9:19 PM | Friday, June 29, 2007 | Link
bball match against Bedok View
this post is late by 2 days... or is it 3?? >.< I have lots of time since there's no studying tomorrow.... although there's school. =D

School started rather well, although I was rather late... =D Then we had Maths, Science and yeah, Chinese.
Then Jiaqi, Rene and Amanda came to my classroom, staring at the windows and well, signalling or something like that. Teri asked me to looked and yeah, I looked. Hah. Then I packed up and the class was so sweet to wish me good luck. =D Yang Lao Shi too... ^^

And the year 3 seniors were so nice!! They gave us bananas and connected notes of encouragement on it!! SO TOUCHING man!! OUR SENIORS RAWK!!
Soo nice man.
[This is a pic from Jingmei's phone. She anyhow take de. =(( ]

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Looks blurry....

When I reached home, I took a picture of the notes. Yeah, I'm crazy. Kee-siiao. =D

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There were some group photos but I forgot to ask Qianye to send them to me.... BLAHHH
Then Jingmei and I took a picture outside the school: =D
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ON the bus, Rachel and I were camera whoozing. Hehes. Look at her retarded face and you'll laugh like hell. I was ugly too. URGH.
The sequence:
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I look fierce horh. I got tired right after the first picture and well, I'm really tired..... GRRRR, Rachel refused to cooperate and take a nice picture.

On the bus, the seniors passed us the post cards that Dinah prepared... So nice of her man!! =D

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I like the part where they say that the answer is in your hands. And i just like the boy near the earth like that. Although he looks like a loner... >.<
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I think I'm really nutty,but nevermind. =D

Then we reached Fengshan Community Centre and we warmed-up and we played. Urms, lousily. According to jiao lian, the teacher-in-charge, the seniors and myself too. The ball just didn't get into the net. STUPID BALL But nevermind, we'll improve!! =D We nervous mah. Anyway, we still won although we were supposed to win de loh. =((

Then I played basketball with Elizabeth, Comint, Rachel, Novia and Felicia. No sec 1s stayed back. They claimed to be hungry and wanted to eat something but I was wondering: Didn't they eat in school? Then they said that they ate sushi. Duh. Diiao. Sushi ISN'T NICE AT ALL. And it steals your money ALL AWAY man.
Urms yeah, I'm broke now. I'm really broke.
OKayy, I feel happier now. BEcause I got my allowance for next month and I'm going to pay Jingmei some money. THen i'm free of my debt once again!! OOOOO!! I love this day of the month man. Lalalalas. I gonna save money again. =D I wonder why money can't be into the piggy bank, but instead, it keeps coming out of it. I'm pissed. Yeah, I WAN $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

THen my dad fetched me from Fengshan CC after I practised shooting for a while. Then went home, ate, played the com, and slept. It's boring. =( I wanna shoot. people. money. and basketball nets. =D


Firstly, HAPPY YOUTH DAY youths! This is my first time celebrating youth day, and saying goodbye to CHildren's day. =D It's feels great although I don't feel a difference. Siian.

the school organised a concert and some games booths for us but I only attended the concert. THen I went to ball with my team and our seniors. =D I didn't bother to play any games and the queue was long. I don't wanna wait.
After playing basketball for about 2-3 hours, Comint, Rachel, Jingmei, Jiaqi, Rene and I went to Bedok to watch the boys play. Jiaqi went for her piano lessons.

The match was rather well-played in my opinon, but the coach for the guys weren't satisfied. According to the seniors, they played lower than their usual standard but who cares? They won. =D

Then Comint, Qianye and I went to ball. I'm always balling. I love to ball. We saw some guys who dropped down from the sky and we decided to play with them. =D Then I shot in some goals and shot. The chopping feeling is cool.

At about 6pm, Chermaine came back from her O-levels oral and the seniors went home. I stayed back to ball at the basketball court that was behind Fengshan CC for about 15 minutes then went to take shelter at Fengshan CC after that. Then balled again since there was a shelter and my dad came to fetch me.

He was there niiao-ing about me balling too much and said that I should rest at home or something like that. Resting at home is boring and it only makes me a pig. Fullstop. Nevermind, anyway, I shut up and let him niiao-ed all the way.

Actually, I wanted to visit Nan Chiau since I suddenly felt like walking around for a few minutes but since the procedure was long and sucked totally, I decided to throw that idea away. I hate the PROCEDURE. Sucks.

