me, haha (: ) and another one from Nan Chiau. She claimed to be from primary 6A but I don't quite recall her face though. ): I think she was one of the ones who asked me questions regarding Dunman when I went to NC to boast about my school (: juniors (:
Actually not la, Sylvia, Yiting, Cheryl went too. Dunmanians (: I wonder if I missed out anybody. Damn, my memory isn't that good now man. ): Lack of sleep perhaps.
But I REMEMBERED that Grace went with us. (: She didn't introduce her school though.....
And that gal was interested in joining basketball. I was pretty amazed cos most of the people did not want to join basketball. There was even a class whereby 3 people who were not interested in joining, only attempting to do a lay-up once.
Haiix, being in a sports CCA is good what, why not try?
Can be fit (:
I still remember a gal from a particular class which I forgot. We were asking her to bounce the ball and do a lay-up. Then she asked me:
It was damn hilarious but I did not laugh. Told Yvon, Singrue and Teri today and they burst into laughter.
It's quite obvious why you should bounce the ball, isn't it? Basketball is about bouncing the BALL and running with it (:
And of course, shooting.
So yesterday's basketball was slack (:
Yes, Slacking rocks(:
And I realised I'm not fit as I used to be.
Duh. I'm supposed to know that. But I wasn't fit anyway in the first place. (: I wonder why I'm so lazy nowadays. Lazy bummies (:
I hope my dad fetches me from French later. Save money and walking time. Can sleep on the way too. There wouldn't be a need to squeeze with some people whose reactions are like damn slow when I say EXCUSE ME.
Tomorrow would be the second basketball trial and slacking would start. Then, I would take the rebounds cos Rae hurt her last finger. Time for her to do admin stuff (:
I wanted to take rebounds yesterday but she didn't let me!! ): -.-
She would be able to slack some time again I guess. Her forte.
THen I would go to Bugis on Friday to buy books (: FInish my vouchers. Guess I have to tell Rene that I ain't going to ball with her as what I said yesterday. Nevermind, she still has got Amanda and Yiren.
1 more hour and I would be going off for French.
TYTYTYTYTYTYTY to my Dad for printing dossier 9 for me (:
ANd one more important thing,
Happy birthday! Love ya always (:
I wished her happy birthday today through SMS and she told me that I was the xth person to wish her happy birthday. She good luh, SO MANY PEOPLE WISH HER HAPPY B'DAE LOR. Good luh.
Hah, it was actually because Janelle told the whole world that it was her birthday (:
I wish there would be loads of people wishing me happy birthday too (:
The feeling would be nice I guess. Feeling popular and just....NICE (:
And I want my b'dae pressies! Last year's birthday present was just a pair of specs -.- From my dad. Just happened that I wanted to change my spectacles at that time and it cost aboput $80. Then he told me that it was my birthday present -.-
My sis had a pair of specs too luh. UNFAIR
I hope 2008 would be a nice one for me (:
But currently, it doesn't seem to be. ):
9:58 PM | Wednesday, January 02, 2008 | Link
First schooling day of 2008
This blog was dead for 2 exact months with useless spammed crap posts. Now, I'm finally back but I guess all my readers flew FAR FAR AWAY. Well, quite great. I can crap whatever I want.First schooling day of 2008
Just came back from French lesson with Monsieur Huet. He's quite a nice and good French teacher. Not strict but attentive. Good luh. If only he could improve his English. I always remember the first lesson when he was explaining this french word in English.
He: Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Class: HUH??
Class: What??!!
He: Sheeeee
One guy: Oh! Is it the SEA? Have fish de?
Class: OHHHH
That was so damn hilarious ok. At that time though.
Then arrived home at 8 with a painful stomachache due to the GREAT traffic jam. I hate traffic jams. Screw my stomach up. Then I felt weird and for no reason, I cried. KEE SIIAO. Maybe the feeling was too weird. Or perhaps I was yawning then tears dropped. Not too bad though, just a lone tear (:
Then walked home reallyyyy slowly. Don't know what's the problem; my knee or my stomach. My body is failing me ):
I sound like some idiot old woman.
I wonder what's wrong with my body nowadays. It's just so stupid and dumb.
Let's talk about the first day of school. It was ok though I must say it was a waste of time. I was complaining to Syl that I should have ponned school.
2nd day of 2008 started with me waking up at 5:15 a.m. feeling weird. Didn't sleep well the previous day. Slacked all the way. I was almost late for school anyway. Standard.
Then Mr Sng gave a speech, thank god it wasn't long. Then the year 1 pinned their badges and we proceeded to the hall to listen to ANOTHER talk regarding Dunman High Programme 2.0. (:
The name's funny, like some Microsoft programme.
The programme isn't nice ok. It sounds stressful.
And I'm jealous of the 3 sec 1 classes who get free laptops.
If only I was born one year later.
Er no. I rather stay what I am now
Then it was recess but we didn't eat. Stayed in the CRAMPED room talking. It was COLLLDD. I'm going to bring a windbreaker if not I die of frostbites. (:
Miss Kheng came in to settle some admin stuff. It was boring.
I hate feeling bored.
Then the SFs came and we played games. That was the only fun thing I guess. Though i was very slow and always caused the person in front of me to get hit when we were playing double wacko.
Ate lunch and went to the library to spent 3 hours there. Practically waited for time to pass.
Then went to buy a drink and I was off to MOE LC.
I can't believe this.
But yes, it's like this.
And tomorrow's going to be some amazing race.
And I'm supposed to sleep earlier.
So I shall go sleep.
Plus I have nothing to do.
I'm pissed off now. Can't download the dossiers from MOE language center website. Why merge the websites? Now I can't find a damn shit and the french teacher gonna run after me for some bogus crap worksheet that isn't there at all.
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