7:17 PM | Friday, February 29, 2008 | Link
Yay. Tests are over I guess. Major projects are over. YAY (:(:
There's french test and some crap project though.
I had been at home since 3 hours ago but I'm too lazy to bathe. ARGH. Watched teevee and stuffs. Played with my cube. It's smoother now, hee. Jacob lubricated it. WHEE. (:
Yesterday was amazing. Watched a super nice bball match and trained hard. The feeling of feeling tired is indeed nice. I was feeling abit hungry though. ): Didn't eat lunch. Does 2 sushi-es count?
OH YA, and by the way, I MET 魔鬼教练. HAHA. I still call her that now. She was amicable and nice and everything. Shook hands and talked briefly for about 2 minutes. (: She said I looked different that she couldn't recognise me. Geez. I wonder if that's positive or negative.
HA.. Made me think of the primary school basketball days. DAMN, those days were awesome. Running 1.6km, shooting hoops, complaining together about how monstrous she was and everything. HA, if only these days could come again. She was DAMN FIERCE but yea, I guess she had our interests at heart. If not, why would we be in the nationals?
When I feel damn slack, I was wishing that she would scold me awake. It's really a wonder how I could withstand fatigue and everything in the past. SIGH.
And I heard she became nicer. Turned nicer or something. Doesn't really scold people 猪头,头脑不灵活,鸡爪 or something. (: People do change. And those words were really insulting luh. Chicken claws man. -.-
Yesterday's oral presentation was so eff-ing shitty. My heart was palpitating furiously until I forgot ALL MY LINES which I could sort-of say it fluently or at least make it sound like I PREPARED myself for the damn presentation which ate up my hours of sleep. HMPH.
Have not done my compo. And I feel damn sticky now. I guess I shall go take a bath, eat my dinner, and start doing my compo while watching youtube (:
Ball tomorrow then come home to sleeepppp and watch teeeveee at night. Sunday would be slack day again (:
GOSH. It's so fast.
And march holi-es are coming (:
I know it's tough. Stay on there (:
My bro just gave me a nice strawberry sweet. Hmmm. If only life was so sweet. Geez.
10:43 PM | Wednesday, February 27, 2008 | Link
Sore from everything. Sore throat. Everything. Sore
Decided to take a 5 minute rest and continue blabbering to myself in preparation for the LA presentation tomorrow.
Have been repeating the same lines over and over again for like an hour and a half, closing myself in the room with an ice pack wrapped over my knee. yea i know, yes i know. I can't stop myself from playing. My attitude sucks and I know it.
I hope LA ends well tomorrow.
I planned to STUDY FOR MATHS today, but I didn't. I gonna mug early in the morning tomorrow. SIGH. wake up at 4 am.
Gosh. I hope Friday comes quickly. Rest rest rest! (: Free from damn projects.
Or maybe not.
Today's Bizlab was tiring. Had to complete about 30 surveys as a group of 6. I completed 8 surveys in 1 hour but we still didn't reach our target. The feeling of being rejected sucks. It really does. Especially when you have barely said 5 words and people give you the "MOVE. DON'T BLOCK. NO TIME. FOR EVERYTHING" look. I doubt they're so busy. I gonna do EVERY SURVEY that people gonna ask me to do in the future, unless they're too absurd to be true.
I met one nice lady though. She smiled and answered my questions, eventually ending the nice experience with
I have been a student before. I know how difficult it is. Work hard!and she gave me a pat on the back.
Ha. What a nice lady. (: But she didn't prefer to buy anything though. According to the survey.
I still feel sheepish when I think of this. I ASKED A LADY WHO WAS OBVIOUSLY UNDER 25 YEARS OLD HER AGE. How retarded. I think she must have felt insulted.
Caris was bai-ka. Had to be her support when she climbed UP THE STAIRS, went DOWN THE STAIRS, go UP the slopes, and everything. I think my arms are different in length now because she keeps pulling me down. HA. (:
I understand how it feels to be bai-ka cos I have been bai-ka for millions of times, looking for slopes instead of walking down or up the stairs. Walking up the stairs is damn torturous especially. A step feels like 10 steps. It's scary.
French was sleepy. I think the government is somehow trying to force us to suicide. They taught 3 new things in a day and they're gonna be tested in the control after the school holidays.
I think EFF makes a good word for WTF. (: Hee. and it's spelling is cute.
That's random.
My house has more food now. Pineapple tarts, love letters, tau sar pia or what thing thing, cookies and lalala.
I'm so tempted.
I'm always like this. ):
Lack of self-control.