I gonna go watch TV now. There's a rather nice show on Channel U. C.I.D I think. =D It looks funny. The cops' clothing looks like a diva entering a fashion show. I like that. =))

Will update the chinese version for fun tomorrow I guess. And I think my computer crashed. =(( Using my dad's one. The start-up didn't work and my dad is going to kill me. He hasn't even settled the ghost for this one. So I'll be a guai-kia for the moment and use this com or go watch TV. Can't youtube here. I think youtube's the reason why this computer crashed. HAHA.



10:31 PM | Monday, June 25, 2007 | Link
welcoming MS KHENG back!!
Today was a rather nice day for me.... everything was rather fun although lessons were normal... >.<

Ms Kheng's back today! =D I missed her so much man... and she even gave us a KineaBueano for those people whose birthdays she missed when she was having her maternity leave.... Sorry, but I don't really know how to spell that... It's a type of chocolate... =D
Although Ms Kheng is back, Mrs Tan, our maths form teacher is going to have maternity leave soon. I hope I can fit into the teaching method of the new maths teacher and not die or suffocate... if not that would be so terrible... =(

Let me describe to you what happened...
We went off 15 minutes earlier than school ended and our dear pwetty Sing Rue ordered the MacDonalds. We invited Ms Kheng down next. She seemed surprised when she saw the table of MacDonalds packet. She said that she was surprised and she didn't expect that but I thought it was rather obvious that we were planning a surprise for her since we asked her when she was free and stuff like that... I mean, why would we students ask that for no reason right?

Maybe she was surprised that we could book the food ourselves in such a short period of time... because we weren't really sure if she was coming back today or something like that... =D But I'm really glad everything went on smoothly... =D I'm just soooo glad....

However, something sad was that Ms Kheng couldn't eat with us as she had something on. But nevermind, at least she took the banner and the food away. I believe she will eat it and feel the LOVE. Hahas, just joking. But by the time she eats it, all the fries will become soggy and it wouldn't really be nice then... X(

I wanna describe to you about the expressions of the people! Many people were staring at us, I think envying us... and Sing Rue told me that some teachers even stared at the table! She said that she thinks that the teachers were thinking about how lucky the teacher in-charge of this class was and well, perhaps they regret not teaching us? HahaHAAHAHDHADHAHHAHAHAH. That's just so thick-skinned.
One guy even walked past and exclaimed:
Waseh! So lucky! MacDonalds siia!
that was just so funny.

When most of the people from KEZO left due to CCA reasons or what-so-ever, Sing Rue, Teri and I were the only ones left in the canteen eating the leftovers. I'm more than willing to do that anyway.. >.< Although the fries tasted soggy and weird but the main important thing was that we managed to chat and have fun, and I really showed my CHILLI SPIRIT. =D I think i ate 5 packets of chilli... =D

French was also rather fun because Monsieur Huet introduced to us the Library at the MOELC. We visited it during break time and I felt so cool when I entered the air-conditioned library. AIR-CONDITIONING IS THE BEST INVENTION EVER!!
My friends and I skimmed through the book labels to find the simplest books, which is the elementary labels. AND YOU KNOW WHAT??!!
And do you know what age elementary books are meant for? CHILDREN FROM 6-8 YEARS!! What the hell right??
Nevermind, I guess I have to buckle my french up... =D

Just an enlightening email that I feel really makes me think a lot....
Today we have bigger houses and smaller families; more conveniences, but less time;

we have more degrees, but less common sense; more knowledge, but less judgment;

We have more experts, but more problems; more medicine, but less wellness.

We spend too recklessly, laugh too little, drive too fast, get to angry too quickly, stay up too late, get up too tired, read too little, watch TV too often, and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but reduced our values. We talk too much, love too little and lie too often.

We‘ve learned how to make a living, but not a life; we’ve added years to life, not life to years.

We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers; wider freeways, but narrower viewpoints.

We spend more, but have less; we buy more, but enjoy it less.

We've been all the way to the moon and back, but have trouble crossing the street to meet the new neighbor.

We've conquered outer space, but not inner space. We've split the atom, but not our prejudice;

we write more, but learn less; plan more, but accomplish less.

We've learned to rush, but not to wait; we have higher incomes, but lower morals.

We build more computers to hold more information, to produce more copies, but have less communication. We are long on quantity, but short on quality.

These are the times of fast foods and slow digestion; tall men and short character; steep profits and shallow relationships.

More leisure and less fun; more kinds of food, but less nutrition; two incomes, but more divorce; fancier houses, but broken homes.

That’s why I propose, that as of today, you do not keep anything for a special occasion, because every day that you live is a special occasion.

