11:24 PM | Monday, December 29, 2008 | Link
it's late at night
and i ain't sleeping. Have been turning in later and later these days because of _____. I hope someone is able to fill in that blank for me though. Ended up tossing and turning in bed for like an hour before sleeping and waking up in the middle of the night to realise it's just 4am in the morning.

Geez, I need more sleep.
But I ain't feeling tired.

First training since my couching period tomorrow and I hope I don't screw it up. I'm meeting Rae at 7:30 and I would gladly be the one waiting for her instead of the other way round.
I've finally took the first step to doing my chinese homework. Chosen the two online articles I'm going to write my reflections on. Satisfaction, YAY.

4 more days to the reopening of the school and I have not figured out how to reach the school exactly. What the shit.
Saw the "timetable" for school on friday and seriously, I think my butt gonna turn sore that day somehow.
I shan't be late late late.

Don't really know what to type out of a sudden. Nevermind, I gonna go watch the taiwan dance competition. It's real competitive and dancing is so awesome. The way the body moves to the beat of the music as if it was a natural instinct....

Sweet dreams people
and me too

if that was even possible.

11:03 AM | Thursday, December 25, 2008 | Link
My mum attempted to impart some culinary skills to me just now and it didn't work. Asked me to cut chunks of tomatoes to put them in the spaghetti sauce but it turned out I couldn't finish slicing a tomato in 5 minutes. The chunks are too small and annoying and I've to do it with a BIG chopper. It isn't my fault it can't be done quickly, is it?
Then she got me to fry some fish cakes but it turned out that I flattened it when she asked me to spread them out. Haiiya.
I'm so glad Dunman doesn't have Home Econs, if not I'll fail everything >< I'm not born to be in the kitchen, but in front of the computer and teevee.

Today's Christmas! Now I'm alone in the house with my mum and grandma. The rest went to play basketball. o.o yah, they love the game.

Yesterday was meet-up with Zhan, Meng, Khoon and Jas(: Couldn't really find my way so I decided to go to Khoon's bus stop. Ezanne's a cute little girl who will grow up to be an intelligent woman(: But I can't communicate with young kids soooo ohwell, I can only appreciate their cuteness and innocence. I've many flaws ):

Lunched at a food court before catching a movie. We were supposed to watch Yes! Man but ended up with Bedtime Stories cos I guess Meng was thinking of sleeping too much that she told the cashier bedtimestories. haha. ANYWAY, it was a sweet mistake because Bedtime Stories was funny and entertaining. I would have enjoyed that show much better if not for the damn flu.
Meng kept laughing about the bee joke -.-

Chatted at a water fountain for quite some time over everything under the sun/moon/universe. It was amazing how the topics jumped about but yet, all of us had a part to contribute. The sense of nostalgia came back again. We were so unbeatable in sports in primary school, because it was always groups of 5, and we were always the fastest to find our groups. Groupwork was so easy because work was done so quickly and homework was completed with the help of manymanypeople. My Chinese improved tremendously, with the two chinese pros who would pick on every little mistake I made.
There was no time to feel sad or think about any sad moments because every second was so fulfilling and worth reminiscing.

However, I've learnt something this time. Reminiscence makes past moments even sweeter, while reflections make the promising future even better.
Relax, Take It Easy (Mika)
Took a ride to the end of the line
Where no one ever goes.
Ended up on a broken train with nobody I know.
But the pain and the longing's the same.
When you're dying
Now I’m lost and I’m screaming for help alone.

Relax, take it easy
For there is nothing that we can do.
Relax, take it easy
Blame it on me or blame it on you.

(Love) There is an answer to the darkest times.
It’s clear we don’t understand it, but the last thing on my mind
Is to leave you.
I believe that we’re in this together.
Don’t scream – there are so many roads left.

Just posted the meaningful parts because the chorus was too repetitive and the ending was about marriage. Not applicable yea(:
Mika's vocals are HIGH.....
And, listening to happy songs sometimes, is a positive change.

Geez, this post would be even better if we took group pictures or something. Stupid Khoon. Bash you up. HMPH.
Ok maybe not, cos that would be dumb. because I'll lose like, HORRIBLY?
Bused back with Meng and chatted at the bus stop, while waiting for bus 83 to come.

I guess I really want to post a picture so I shall go collage-making(:
the smell of spaghetti makes me feel so wonderful

Yay done(:
Shall go eat my spaghetti and go out later.
Come back and do work!