Grace; HARLO! And yes, I know 2 grace-es in my school. One grace being my senior and another grace being my schoolmate. (: But I know it's youu la. (:
I still wonder how I can delete labels quickly.
6:08 AM | | Link
Early in the morning. at 6 o clock (:
Ha. that title sounds familiar. (: It's about 6am now and I've just finished my powerpoint! (: I love powerpoints. They're pretty if you make them pretty. (: My job is quite slack though. And my bro is sleeping in this room while I just printed the slides. My dad just came in and told me to type S.O.F.T.L.Y. Ha. Can't control myself. i shall continue slamming the keyboardEarly in the morning. at 6 o clock (:
Yesterday's training was hiong. CHIONGGG. Scary. Our coach was changed, therefore, the sudden scariness. Felt tired but happy in the end. (: Can't skip on one leg though. Retarded slow legs. Takes them like 1 second later to realise they have to jump over the rope. Got caned in the end. >.<
P.E. was sucky. Missed 15 minutes of recess because of the mock Napfa. Got punished for being late by doing 10 push-ups. We didn't even know that we were going to do the 5 items can! We thought we were running. TOOT LA.
I have many many drafts but I never posted them cos I was multi-tasking and did not finish the posts in the end. HMM. Since I have so much time now, I shall go post them later (:
Slept at 10.30 yesterday and woke up automatically at 3:18am. I think my body is nuts. Going to holland v. to do surveys. Then gonna chiong to French.
Our classroom is changed from the small pathetic hot room with barely 4 more fans to a COSIER, AIR-CONDITIONED NICE PRETTY ROOM with like millions of fans?
There're curtains too (:
Can sleepppp too.
TOmorrow, we would be supporting the b-boys. CRUCIAL MATCH. Hope they winnn (:
Winning just rocks. Whee.
Then gonna rush back to school and train, I suppose. And I gonna pon two periods of classes (:
But ACC isn't that bad.
Gosh, I just REMEMBERED that I haven't packed my bag. damn. And I feel ashamed cos people have like 200 posts and this blog has hardly 100 posts. Archives blog isn't included.
And my tagboard is dead. geee.
-I really have nothing to say ok. Your're just so fantastic to make me feel so amazed. Yea yea.
Labels: sch0ol
8:37 PM | Sunday, February 24, 2008 | Link
Damn; I need hyper-ness
Yea perhaps I really do need someone hyper. I realised I have not really updated my blog or anything when I read my archives and stuff. Perhaps I should learn to stop back-spacing the loads of things that I typed out. Perhaps I should just dump everything here. Yea, all the vulgarities and stuff. Nope, perhaps I shouldn't. Damn; I need hyper-ness
Oh damn.
Just did the L.A. project with Teri and Shujun. They came to my house yea. We spent about 4 hours and stuff, in front of the com, facing the powerpoint slide which showed two poets in black and white. GREAT.
I think so too.
We managed to come out with something somehow yeah. So at least the afternoon was not really wasted. We were super guai too, according to Teri, not really side-tracking or anything, listening to her Schezameh stories and her great experience during her Catholicism. (:
Sent them off to the traffic lights at about 7 and went home to watch teevee. Drank nice soup and ate half an otah. Watched teevee for about an hour and went to bathe. And here I am, in front of the com. Doing the reflections and stuff. French not done and Maths not done. I really wonder what I was doing yesterday. I thought I was quite busy. Really. I missed my afternoon nap.
this computer is damn glaring. I really wonder why I refused to have my afternoon naps in the past when my parents sort-of forced and coerced me to. Sigh. I must have been stupid then.
I can't even sleep earlier.
There should be a machine which allows people to sleep and work at the same time or something. Sigh.
There're so many nice shows now. Ha. this is so random. Geez, life would be more fun if there is a right number of projects. The teachers seem to overrate us. Our maths teacher decided that we weren't geniuses. LIKE FINALLY. She should know that we suck at our indices yea.
Indices is fun when you answer it correctly. When you don't, the word suck isn't even enough to describe it.
7:33 PM | Wednesday, February 20, 2008 | Link
Rushed to assembly today after locking the cage and moving the box of jersey. rene, thanks for helping! Amanda too(: I wonder how I would move the fatty box. And I realised that about 4 balls are missing. Crap la. I hope they are all borrowed by the seniors or the lousy balls are thrown away. (:Shitty
Today seemed short cos we were rushing most of the time. First to com lab then to canteen, physics lab, com lab again and classroom (:
I don't like PCCG. Admin stuff is lame cos we would just be stoning there. Not that I don't wanna suggest anything, but I think they wouldn't be done anyway. Having the rule where people have to pay 50 cents when duty isn't done is abit pathetic cos I bet nobody will pay up. -.-
Bizlab was sucky today. Couldn't remember a shit and caused our team to lose. DAMNIT. I feel shitty cos they waited for me. ARGHHH.
