8:01 PM | Monday, August 25, 2008 | Link
whatever it is
Came back home early today, for once. Did some stuffs and I'm attempting to do Lit thesis but my book is left in school -.- Shall do the outline then.
The whole pile of stupid chinese worksheets are freaking me out. I shouldn't have procrastinated. But procrastination allows designs and ideas to marinate(:

Today's photo-taking was horrible. It was just too fast I think. Then TTG was abit angry and he began snapping away before we could even do anything. I wonder how the last pose would look. haha.

Basketball after that and it was horrid too. Today's horrible. Shooting was screwed, everything was wrong. My arm still hurts although I thought I recovered already. I always screw everything up just by making mistakes and I've no one to blame except myself. Trying to hide everything but you know that the facade will slowly melt one day. Listening to a super sad song now. Damn the shuffle. Why at this time?
My nose is feeling hot.

Hmm. i shall go choing history and science and acc and literature later. Haven't merge the powerpoints. D: Everyone has done their part. I feel like a loser. Nevermind, I'm one.
Damn those priorities. damn myself. damn everything.

Let's hope tomorrow will be a better day. Probably so with training(: Just don't shoot like some kuku then I'll feel fine. I always say the same thing but don't the same thing always occur?


Olympics have ended. Marvellous one in so many decades. So many world records broken, so many strong characters and much resilience shown. What a world. Looking forward to see more amazing unimaginable feats in the Youth Olympics.

9:13 PM | Wednesday, August 20, 2008 | Link
Everything hurts
badly. My arm, my knee, my stomach, everything. D: Sprained my arm last training and I feel horrible after training, always. It seems that my arm is worse than before. I don't want to be paralysed roar.

SIGH. Let's talk about today. Science test was screwed. I slogged my life out to study for Chemistry and they only test one page, while Physics is like everything? Screw waves. We're studying invisible things which we can't even see. -.- I don't get the logic.
French test was relatively fine. I think the girl is hilarious.
"OH MY GOD, TEACHER! I slept just now and I didn't hear, oh my gosh. So screwed"
That was during listening comprehension.
Weird things just happen in this world. Unimaginable

Then walked to the gym at about 5 and gosh, was I late. Ended up training and staying in school till 8:25, waiting for my dad. Everyone says that it's faster going home by MRT than waiting, and I definitely know that. It's just me being lazy and having a heavy butt that causes me to stay in school and stone. I don't know, nights in school are just so much better. You can think about a lot of things. Life is full of reflections, isn't it?
Then there were university guys training. They can dunk eh! :X Coach was training his 3-pointies and he wasn't very happy. You could hear him making some noise there. HAHA. He was shooting with this big watermelon ball. imbaa.

Geez. I'm feeling tired. What a loser.
Life's horrible. I want to sleep yet there are so many things for me to complete. I want to finish them because the sense of accomplishment would be overwhelming but screwed priorities are pulling me back.

Gonna go print the chinese cover page and off to sleep.
Let's hope that tomorrow would be a better day.

I didn't know that I would dislike somebody that much. You just irk me. Please eff off. Thank you. You don't affect me, I don't bother you. Nice, clean, easy, fast, marvellous.

Geez, what a lousy way to end off a post that's 7 days after my previous post. HMM. Post a nice pic then(:

I realise it ain't that nice, but I feel much better(:
Mood swings I suppose. PMS.

8:21 PM | Wednesday, August 13, 2008 | Link
Rush of emotions
Lost my calculator and I'm hoping someone accidentally took it rather than it disappearing just like that. I don't wanna buy ANOTHER calculator cos it would be my 4TH one. Two last year and one this year.
Went online and just felt pissed suddenly for a moment, then I saw Shaoyang's funny comment on the dhsblog, laughed abit, and I'm ok now.

I'm wondering what's happening to me. My emotions come and go quickly, leaving me confused, but I'm glad I don't stay sad for long(: Trying to be happy is more difficult than being happy isn't it?