Today is a beautiful day. There's a gentle breeze now, and the music on shuffle isn't some noisy rap song. Merry Christmas to EVERYBODY and may the next few moments be as wonderful as well(:

>Meng: lols. I need inspiration you KNOWWW.
>Jingmei: yah. FAT ): heh. Merry Christmas(:
>nn: merry christmas too(:
>Ann: (: merry christmas!

Edit: (old draft)
New shoutbox! (: Get it it's prettier than cbox! (:

10:54 PM | Monday, December 22, 2008 | Link
few more days to Christmas
Christmas doesn't really make a difference to me though. I'll just have a reunion dinner and collect presents. So basically it's just food and chatting.
My dad brought me to a dentist today, for a dental checkup. The female dentist was pretty warm and patient, and I didn't detect any blood in the water that I used to rinse my mouth. I still remember that there would be blood during dental checkups in my primary school. So this shows that the dentist wasn't that good.

But it did feel awful because public clinics are somewhat different from school clinics. I had this metal "water pipe" stuffed in the left of my mouth, a spray held by another dentist stuck in the middle of my mouth, and two more metallic things at the right of my mouth. Then I was spewing water due to the water tap, leading to me being relatively horrified, thinking "wth, I'm like a merlion here man"

I learnt that I had an tooth shifting out of position, and my toothbrush can't brush it, so I had the "decay" removed and have the area filled with white filling. 45 bucks just like that. The entire dental checkup was like 119 bucks. I wonder why it's so expensive. just some metallic equipment stuck in your mouth and water spewing out..........

Then we went to a second hand shop to shop for wires? and shopped awhile and went home.
Gonna get my APPLESAUCE tomorrow and my invisibleSHIELD on wed(:
Wasted 12 bucks again): sorry dad. I ain't gonna tell him lest he murders me.

I haven't done HOMEWORK! how.
My mum was like: eh ur homework done anot.
me: eh must see moood
mum: so when will it be done?
me: don't know. my mood comes very fast.
yup. 2 months(: HOW FAST.
Sigh ><

Yvon: first tagger! haha. Eh got pink ah. I wanted it to be like pink-orange. couldn't find a better colour code. I realised pastels are nice(:

3:29 PM | Wednesday, December 17, 2008 | Link
of layout(:
Blended the banner and had a hard time finding colour combinations.
Reused the code cos i felt like it(:

Visited the sinseh with khoon yesterday and the therapist was really good.
But I wonder why my calf are having cramps now :/

11:55 PM | Monday, December 15, 2008 | Link
6A Class Gathering
was wonderful. Didn't expect it to be fun or anything, cos i thought we would just laze around and end up doing nothing. But it was quite ok, despite the fact that I was bai-ka.

Did a collage again. I think it's fun. Spent quite some time but the end reward was satisfying.



Small pathetic neoprints. Haha. Brunched and tea-ed at KFC and Macs respectively. Everyone changed so much, but it still never fails to amaze me how time can pass so fast these 2 years.
Gonna be in B-div next year and soon, I won't even get to play ball anymore when I go to university and stuffs.

Gonna mug with Syl in the morning at Macs tomorrow and visit the Supposedly WONDERFUL sinseh with Khoon at orchard tomorrow. She injured her knee too, poor thing):

I guess I'm feeling tired so I gonna turn in. I feel like doing work all of a sudden. How weird.

>edit: Just listened to 下一个天亮 by 郭静 and it's sort-of nostalgic. I suppose 郭静 is a relatively good singer(: Most of her songs are nice, for example 我不想忘记你,你的香气. It's quite rare that I'm addicted to a chinese song(:
And it's EVEN MORE SURPRISING that my bro heard of it and likes it. Gay? Ha, maybe. Or he grew up a littleeeee bit.

Reply Tags:
>Jingmei: take care pig! don't get fatter horh.
>Sylvia: heh. I did go to class gathering didn't I? (: Thanks alot for the newspapers

Tag eh people):

9:29 PM | Saturday, December 13, 2008 | Link
half a month left
to do my homework. Gosh I'm so screwed. I really feel so dead and meaningless now. There's a party downstairs for I-Don't-Know-What but the guy's voice is annoying. Maybe it's because my mood's horrible but I just wish I have peace now. Wanted to find somebody to chat with but nobody was online.

Today was a horrible day. Forgot that Jingmei was overseas so I ended up waiting for her lol. Met Crystal at buona vista and bused to school. Had a stomachache which sent a piercing pain to my belly (stomach? whatever). 10 minutes to training and I had a serious knee sprain/tear/injury? Training ended early so I reached home early, only to hear my dad rant. I guess they don't really understand that I do want to take care of myself damnit.