Search for knowledge, read more, sit on your front porch and admire the view without paying attention to your needs.

Spend more time with your family and friends, eat your favorite foods, and visit the places you love.

Life is a chain of moment of enjoyment, not just about survival
Use your crystal goblets. Do not save your best perfume, and use it every time you feel you want it.
Remove from your vocabulary phrases like “one of these days” and “someday”. Let’s write that letter we thought of writing “one of these days”.
Let’s tell our families and friends how much we love them. Do not delay anything that adds laughter and joy to your life.
Every day, every hour, and every minute is special. And you don’t know if it will be your last.
If you’re too busy to take the time to send this message to someone you care, and you tell yourself you will send it “one of these days “. Just think…”One of these days “, you may not be here to send it!

I just thought so much unknowingly because of this email...

It's really true....
We seem to have conquered the whole world, but actually, we have not even conqueured our inner self: We can't decide or have not decided what we want so what's the use?

So I guess I'm going to sit down and plan what I'm really going to do in the future........ I don't wanna live life meaninglessly man.

Maybe I would play basketball. XD

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11:01 AM | Sunday, June 24, 2007 | Link
a whole lot of crap
These few days have lots of things happening. Let me start with the 6A Class gathering!! This class gathering was held on 21st and at Grace's condo. =D We played basketball, chatted and barbecued. Damn shiok man. The gathering was fun loads and I really missed our class then. =D 6A ROCKS!
Here's some pictures during that day: [taken from Janelle's phone and Zhan's the photographer]:

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a over-barbecued hotdog...

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Food!! The nuggets rule man!! =D

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Curry lohs. It's rather nice and not that spicy as what the rest say

Some pictures of people~~!! =DD

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YITING!! =))

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Meng and her sis.... =D

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Zhan, Syl and Me. I think I look spastic after playing basketball.....

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Zhan, Syl and Ivy. I think everybody looks sweaty and weird... ^^

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Zhan and Cheryl.

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Grace looks weird... hahas... Zhan didn't delete the photo... haha... =D

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Grace, Rachel and Janelle!! Their smiles look weird... ^^

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3 of them again! They are really great friends... =D

These are just a few pictures. I didn't really take any pictures and my phone's pitures' quality suck at night. There were some group photos but Janelle said that she would send it to me... =D

I just got my jersey!! and my number's 15. 15 doesn't seem to fit me though. I think numbers like 7, 10, 11, 12 suit me... but nevermind....=D

These are some emails........ and it has really been a long time since i blogged about emails... =))

Some exercises in office every one hour

Some exercises in office every one hour


1st: Warming UP
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2nd: Stretching
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3rd: the upper body exercise
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4th: lower body exercise (moving to left and back)
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5th: lower body exercise (moving to right and back)
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6th: Head exercise (make sure to do the 2 nd part, it works!)
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7th: whole body exercise
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8th: Jumping exercise: The Pose is the key! but remember to jump!
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9th: relax
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LV3 over: Well done!
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Hahas, I like the pictures... they're cute... =D

And this is the Mr Bean acting Mr Boombastic video:

I remembered that I had much more things to blog about but i forgot what. Anyway, I gonna blog at my chinese blog and I'm lagging behind by 2 posts... =((


10:02 PM | Wednesday, June 20, 2007 | Link
KEZO class chalet~~
Yay, I'm back from the class chalet and it rocked totally. It was rather fun siia although there were some things that didn't follow the plan... =((

basketball friendly match
This match was against Nan Chiau High and we played very well... =D The seniors RAWKED =D

After that, my nice dad brought me and my sis for lunch at KFC and then we went home. I think I spent about 45 minutes to pack my crap and my dad brought me there. YAY! And I reached NSRCC (National Service Resort Country Club) in 20 minutes... and he helped me buy my SATAY. Yay. And helped me pack it nicely. So shiok man. hahas. THANKS DAD!! My blog becomes a thank-you ground, so shiok. =D

I was 30 minutes late by the time I reached there. We played Tai Di and fooled around. Hit each other here and there and cracked some LAME BIG JOKES.
Teri was wearing a skirt=D WOOOOAHHH!
Then at about 4:30, Huiwen watched Yi Nan Wang and everybody was commenting about it. She finds it nice but well, I finds it draggy. =(

We wanted to play Cluedo but the guys didn't cooperate. Caris, Cherisse, Jia Min and Jacob arranged the groups according to Boy-gal lidat. In the end, we did not play a single game that the organisers organised. That was so sad man, and I think we spent about 30 minutes waiting.....
In the end, Syl suggested that we went to swim and indeed we went. Only 4 people went, how pathetic can that be?? >.< Then we spent about 1 hour soaking in the pool. The lifeguards didn't allow piggy-bagging and we did not want to swim too vigorously. Then in the end we spent our time talking about a lot of stuff... =D

Back at the chalet, it was 6:30. The organisers said that we were going to play water bombs so I did not bathe but just put a t-shirt over it. =D
The water bombs were so cute, long and nice larhs. I burst many water bombs and tied them until my fingers hurt like shit.

Then we melted chocolate for the marsh mellows and it was a BIG DISASTER. We overheated the chocolates and instead, it came out LUMPY. It looked like shit and we dirtied the kitchen with CHOCOLATE.
Damn shity larhs.

The water bombs were used up in lesser than 5 minutes and we replaced water bombs with water. By the time we finished playing and cleaning up the damn kitchen that was full of dirt and SHIT, it was 11:30. And I bathed... FINALLY

Many of the KEZO people went home and we started slacking and eating and talking. Yvon wanted to sleep but I kept kicking her whenever she wasn't talking... ^^ Chalet ISN'T MEANT FOR SLEEPING. But after a while, I let her go sleep and Sing Rue accompanied her. Zinc, Shermin and me went downstairs to watch MTV hitz. The MTVs were boring man and I slept. For 15 minutes and woke up. Then I go play Tai Di with the guys while Shermin and Zinc continued watching. Later they joined us... =D

We played cards for about 5 or 6 hours I guessed. Then I slept for 1 hour!! =D And was woken up again. By what- I dont know. Then was cards time and breakfast.
Then we went to BOWL! bowling!! I sucked at it and was always the last. The balls keep going into the gutter. I wanted to bike but there wasn't enough time so we went to lunch. The things were so damn expensive!! =(( A stupid Longan Beancurd cost $2.75. Daylight robbery man.

Then we booked a cab and well, the cab fare was $7.50 and I took the MRT from Tanah Merah MRT and reached home at 4++
Then I watched TV and slept. Siians, that's all. =(

3:22 PM | Saturday, June 16, 2007 | Link
Malaysia trip 2007 =D
Yo, I just came back from Malaysia. Went to Seremban. Wonder if it's the correct spelling... This blog post is like 1 day late or what-so-ever. This blog is really lagging man. Dead siia. About 2 weeks not updated.

My trip to Malaysia wasn't that bad except that it was rather FATTY. Hahas, I practically eat and slept eat and slept and watch tv I guess. =D

Here's my procedure:
  1. wake up at 8 or 9
  2. eat breakfast that is like a lot and a lot of choices man. I can't choose and usually I would eat about 2 or 3 different types since I'm a greedy person... =D
  3. watching CCTV at my relative's house for about 2 or 3 or 4 hours until about 12, 1pm or 2pm lidat
  4. then it's lunchtime and again, a widespread!!! =D
  5. watching of CCTV again. Some shows are being repeatedly broadcasted but there are still some nice dramas.. =D
    I could go and swim but I was rather lazy though.... =D I think I went to basketball on one day. Well, only one day, no big deal. =D
  6. then it's dinner and I go to sleep!!

Hahas, and now I'm 6kg heavier. I'm not sure if it's the accurate one because this is based on the latest update from the weighing scale at my aunt's house. =D Hahas. But I think few basketball practices would make me slim down. ^^ I gonna train harder during the basketball practices.... DEFINITELy..

Currently, I'm watching Express Boy staring Mike He. Seems rather interesting so I watch lorhs. At least I have something to do right? The start is rather boring. Actually I considered watching KO-one but I was rather bored with the beginning and Express Boy seems more catchy since it's about an ex-convict. =D I wanna know more about this kinda of shows...... =))
I just finished watching It started with a Kiss and it rocked totally. Although the ending was rather lame. Hahas, same as Hana Kimi.... =D But the equel seems rather easy to start in this way I guess.....

I'M NOT ADDICTED TO YOUTUBE OR DRAMAS! I just wanna find something to do when I'm blogging or doing some leisure stuff like surfing the net. Finding another thing to do or multi-tasking is rather fun and I can find more fun if I multi-task. =D See? I understand myself so well... =D

I just met up with Khoon, Meng, Jas and Zhan and the gathering rocked totally. ALthough we had very little time together, (I think it was 5 hours or 6), the time was still great and I do LOVE it man! How I wish there could be more frequent gatherings like that. I really miss the times we had in primary school... =D ~~lovies~~
We played bball, monopoly, ate, Yeah, eat and eat and eat, and played audition and fooled around. Then it was time to go home. Ah yarhs, this kinda of stuff damn siians de especially if it's near to the time saying bye bye.
But I think I can meet Meng and Zhan during the 6A class gathering. Whootts!! I hope Khoon comes. Jas can't come because of crappy homework. HOMEWORK SUCKS. IT CORRUPTS THE BEAUTIFUL AND SOULFUL BRAINS OF WE PUPILS. Because of homework, all people become more and more dumb....

And I still have one more stupid chinese summary that I have to write based on the chinese story book Little Prince. I read the English version before and it was really a bore to read it again, although the time when I read the English version was like 3 years ago?? Hahas.

Heys, I'm not yong gong okay. I read it on the train ride and my mum was like asking me:
Are you reading a child's storybook?? Why does the cover look so werid??
Indeed, the cover page looked gay, but I still managed to finish reading it... =D ^^

2 days later would be the KEZO class gathering!! I would be staying overnight but I don't have a sleeping bag. Luckily my mum managed to borrow it from her friend. =D Hahas, I'm so lucky. And yeah, I ordered the 50 sticks of satay. Actually, it wasn' me who did the job but it was my dad. Tomorrow, he would bring them home and put them in the refrigerator and I would then bring them on Tuesday!! That's when I have sweaty basketball practice but my dad would fetch me there! Damn shiiok. I was wondering about my transport wise man. =D

And the day after the class gathering would be the 6A class gathering!! Yay, I'm busy. At least I can do some stuff besides slacking at home switching between television channels and lazing on the sofa and sleeping. =))

Then I would have free time on Friday and Sunday. Saturday would be basketball practice. I think I would spend the two days on packing my table and my bag. Get ready for school!! =D

I have a chinese blog now. It's rather frequently updated because the chinese text is shorter although the content is longer. YOu know, chinese words.... small and cute... =D
There are actually two purposes in creating a chinese blog...
  1. to improve my chinese
  2. typing chinese words is fun
  3. I have more things to do when I'm watching youtube after I update my english blog and checking my emails... =D
Lame horh? But nevermind larhs... =D

Yay. Finally finished typing what I wanted. My blog and tagboard is rather dead but nevermind, I just love blogging.... =D If nobody reads, at least I can pen down my feelings marhs... =D I am still wondering why I cannot change the settings to 31 posts per page or 20++ posts per page without having the posts to overlap when viewed with Internet Explorer. My blog looks perfect in Mozilla Firefox. However, my archives blog can put few million posts per page but there's still no overlapping even when viewed in Mozilla Firefox. Currently, my blog only has 8 posts per page and that's so damn pathetic. How I wish there could be some Saviour!! Hahaas... =D

Gonna go back to homework land tomorrow and surf the net more... =D

8:44 PM | Thursday, June 07, 2007 | Link
Today I was out at Rachel's house doing the threadmill. Ah yarhs, just for a pathetic 10 minutes only. And we went to play basketball and lazed around for 1 hour. Then we slacked again. The dogs at Rachel's house was damn noisy man. BARK BARKBARK BARK BARK. they can't shut up man. They shout at my arrival. Hahas. =D Im grand. But sometimes it was really annoying.. ARGHHH!!

And yesterday, we went to the C-div bbal BBQ and it was not-really successful. The fire starter didn't really work and we used paper to start a fire. =D But at least I learnt how to start a FIRE!! Everytime when I go and BBQ right, the things are always prepared so I don't really know how to start a fire. =D

But the seniors said that I played with fire because I wasn't afraid of the lighter...... =D Hehes. No larhs. Just that I'm trained in that aspect. ^^

I reached home at about 10:30pm and the time was like an hour and a half from the real time which i told my mum. Glad that they didn't make a fuss. =D Hehes.

Siians. I'm really bored. And in the next few days I would go to Malaysia for a holiday... =D

this is really random i guess.... =D

1:47 PM | Friday, June 01, 2007 | Link
Hahas. I managed to finally digg out the stupid archaeological stuff from the archaeological toolkit!!

And it took me two hours!! >.< But something bad happened... it BROKE. Siians right? And I didn't managed to fix it back because there was some small pieces missing.
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My completed work!!

And here's the broken piece if you can find:
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There were 2 broken pieces man. So siians. And here's the mess that I created:
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And yeah, this is just a random post. =D I'm bored.