I still can't remember anything yet till now.
This town is colder now, I think it's sick of us
It's time to make our move, I'm shakin off the rust
I've got my heart set on anywhere but here
I'm staring down myself, counting up the years
Steady hands, just take the wheel...
And every glance is killing me
Time to make one last appeal... for the life I lead
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're 'here' not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, can u see what I see
They're tryin to come back, all my senses push
Un-tie the weight bags, I never thought I could...
Steady feet, don't fail me now
Gonna run till you can't walk
But something pulls my focus out
And I'm standing down...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be, oh
Stop and stare
You start to wonder why you're here not there
And you'd give anything to get what's fair
But fair ain't what you really need
Oh, you don't need
What u need, what u need...
Stop and stare
I think I'm moving but I go nowhere
Yeah I know that everyone gets scared
But I've become what I can't be
Oh, do u see what I see...
I totally agree
Labels: sch0ol
9:11 PM | Sunday, February 17, 2008 | Link
Valentine's Day (:
I know this is really really lag, but anw, I just wish to THANK EVERYBODY for their valentine's gifts (:Valentine's Day (:
I shall test my memory here heh. 4 days could just erase loads of things. And err, if I miss anybody, it ain't my fault! I'm known for a super poor memory.
It's a wonder I know how to do the rubriks cube in the first place (:
I wanna thank:
Singrue for her sexy chocos and toblerone (:
Nicole for the same sexy chocos as SIngrue except that it's BIGGER (: hee.
Teri for her 10 kisses. Choco la.
Yvon for her pretty COLOURED fwenship day paper and her kissables. HA, I keep receiving kisses (:
Shujun for her cheese rings (:
Caris for her kitkat and sweet note. and NOPE, i'm not growing any huger (:
Jia Min for her lollipop and note. Although the lollipop doesn't really taste nice. aw. It's STRAWBERRY. Coke would be nicer >.<
Amanda for her ferrero (:
Sheena for her biscuits
Ziying, Cherisse, Weixin for their rose (:
Jingmei for her sweet note and heart shape thingy. Small little wandy (:
Florence for her ice-cream stick
Ann for her sweet note. Geez, I love her handwriting.
Qianye for the sweet which she rummaged through ALL her things to just gimme one. ha.
Lichang for the chocos and lollipop.
Comint for the BIG PACK of marshmellows. My team koped all, leaving me with only 4 ):
Meng for her tobelrone choco and ferrero.
Ha, I spent Valentine with Meng. Only for about 2 hours. How dumb. But anyway, it was fun. Then I went to ball with myself, my water bottle and my phone. HOw retarded. Only for about an hour and a half. Felt exhausted. Didn't bother to change so I balled in uniform. (:
My gawd, I'm really stupid. Went to unsync the whole damn library. CRAP.
Ahh, went to Nicole's house to do Bizlab. Wasn't really doing anything actually. Just playing around here and there. Her house is neat. SUPER NEAT.
Then went to cousin's house to celebrate his birthday. Played cards. Ate pizza. Came back. And here I am. (:
Geez, and there's a mock chinese idioms test tomorrow. Retarded.
No french tomorrow though (:
And I bought a new pair of sport shoes! It's pretty and clean. The dirty old pathetic one would be shelved. Will use it when I feel like it (: That old pair is still lighter though.
I want a new bag. ARGH. My earpiece WAS spoilt and my bag IS spoilt. STupid. Got a new earpiece but my bag's sling is gone. No money to buy a new one. My mum was moaning. ...
Oh damn, I realised I overshot my estimated time. I'm supposed to be mugging.
Tomorrow's day one again i suppose. Haven't pack my bag and stuff.
10:12 PM | Tuesday, February 12, 2008 | Link
Today was bball practice. I guess CNY made us real fat. I feel tired now. ):tired
History project is still lagging.
TOmorrow would be french.
The day after tomorrow would be bball.
Friday would be free day! (:
Then weekends will come.
And a busy week will begin again ):
I want my sleep.....
I realised people can have like millions of faces. What a loser.
2:32 PM | Saturday, February 09, 2008 | Link
This year's CNY isn't really nice. GRRR. ):CNY..