Went to the sinseh at 4:30 and had a talk about calcium and milk by my dad and the acupuncturist. I guess they're just concerned after all :/
I swore to myself that I would be a patient/understanding parent in the future(:
Injuries are part and parcel of life!
ANYWAY, the needles sent electric currents to my feet and I acted as if I had spasms. >< I wonder how THAT even happened. But I did feel much better after the treatment but I've a dumpling for a knee now. White fat dumpling. Just got to be REAL careful during class gathering lest I sprain it again.
And I just learnt that the fees could be claimed from school(: HEHEHHE

Had white carrot cake, fried kway teow and some soup for tea. It had been A YEAR since I ate fried kway teow. The small little crunchy seafood which look like shells are nice. However, they're high in cholesterol and FATTENING.
I've millions of mails to check and categorise. 129 to be exact.
Gonna read some jokes to cheer myself up. Would post some if they're real funny but I doubt so.

(Argh there's this dumb Bluetooth DUN connection that keeps appearing now and then. It's so annoying. Someone teach me how to remove that thing once and for all? Thanks(: )

Balled/did maths/watched survivor/watched secrets of the mega rich with Crystal yesterday. Balled and ate icecream with her. Wanted to cycle but decided that the bicycles were a little TOO heavy to bring downstairs. Pity she lives in Bedok and not somewhere near my house, if not she would probably be the person whom I'll drag to the basketball court most of the time. Bedok's really farr. Tampines's nearer(:

Speaking of Tampines, I'm reminded of the study date with Rachel on Monday. 4 hours on 2 pages of maths for me, and 4 hours on a page of maths for her. Conclusion? Unsuccessful. I slept with Eddie. Haha. She said I violated her bed. But I couldn't do anything else cos her bro was using the other com too. And you can't expect me to sit there and watch them play maple, cos it would be super no-life.
So I slept, for 2 hours.

Oh, and Eddie's a bear with a weird part that doesn't make it a guy actually.
Gymed with Rae after match on Tuesday, and I've learnt that gymming isn't actually fun. You need loads of discipline.
Met the uncle which was with us at the China trip, at the gym. What a small world. And he actually remembered me. haha(:

Learning points these holidays:
Milocup taught me loads of things.
Holidays made me realised that I was a real slacker and would take a long time to get things done.
Trainings made me learn that being weak isn't an excuse for failures.

Absolute Boyfriend. Hana Kimi. Hana Yori Dango 1/2. Forensic Heroes. Shows which I've watched and I forgot the rest. I guess I'm really desperate.

/edit> Oh and the annoying voice is gone. I think they're clearing up since it's 9:45 now. I'm not in the mood for parties

6:53 PM | Thursday, December 04, 2008 | Link
i need a miracle to succeed
It poured today. HEAVILY. terribly. Nearly slipped and fell again. I've poor balancing skills. SIGH.

Wanted to buy books with Jingmei on Wednesday but she was SICK. gonna go buy with her tomorrow(: Saturday's training. Sunday's match. Monday's mugging day with rachel. lol. I seriously doubt it will work. But she gonna teach me RPQ. lol. Interested mah. Can't believe our conversation topic after training was about maple. I think when you're bored, you'll turn really desperate.

Lunched/Dined with jm, jiaqi, rae and weiwen at kfc. not bad. I love cheesefries. The cashier was weird. He keeps telling people at the next counter to go to his counter because he claims the next counter gonna close. When adults go to the next counter, he doesn't chase them away. Then more and more people will go to his counter and the other 3 counters are closed TOTALLY.

But he's weird in a good way because I get delicious cheesefries. I think the cheesefries cost like $3.20 and he said that since I bought a student meal just now, he would charge me $2.90. Lol. Then he asked me if there was enough cheese and I said yes when he asked me if I wanted more and I ended up with a WHOLE PLATE OF CHEESE. There was only a fry without cheese. heh(:
But stupid jingmei was there ranting about how fattening it was blahblahblah. But I skipped dinner!

Checking my mails and I found some lame jokes that made me grin for a second or two. lols
Anger management?
Husband: 'When I get mad at you, you never fight back.
How do you control your anger?'
Wife: 'I clean the toilet.'
Husband: 'How does that help?'
Wife: 'I use your toothbrush .'
Ok the rest are lame. Just about 10 seconds ago, I was thinking: siian. nothing to do.
Then I remembered...
I borrowed a book!

From new arrivals and it's a book regarding a detective investigating about the death of his daughter and the complications. Sounds pretty mundane and normal, but since it's under new arrivals, I supposed it's good.

REPLY TAGS from long time ago
> Natalie, Yenlin, Tingyu: HELLO(:
> Shermin: heh. posted. and we can always meet up lah. Don't keep sighing. lols
> Jiamin: read(: heh.
> Hansiang: People in China, plus internet slow like crap. Internet explorer even took 5 minutes to appear. a letter took 3 seconds to appear.
> irock: uh?
> Nicole: lol. which nicole? ong/ng? haha
> Jingmei: eeyer. what's wrong with turtleneck. And you damn nice uh. laugh for a second or 2 not enough. 30 seconds -.- great entertainment value horh
> Sylvia: I gonna bash you up yea! And after this post the picture won't be beside the tagboard haha. And you look ok uh. Want me send you enlarged picture?
> Rae: ahh shuddap. So many layers mahh. Long johns, turtleneck, big fat sweater. DO you know how thick the sweater is? And yalah, 2 kg, fat le luh. But it's much better than the malaysia trip what 10 kg

Gonna go read book then watch teevee and sleep. My body aint aching surprisingly. Maybe it's because I was too lazy to do it. geez

7:08 PM | Tuesday, December 02, 2008 | Link
I'm in a fabulous mood today. So wonderful(:

Reasons for good mood:
1. my table is FINALLY packed!
This is like so random and dumb but you can't possibly understand the satisfaction I felt. Uh. The whole pile of clothes, papers, rubber bands, earings, hair bands, cds, jerseys, towels, books, wires and the list goes on IS CLEARED! At first, I thought it was quite fun having a whole pile of things then you do some treasure-hunt, but after packing for about 4 hours, I think that neatness is a VIRTUE. Heh. And now, there aint any clothes on the table, just two neat boxes and a pencil case.

2. Today was a fun day
Practice was ok except for the fact that it started out horrendously. My stamina suck. Jingmei and I went walked to the CC like some siao zabor, laughing and laughing over some pig-hair. COuldn't even walk straight and some lady was staring at us. Lunched with weiwen and ann, stoned there for an hour, went to school to shoot and play with a spoilt bench, and trained home. met yvon on the way.


Spoilt bench. I was about to lie on it then the whole thing went slanted and I landed on the ground. Looked damn obscene.

The rain was horrible. Drenched in the rain and Jingmei hated it. Stamped across the big puddles of water and I felt GREAT but someone gave me the agonizing look heh. The rain was even BIGGER when I walked home but it felt great. Just that it was a little slippery and my slippers dropped halfway so I had to go back to retrieve it. Nearly fell but I DIDN'T FALL! (: I was just praying that the lightning did not strike me. I don't wanna die so early ><>3. I'm still in the holidaying trip and reminiscing the wonderful memories(:
I'm surprised that I enjoyed the China trip so much. The stereotype thinking is that China is a BORING, OLD-FASHIONED place to visit, but it definitely isn't. Learnt about a lot of things and tried many things which I never did, and the tour guide was WONDERFUL.

It's amazing how much they can tell you and how fluent they can connect the information. They seem to be telling you stories but yet, it's informative and funny. It's like they have never-ending things to tell. Ah. I'm envious.

The trip to China spanned over a period of 10 days, and I visited Beijing and Jiangnan. Stayed in Beijing for 3 days and the hotel was the best in terms of bathtub, bed, television channels, breakfast and uh, that's all actually.

Didn't really do anything that day actually, since I took the night flight. Met sylvia at the airport(:
She was commenting that she didn't expect me to wear a turtleneck. What's wrong with turtlenecks. lol. And I'm wondering why it's called turtleneck. Turtles don't even have necks. ok, this is retarded.

Stoned around and had my ass on the plane for a long wrecking 6 hours. My butt turned sore and numb. Why don't they have nice comfy cushions! I thought the torture was over but it turned out there was MORE. Cos we reached the airport in Shenzhen and had to take a domestic flight to Beijing. WASTE OF TIME. There was some admin problems so once again, STONED in the airport for 2 hours before taking the hour-long flight to Beijing.

I think we arrived at Beijing at like 3pm? The wind was comfortable and I felt so relaxed. Went to some pretty place which I forgot the name. Didn't really listen to the tour guide talk. Just appreciated everything(:



That girl's my Mum's colleague's daughter. Heh. she's cute and straightforward. She told her mum damn loudly: MUMMY, JIEJIE PRETTIER THAN THIS JIEJIE. -.-
whatever. I know lah, no need SOOO straightforward right.
But that's the innocent and cute part of all children isn't it? If only everything can be as simple as what they perceive the world out that is. Sigh. Complexity. How complex is that?