Today was just subtle and mundane. Slept during the last 15 mins of Chinese lesson. Chemistry lesson was the most fruitful(: The past few chemistry lessons were just crappy. I learnt practically everything today and I feel great. marvellous as a matter of fact. HEHEHHE.

Fell in love with Nelly Furtado's All Good Things (Come to an End). It just makes you feel less-hyper and calm down and think.
Honestly, what would become of me?
Don't like reality, it's way too clear for me
Really, life is dandy, we are what we don't see
We miss everything daydreaming

Flames to dust, lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?
Flames to dust, lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?

Travelling, i... only stop at exits
Wondering if i'll stay young and restless
Living this way, i stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and i don't cry
I only feel gravity and i wonder why

Just part of the lyrics.

Ponned french and mugged today. Great decision(: Finally no procrastination and back on track. YIPPEE. Gonna go do Jessica's letter now. Write about her effing dad and how sucky he is.

7:04 PM | Monday, August 11, 2008 | Link
Meaningful weekends
Gonna blog this before I go nap. I think I really need a rest. Have been napping through LA and Chinese lessons. Bad.

The weekends have been hectic and meaningful(: At least the long holidays weren't spent at home pigging, although I missed the National Day celebration and my brother's birthday. ><
Friday: Cross-Country, movie marathon
Cross-country was just National day celebration and I ran. Yep, surprisingly. and the results were horrible. I wondered why I tortured myself to run. Could have ponned the whole thing and go for primary school class gathering instead. NEVERMIND.
But the dancers were cool(:

Rushed home to chiong my eportfolio and I totally regret it now because the deadline is extended. Met Nigel on the way and he looks TALLLer now, although not gigantic. HAHA. It's so coincidental to meet him on my way home and him on his way home. The world is small. And it turned out that they were not meeting up anymore.

Movie Marathon was next(: Met sherm, jacob, richmond and yongming and went to school. We weren't late and the movie started half and hour later. First was National Treasure 3, Coach Carter, Home Alone 3, The Game Plan and Kungfu Dunk.

National Treasure 3
Was horrible at the start because our seats did not allow good view. And the sidelights weren't switched off so it was abit annoying. But after awhile, it was ok(: Glad that the main characters survived but felt sad when the supposedly BADGUY died. ):
Mood: Freshly awake for the next movie

Coach Carter
Stayed in the same LT and watched this movie regarding basketball. FABULOUS(: Probably the best movie in the whole movie marathon watched. Jingmei and I had the same silly sentiments of wanting to clap after every chop. Retarded, hahah. It's so unconscious.

Home Alone 3
I watched this on teevee like thrice, so I knew how the whole movie was like. It was still hilarious though. HEHEHEH. I wish I was that smart(: And I MISS their "wtf-this-sucks" look on their face whenever they fall into some booby trap. AMAZING.

The Game Plan
Gah. Probably the most boring one. I was freshly awake but this movie bored me out. It's so slow-moving and it has practically nothing to do with rugby except for the fact that the main character is a rugby star. -.- SO WHAT? it doesn't have anything much to do with the storyline.
Slept through the last 1/3 of the movie. Calvin was mentioning that I was snoring. YAH right. And he said i was gluttony cos I ate cheezels. He ate them all the same when I offered them to him! yah right.

Kungfu Dunk
Watched this with Jingmei. Actually headed to the LT to watch Rush Hour but Jingmei wanted to watch Step Up. The LT for step up was FULL so we decided to watch Kungfu Dunk. Watched some parts on Youtube before so I slept through it again. ): The LT was cold.

YAHH. And it was the nexxt day.

Saturday: Walkathon?
Jingmei refused to be dragged along so she ended up going home to pig, leaving me at harbourfront with rachel and her church peeps to trek/walk/climb.
it was fun and Uncle Willy or something was funny. We went to some park and the flowers were LOVELY.

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Rachel was doing some spastic posts and she wanted to take pics. Surprisingly. USually she's the first one to run away when a camera is shown in her direction.