Lesser "games" and everything. Hmm, now I'm spending my beautiful Saturday on the com for more than 4 hours. It isn't that I'm doing nothing but doing my stuff.
I feel weird now. There are loads of things to do but I'm just sitting here, stoning. Maybe I should go ball or something first before starting on my geog compo and ACC assignment. I still have to go Compass later. zZz. And watch my teevee. And cross-stitch. And play com games. And updating my iPod library. oh damn, the whole thing crashed so I have to drag in the WHOLE LIBRARY again. Will take about 4 hours I guess.... Updating the album and stuff.
Oh, and CNY eve was nice (: Met up with Meng, Khoon, Zhan and Jas (: Played ball with Meng and ex-6affinitians. It was fun but the guys were abit... errr, screwed-up?
Kept air-balling. Could have been more fun if they tried not to
I had a fun time anyway.
Was late for reunion
OH, and err, Nigel, paisseh ar. Told your to wait at the bball court and in the end, I was off at Compass eating KFC. -.- I feel bad.
Chinese New Year gonna end soon. ): There goes all my slacking days. And it would be time to STUDY HARD and TRAIN HARD! (:
Listening to yue4 guang1 makes me sad ): THe lyrics are meaningful. (:
*Mei ke xin shang mou yi ge di fang
*Someplace on every heart
Zong you ge ji yi hui bu san
is a memory that lasts forever
mei ge shen mou yi ge di fang
Every late night, there is a place
Zong you zhe zui sheng de si liang
that always has the deepest thoughts
zhe ge shi jian wan qian de bian hua
This world is filled with various changes
ai ba you qing de ren fen liang duan
that love to separate lovers and distance them from each other
xin ruo zhi dao ling xi de fang qiang
If the heart knows the direction of (their) mutual understanding
na pa bu neng gou zhao xi xiang ban*
(they) wouldn't worry about not being together every minute and every second*
#Cheng li de yue guang ba meng zhao liang
#The moonlight in the city shines on dreams
qing wen nuan ta xin fang
Please warm his heart
kan tou le ren jian ju san
Having seen all those the separations and reunions in the world
neng bu neng duo kuai le pian duan
Can there be more happy clips?
Cheng li de yue guang ba meng zhao liang
The moonlight in the city shines on dreams
Qing shou hou ta sheng pang
Please stay by his side
Ruo you yi tian neng chong feng
If (we) can reunite one day,
Rang xin fu sa man zheng ge ye wan#
let happiness spill and fill the whole night#
Tomorrow, ALMOST ALL MY RELATIVES would come! (: but I won't get any ang-baos since I got them yesterday from the SAME PEOPLE. ):
Ah ha, and I changed my layout if you noticed (:
Cleared dead links and shortened the sidebar
Valentine Day's coming. Or let's say Friendship day. GOnna find somebody to spend itwith. Or at least something. (: Maybe my computer or a ball.
8:14 PM | Monday, February 04, 2008 | Link
101 words(:
HAHA. (: This is my fastest record. Gawd, I just came back from school and I still have not bathed. Used the com. HAHAHA. I gonna play for like 10 minutes before I decide to go and eat and bathe (:
But loads of stuff for CNY. I'm really slacking. ):
Dinner's nice today I guess (:
French's getting difficult ):
5:22 PM | Sunday, February 03, 2008 | Link
Change of layout (:
I have been using this com for the past 6 hours. HMMM. Change of layout (:
Just changed the layout for a fresh change but I think it's quite plain. Haiix. I don't know lar. I don't like millions of colours though ):
And I made the banner myself (: Hee. Took me quite long to figure out what's wrong with the whole damn thing.
CNY's coming (: I gonna go back to NC i guess.
I'm tired now. Going off to watch teevee now. And my homework's undone ):
Have not read the history notes. I can go commit suicide yea.
Bball practice was ok (: Realised that I was going far far far too unhealthy. Didn't even do any vigorous running and I was feeling tired. How dumb. Just did some lay-ups which weren't even FAST AT ALL. WHAT THE HELL.
I guess I'm disappointed at my fitness. Can't even do 100 skips at one time. DAMN LA. My knees would give way and I would go crushing down like a pathetic toot.
Reply tags: (I don't bother to make the italic lalala or whatever)
Lingyue : Linked (:
Meng: That was for fun anw. I mean the nickname
Jam: HARLO!! (:
Caris: LAMEEEE luh. Haha. YOu really typed what I asked you to (:
Joy: HeLLLOO! And it isn't xinku. It's just that I'm feeble.
And err, the names are not in sequence. HEE. (: