12:54 AM | Wednesday, December 23, 2009 | Link
It's late at night and I can't sleep
I feel tired but I'm awake. Talk about ironies.It's late at night and I can't sleep
Today's a mixed day. The bad side: I sprained my ankle. My left ankle. 2nd injury. I hope the theory that even number injuries won't hurt, will become true. Self-delusion doesn't work all the time. But thanks to Crystal and Chan for their consolation(: Didn't go to the sinseh cos sinseh = inform dad = ATM machine = nag = sadness + pissed = volcano erupt. Ah, at least when he saw me spraying the alcohol on my ankle, he didn't say anything more than a sentence. HA. goody. Cos I said I just felt slight pain a my ankle.
The good thing is that I learnt how to play the piano (5 fingers) from rachel(: hahaha, i think she probably hates the song now
Laazzzzyyy to blog now. nights(:
8:08 PM | Friday, December 11, 2009 | Link
leaving singapore is 12 hours time. Aint exactly looking forward to it, but I suppose a slight change of environment still does me good. there
Class Chalet was fun and quite successful I think. Got to know more peeps better and had fun(: Tanned with Syl and went to www with 2 amanda-s, sweeyee, jamie and natasha. Turned damn black and no one gave positive comments so far): My parents are suan-ing me all the way and agh, I hate it.
Mum: Ey, where is she? Can't see her (-I'm like sitting right in front of her can -.-)
Dad: Ya lor, where is she ah.
Mum: I see her!!!...
her eyes.
Then she teased that I gonna get lots of feedback from my relatives in Malaysia.
Tag Replies:
Rae>> LOL lah both of your
Qi>> YOu want smiley face ah :D:D:D:D BYEBYE and have fun overseas
Counting the footprints imprinted, sudden realisation that we walked so far.
9:40 PM | Wednesday, December 02, 2009 | Link
Eh today was totally off-plan. DIE.backtrack
Gah, I really hate this life which I'm drifting with no purpose. I rather have plans which will make my entire day busy than laze around, doing nothing, although potato-couching is kinda comfortable at times.
Was clearing my inbox and read khoon's message(: I think it's really cool, and I remember it lifting my spirits when I was going mad mugging and cramming all those info in my brains.
Anyways, it's about this man who paints himself to fit the background and it's kinda cool, although i wonder who is so boliao to do such lame stuffs -.- Have fun finding him(:

Heh I had a hard time finding the last one. Took me around 3 minutes -.-

Still can't find him? He's near the wheels heheh.
We've seen those mountains kneeling, felten and grey
We thought our very hearts would up and melt away
From that snow in the night time
Just going
And going
And the stirring of wind chimes
In the morning
In the morning
Helps me find my way back in
From the place where I have been - Emily (Joanna Newsom)
7:19 PM | Tuesday, December 01, 2009 | Link
curtains closing
Yeps, the year 2009 gonna come to an end soon. (okays not exactly, I still have a month to go, but since life nowadays is just a repetition and a mundane cycle, it makes no difference) curtains closing
Generally, this year has been a good one, except for bad grades and emotional times. I think everyone grew up, I can feel the change constantly around me; family, those people I'm closest to, friends, acquaintances, everybody.
My social circle is sorta settled down, like everyone has their own partners and besties for anything. There wasn't exactly any shrinking I suppose, just that many incidents occurred which made bonds in friendships stronger or some, broken.
Gonna search through my pathetic archives for images of this year(:

And family(:

Hmmms they say people tend to distance from their families as they grow up, due to differing opinions, and I suppose it's somewhat true for me since there were more conflicts this year. All the cold-wars and quarrels - we all went through and things are fine now(: One thing is for sure, we really do have to give and take.
Although it definitely feels better if you voice out your opinions cos you SHUANG (right rachel?), I guess we have to take into consideration people's emotions and point of view. There's a fine line between being straightforward and offensive, though it's hard not to fall into the other negative side. The choice of words used really matters a lot, since many a times, I speak before I even think, and ohwells, everything gets heated up and the stupid ego of mine just doesn't allow myself to apologise and admit that I'm in the wrong.
Ah, my bad.
But, too bad.
Anyways, Resolution for 2010: Being more active in family gatherings and trying to adjust my schedule so that I'll have enough time for everything and nothing is neglected. hopefully.
Time really passes fast. Next year's 2010 and I'd actually be 16. O.O
Last year in Bdiv and last year in junior high...............
Every streetlight reveals the picture in reverse. Still, it's so much clearer.
6:58 PM | | Link
My toe is hurting like @*#(*@&@#* cos I was stupid enough to cut the (blister?) pain
GAH. Now I'm
Training was quite fun I think. I like those drills which involve shooting, or at least you won't have lactic acid accumulated in your thighs. The heavy feeling sucks totally. Heh, and there were only 7 peeps today, including us. We thought coach would torture us, but ohwells, he didn't.
Stoned in the gym for an hour or two before going home. Was darn pissed when I couldn't take a nap when I reached home. Tossed and turned but didn't fall asleep.
Nothing to do right now. Ah, life is so mundane.
Trainings are probably the most constructive things ever done this holidays.
Nevermind, shall post about the trip to limchukang farms with Rae and Crystal. All pictures koped from Rae's blog, minus the unglam and obscene candid shots(:
First stop, Goat Farm.
Stupid rachel make the goat milk sound so bad when it actually tasted fine. Wasted my time trying to prepare myself for the awful taste :/ But I admit it's kind of bland and I wouldn't fancy drinking goat milk everyday.
Second stop, er, Frog Farm is it?
Aiya it's nothing much. Just some dirty sections with loads of small little frogs that wouldn't jump -.- They won't even scramble to food. And then we tried some frog and crocodile meat. I think the crocodile meat is nicer, more crunchy and everything. Just don't think about the fact that you are eating CROCODILE MEAT then i guess it's fine.
Ah, I'm a bit lazy to describe everything already. I guess pictures will say a thousand words, and anyways, everything's on rachel's blog.

Rae: O.O lol.
Qi: aiyo. you ah. just cos you're bored, no need to come kachiao me right. Aiyah, not like there's alot to post.
Ah, there's this baby wailing really loudly downstairs. I can't stand babies crying and crying and crying. I prefer those toddlers who are running around, with a wide grin on their faces. So much more adorable and lovable(:
Hmmms since I'm waiting for my stomach to empty the lunch I had at 4, before I can have my dinner, I shall have another post to sum up my entire year of 2009(: