11:06 AM | Wednesday, November 25, 2009 | Link
clinging on, to cushion a fall
clinging on, to cushion a fall

Every minutes like an hourMy current music addiction(: It has been on loop on iTunes for around 15 times and counting.
Every hours like a day
Every day lasts forever
Everybody In Love by JLS.
Cleared my table today and I feel clearer. Gonna start on my holiday work but I guess I'll go nowhere, since the com is switched on/:
Yesterday was a great slacking day. Tanned with Qi for lesser than 2 hours and she's burnt. I didn't really feel anything, except my thigh has slight rashes now, but it'll be gone soon. Training was tiring, but not exactly tiring. Heh, don't make sense. At first during those dribbling drills, I felt like dying. Tired like crap. But during the 3-on-3, it was slack. I think the seniors are damn encouraging, especially during the free-throw shooting practice. It's really different, as compared to our training. When we are shooting, everyone just make their shots and there's hardly any noise, maybe those that you get when you're having fun with each other. Qi and I found it real amusing ha.
Took the longer bus route home because I was too lazy to walk from compass home.
Stoned and admired the pretty clouds which were of a shade of purple and orange. Pretty fluffy clouds in the night sky. The quiet night when only the gentle swaying of the trees and rustling of the leaves can be heard make me feel peaceful and at ease. I wish I could have a night walk everyday, but doing it alone is abit pathetic. Sigh, why did I've to leave at such an ulu place like Sengkang):
I pondered and came up with many questions which may be deemed as redundant, but I can't help it if the train of thoughts keeps invading my mind. Often, I claim that self-sufficiency and independence will get me through everything, since that just means that there is no need to take the opinions of others into consideration and you just have to care about your thoughts and emotions. It's different from being self-centered, where everything revolves around oneself because selfishness comes from a huge (really huge) ego that looks down on every other thing.
I don't know, on the bus, I felt empty, like my heart turned really hollow. I guessed a nice sunset would have solved it all, but ohwells, it's difficult/:
Tomorrow gonna be friendlies with New Town and tanning with Chan after that. I'm like some tanning partner can, although I'm black like crap already. Fugly colour, but ohwells, can't help it. Anyways I rather be dark than white(:
Tag Replies:
QI>> o.o SPAM siaz.
Crystal>> heh I know it's lag. gah, quickly come back and play ball(:
Rae>> lol you people love spamming emoticons o.o
It's ironic how we do the things we used to say we abhorred. Expectations and yearnings change, but if beliefs do, what's left of our so-called principles?
11:40 PM | Tuesday, November 17, 2009 | Link

That's my wallpaper and I just felt like uploading it. I remembered myself loving this pic to bits when I found it on the internet because I think it depicted my exact emotions, and indeed, a picture says a thousand words.
Wanted to go sleep but I had this weird feeling to jot something down before I head down to lala-land.
Saw a funeral procession at Parkway today. It was a little different because there were men in black walking on stilts. Qi actually thought it was some game parade or something -.- malu-ed in front of people who raised their eyebrows, but ohwells, it's kinda expected. heh.
Dealing with the pain inflicted hurts more than anyone can expect, but accepting the fact that we have to let go and continue walking on is another total different thing. Realising that clinging on to the so-called memories and reflecting for umpteen times will lead to nowhere, I've finally learnt to overcome the emotional barrier. It may seem nothing to some, but it means the world to me.
I don't know. Just gonna try my best for now. Trying to rectify those faults, so the shadows of the past would no longer be seen again.
9:17 PM | Monday, November 16, 2009 | Link
jump then fall
It has been a long day. Heh, quite a lagged post, but argh, whatever.jump then fall
That was tanjiaqi -.- I'm at her house and her mac is like super hard to type cos the spaces are far apart. But I like how the shortcuts on mac work.
Today's friendlies with Huayi was fine. I think everything worked out better than expected, although we sorta need communication in the team. Training with seniors on thursday, kinda looking forward to training nowadays because it seems more interesting and being with seniors would mean more things to laugh at.
Anyways, the past few days were spent with the juniors after training and it was quite fun laughing over retarded stuffs, although at the end of the day, you'll be wondering what you were actually laughing so hard about.

At ann's house. Slacked around and koped pictures from the dhsbball blog to make jiaolian's card heheh. Hunghui was having fun with my hair and I managed to see how I looked like in different hairstyles besides ponytails (which I can only tie in my entire life). Heh, so it was quite amusing(:
Lunch out at pastamania and had fun around Giant. hahaha, bonding with non-centers(:
Syl >> lol, hahaha i didn't realise the emoticon looked like that too. and just stoning in the pool = tanning abit too. So I guess that explains the sunburns and aches right. heh
Qi >> lol, survival instincts o.o -.- I think those are just pure excuses I think. But ohwells, we are great at arguing till we seem right(:
Rae >> WOW. after thinking that i look like some animal (s), I look like emoticons now O.O I'm amused. really amused. O.O
Chan >> EY the way your are discussing is as if i'm transparent. weirdo siaz!
Opinions matter but when judgemental views shape the way people look at you, you wonder what matters more - your self-worth or your impression on people.
10:40 PM | Tuesday, November 10, 2009 | Link
emotions stirred
Felt tired all of a sudden, I wonder why.emotions stirred
Dang, guess I hafta go to sleep before I really zonk out. Had a really good night sleep yesterday, felt really energized when I woke up, but dropped dead in school again -.-
Training was fine. I don't know, I think it's more fun now, although the constant worry that my knee, ankle and calves will cock up is haunting me.
ponder ponder ponder.
Ah, I'm really tired. Shall stop here for now.
Sometimes we wonder what's the best for us, sometimes we question if we gave our very best.
Pushing further and emerging stronger, I guess it's easier said than done.
Questioning the existence and significance of emotions.
-Qi>> O.O Aiyah, revive it for awhile, and it gonna be dead soon. And NONONO flowers please. argh.
-Rae>> ha, whatever. Okay lah, the yellow song on your blog is quite nice. I went to download it(: And Jay Sean is really niceeee.
-Syl>> lmao. and that swim last sunday caused my shoulders to be darn painful.
-Anon>> ?
-Crystal>> HA jokers lah both of you.
11:05 PM | Tuesday, November 03, 2009 | Link
is a nice song.stolen
by Jay Sean, I like. I know Crystal probably finds it boring lalalala, but people like chan, qi and jacob will appreciate it(: Not sure about Rae, aiyah, that woman is only crazy about jay chou -.-
Anyways, today was quite mixed. I don't know. YOG Presentation was shitty, although I learnt quite alot of stuffs, but I want to have a nicer ambience to have the lecture. Drama performance was great, although it was freezing cold, but I shared my pe shirt with yibei so it felt fine. Heheh, cuddled together and sharing warmth. Sounds wrong :/ Then Chan koped my bball pants. I bet it felt shiok lo, my jersey shorts are comfy.
When I finally stepped out of PAC and embraced the sunlight, the feeling was warm and great. I thought things would be fine but it was destroyed by lunch -.- Someone exposed stuffs to me. EW. Only Rae and Qi understand what I'm talking about I guess, but seriously, the image is still imprinted in my mind. Yellow flowers -.-
I'm no pervert! hahaha, I don't make sense.
Was stoning in the gym but I was glad when qianye came along. Couldn't manage to convince her to get out of the gym. Training seems so fun now, just because I can't join it. The guys had a friendly match which was quite fun too watch, though it was abit rough and crazy at some point of time.
Things would have gone fine if they didn't come gl me man. They gonna have a fun time making fun of me the next few days. CHIEH.
Anyways, note of the day, I gonna be alive and kicking soon(: Felt really exhilarated and happy when I found out that my movement isn't restricted by my ankle injury already.
I'm still unwilling to break the ice. It isn't as if I can't afford to, but I just don't quite feel like it. I know that things would be fine if I reach out, but I still have to pass the stage of my self-pride.
It gonna take long, but whatever, not like I really need it.
Damn. Despite that, I wish things would have been better.
Why is it that communications are easier with people you aren't close to? Is it because the closer ones don't matter anymore, or is it because we just forget about the seemingly common pleasantries?
10:12 PM | Monday, November 02, 2009 | Link
chance upon
It's really difficult to receive reciprocation for one's commitment and have mutual understanding and trust, so why is it that when we finally manage to have things the way we always wanted it to be, we actually let them slip past our fingers that easily, as if its existence was merely a pure coincidence?chance upon
Was the process of achieving the things which we yearned for, that exciting?
It takes long to trust someone but it is easy to disappoint them by making them feel that they have had their trust misplaced. Trust can enable people to go through tumultuous times easily, because it's the strong unseen and unspoken power that is simply blinding. We don't acknowledge its existence till we witness how relationships are either made stronger or broken by it. I don't know, it is difficult to get so far, so why let those accusing assumptions change the status quo?
Ever wondered why people cry?
They could be upset, disappointed, happy, or simply, those could be crocodile tears. There can actually be so many reasons for a single action, but when we see someone crying in a corner, we always assume that he/she is sad. Or maybe she's just a whiny pig who can't stop crying.
I think we really have this bad attribute; being assuming. Get the facts right before conclusions are being laid down. Even without exactly directing the fault, the mere mention of it hurts. The suspicion, the accusation, the distrust - there are so many signs to interpret and so many emotions felt, is it fair?
I seriously don't think misinterpretations are a result of the lack of mutual understanding. I know I used to think like that but come to think of it, we can't expect the other party to be the bug in our tummy and brain, understanding everything that we're thinking, when we don't mention anything. How would they know everything - when we gonna eat, when we gonna shit, when we gonna feel like boxing people, when we feel like zi-highing, when we feel like we are being damned, and yes, it sounds weird, but mood swings do permit a cycle of thoughts which seems incapable of being perceived right?
Commitment sucks.
Anyways, today was fine. I thought the CME learning journey was quite fun. I mean, at least we're moving and walking around. The weather was fine. I kinda liked the downpour. If only I had an extra shirt to get drenched in the rain.
I'm tired. Shall go sleep. and ohmygod I nearly sprained my ankle again. was just twisting here and there, and ALMOST ALMOST sprained it again. Scary. Okays, I'm scared now. Chicken -.-