The sky was pretty that day(: The sky always is, as a matter of fact.
Rachel's dad treated us to lunch and I was back home. Yummy duck rice. Haven't been eating them for a long while. I can't believe I almost agreed to ball.

Slept for 17 hours straight, missing my dinner and the national day celebration. It was a refreshing sleep and I felt uber happy then.

Saturday: New York new york and Nicole's birthday party chalet
New York is quite a nice place to eat-out because they have cute "bunks" to have your food. And the spaghetti is nice although my dad claims that it's horrible. And the pork steak mutton meat is tender.

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Then there was pizzas, which were yummy. The juices squirts out when you bite them. DElicious(:

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And there was FREE candy floss. Wasn't tasteless, unexpectedly.
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STONESTONESTONE and it was nicole's birthday party(: Didn't take much pics with her leh. RAWR. D:





And rachel was burying my clean feet. was washing my feet with seawater when I remembered it was the 7th month. then I got freaked out and ran back. Imagine cleaning and doing your normal stuff when a pair of hands suddenly appear and grab your feet and you're gone from the world. Eeks.


Scenery pics. The sky was relatively nice(:


Went to eat tim sum at chinatown with my mum and siblings. EATEATEAT. Shopped and walked around. Bought 3 earings and 2 tops. And it's right, you feel nothing when you shop and spend your parent's money. It's less painful, but I guess I'm being a horrible daughter.

Hmmm. Normal and tired, as usual. Spent a hell lot of time doing the lay-ups and we still haven't hit our target. It's annoying to know that you're wasting time. My stamina is horrible and I need to buckle-up. Anyone wanna run with me?
Played ball with some guys and got siian-ed out. Knee went haywire halfway through but got ok after straightening and stretching it. I think it gonna turn swollen soon.

Dinner with dad at some club. Nice food(:
Damn, I'm a glutton.

That's all. Gonna go turn in now. 40 mins for this post. Marvellous.

9:07 AM | Wednesday, August 06, 2008 | Link

Look at the frown and you know how terrible I'm feeling. D:
That was two days ago. Now I'm feeling MUCH MUCH BETTER.

Didn't go school on Monday because I felt damn gay and weird and my forehead felt like dropping down due to its heavy weight. D: Turned out that I didn't really have fever, just a sore sore throat and a blocked nose.
Procrastinated the whole day by watching shows and stuff. Waited for the doctor for an hour and a half. >< Almost died.

Yesterday was nice I suppose. DIdn't go for PE because I thought we were going to run 5 rounds or something, but it turned out that we had an hour of basketball D: I shouldn't have missed it laaa.
Wanted to watch training but turned out that I played too, because I seriously couldn't resist the temptation to playy.
Then Mr Siva saw me and gave me a earful. Sigh, it isn't that I disrespect his PE lessons laaa. AWW

Friday's coming(: My endurance test!
I shall:
  • not sleep during the movie marathon. NO, not even a second
  • try my best in the 3km since it has been millions of years since I ran long distances
  • not lag behind during the trek with rachel since she's the organiser(:
  • be strong and have enough energy to sustain myself when I'm at Nicole's birthday party the next day (it's a stayover too)
  • be able to study Science somehow. I need someone to teach me): I hope the test won't be difficult, damnit

  • Yes that's it. All these resolutions(: There's something about waves that I don't really understand. I don't know what but I'm just worried.
    I hope I'm just simply paranoid and being worried over practically everything. ><
    Geog test later. ROAR. Turned out that I mugged the extra topic which wouldn't be tested AT ALL. We are just being tested on the four national taps of Singapore, but I learnt about water pollution. RAWR. Woke up early in the morning for nothing.

    This Friday's 6A class gathering. SIGH. I wanna go play basketball too, but I know I should take a nap and sleep since I gonna have movie marathon that night. Let's see first shall we? (:

    Looking forward to tomorrow's training somehow. HAHA. I love playing casual matches, they are soooo cool.
    Although I can't wait for official training to start, let's make every second of training count.