Ahh damn. I realised I got the pictures messed up! argh. Recollection(: But my memory sucks. nevermind. The main picture is that: CHINA'S PRETTY. Yah. just some parts though. And I'm wondering why I'm farting now. ew. Didn't even eat dinner. AH. GOsh, I'm getting random.

Oh. And there are many important points learnt during this trip.
For starters, Singapore's super safe. A zebra=crossing IS a zebra-crossing, where the pedestrian's safety is ensured. Not like china's one. HORRIBLE.

The cigarettes which Singaporeans smoke are somewhat nicer-smelling. They don't have some chaota smell. But SMOKING'S STILL BAD. I dislike the fact that parents smoke while talking to their kids. I'm so glad that my dad doesn't smoke(:

Singaporeans' standard of hygeine is higherrr. You walk on the streets of China and you'll hear "KORRRRRRR" then a second later, "PUI!" My dad even mastered the art of making that sound to purposely annoy me.
Yuck. Spitting -.- Can't they do everything in the toilet?
Oh. And our toilets are better. I think EVERYONE knows that. haha.

Geez, I'm feeling lazy. I think I'll shorten all the details and dump the photos in. Just lesser than 15 pics. Selective photos(:

The biggest screen in China. You know, where they have all the advertisements. It's so big that I wonder if the audience would get the message. But it's pretty at night cos it lights up. ok, redundant point. But yea, it's unique(:

Climbed the great wall. Just a short journey and I was already panting. The fact that the whole of Great Wall of China is man-made is still amazing, till today I think.

Loitered outside the olympics sports hall. Didn't go in cos it would be a waste of money and it wasn't as big as it seemed, according to the tour guide. But it was windy..... and my hair was a complete mess due to static electricity. No matter how I combed it back, it would stick to my head. Rawr.


Bird nest. The sky's a pretty shade of blue isn't it.

I tried on the traditional clothing for the cocubine and it sucked. The headgear is like freaking heavy and I bet if I continued wearing that for a few weeks my neck would shorten by inches. Then the sleeves were like long and uh, translucent. But it was a nice experience(:
Ahh, I know I look like crap.

At the top of longest man-made bridge in the world. See the sun, the sky. One word: breath-taking

Mao Ze Dong memorial? Don't know. Contributions to China. He's great I admit, although his support for communism is the reason to the fact that China could have been much more powerful than USA long long ago.

We had the chance to witness the battle scenes during the olden days where the people ride on horses and fight. Although it was a short performance of 15 mins, it was insightful. And they really did seem to "fight". I thought it was fake, haha.






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Suzhou! Rode on a small boat which was peddled by a woman who was really strong. She sang some songs which I didn't understand the meaning but it was high-pitched yet soulful. It made my heart stir, for no apparent reason.

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The street where my mum bought pig trotters. Ate it a few days ago and I'm sick of it. Trust me to think that the people who sold pig trotters were so lucky cos they could eat such delicious food EVERYDAY.


which actually means more smokers. ahh. I just resent their presence.


Night-scenery. See the tower. The unique thing about the boat that I was on is that it rotates round, on the sea. But there were some stupid poles blocking. And my mum said the scenery was much prettier 2 years ago cos the lights were brighter. Now China's on this environmental-saving scheme.

Last day. Shopping(: Jackie Chan looks realistic here right. At 1st glance. There are even wrinkles on his face. And his charismatic smile. lols





That's all(:

CLASS CHALET. Just a few pictures lah. Lazy to kope all of them.
That's probably the simple conclusion which sums it all. No need more explanations or words. Those memories, keep them. Those awful conflicts, remember them, since you probably won't have the chance to have the same conflict with the same person.

I got to know MORE PEOPLE this year and got CLOSER to those I already knew. Still have the reputation of being dao to some, but whatever. Socialising is tiring ok!
Not gonna write notes to anybody cos we'll still get to meet. I'll do it when I end year 6, cos at that time, I'll mature much more and my perspectives will be so much different.





When I was packing my table, I read the rijis that I had in primary school and the autograph book. I laughed at how innocent I was and the juvenile language which I used. Can't believe I was like that. hah.

Photobucket's loading super slowly. Shit it. GOnna go buy books with jingmei tomorrow. That pig hasn't decided which nice place to go and even suggested skipping lunch. HOW CAN. I must enjoy life to the fullest. What's more, I just got my allowance. heh.

Chinese New Year's around the corner. How time flies. Gambling time(: And more goodies and wine to drink. Wonderful soup and delicacies. and most importantly, more money and angbaos.
I haven't saved the entire day. eff it. My dad just nagged at me. roar. Shitshit. I need to savesavesave. ahh. Grow up please Christina, you asshole.
Learn it.