11:28 AM | Friday, October 31, 2008 | Link
a few more months
Days pass quicker than I expected and now school has ended. It kind of feel weird but ohwell, I shall prepare myself to embrace a new year ahead. The seniors seem so really busy that I wonder if I would kill myself because of the stress.a few more months
but that won't be worth it lol.
Last day of SCHOOLThis day came real fast, before anyone expected it. I thought I would feel as if it was a normal mundane day, but instead, there was a rush of nostalgia when Ms Kheng began talking about us being a class which gave her heartaches, laughter and joy. A rush of emotions engulfed me when everyone began hugging and ohwell, the video which background music was annoying because it caused many people to cry. Jiamin Caris and the J class girls were crying. Geez. The gym's where I see people cry. First time was during EOY results and the second is this. It would be the very very last time I suppose, since we're moving back to the campus(:
Took pictures in class and here they are. Great thanks to Caris.......'s camera! haha.

THANKS ALOT to Caris for her note,keychain and photo, Amanda for her cute keychain and Huiwen for her handwritten letter(: I feel so bad not doing anything for everybody but ohwell, it's just me I suppose :X
Let me recollect the memories with everybody yay.
Caris: We became closer after the fillet and egg experience lol. Yepp, mug dates were successful sometimes, although we usually ended up gossipping here and there. We can alwaysalwaysalways meet up sometimes and mug or something. And uh, I'm not lesbian haha ><
Cherisse: The 2 weeks experience of sitting with you was enjoyable, although you were REALLLL quiet.haha. You're really devoted to Guides, probably much more than mine towards Basketball, and I really admired that(: All the best for everything heheh!
Sing Rue: Always remember that I'll grow 0.5cm TALLER than you every year! You were always the reliable reliable group member, allowing me to slack sometimes(: Thanks alot..... and goodluck with everything
Sylvia: ahha. I've loads of things to talk about ok! Uh, chances of being classmates would be super low since you're taking geog and i'm taking history, but we can always meet up for alot of things man. 6A and Kezo class gathering.... We have manymanymany common points(: And uh, I turned less vulgar thanks to youuu(:
Huiwen: My song-spamming source! Thanks for listening to my rantings of the songs I wanted and patiently copying and pasting them for me. Don't worry, we can always meet up and you can always continuing your spamming songs for me(: I guess my impression of you would be the promoter for JayChou cos you'd make a perfect one there(:
Jia Min: AHHH BIMBO! lol. The study dates with you were SLIGHTly successful haha. It was fun talking to you and listening you rant about crap. There were times we talked longer than usual and I began to see the other quiet side of you, although rarely. All the best in everything, AND DON'T PON GUIDES so much lah. haiyo.
Amanda: You always just laugh at me for nothing de uh! Then you'll gimme some sarcastic remarks lol. Your knee scab recovers super super fast man, I'm envious. Anyway, lit role play with you was funn(:
Ziying: Your acting skills are super super good(: I only found that out during the lit role play and you aint that quietquiet de lor! Talk more often and yay,you would soon be like me lol(: Thanks for lending me pens over and over again. I'd be annoyed if I were you ><
Lynette: you're supersuper smart uh. A very funny person, although you don't laugh at the jokes yourself ><
Sheena: the favourite of teachers lol(: You're a supersupersuper nice person who would laugh at my lame jokes, making me feel nice all over hahaha
Nicole: You're super funny and nice. Thanks for my birthday pressie and the funny times(:
Tabitha: Saboteur(: Thanks for being the middle man messenger when I had to pass messages around. haha
Shermin: MOOOMOOO haha(: Somewhat, we had more stuffs to talk about this year and it was great knowing you. All the I.T. Stuffs... geez
Shu Jun: the superr good ball-player. You can play practically any ball can >< Volleyball, bball and softball. Having you on the team is definitely fun
Wei Xin: YOu're really imba with your languages and science and ok, EVERYTHING. Walking to school with you sometimes relieves me of my boredom haha(:
Teri: There was a period of time which we were real close that you even said that it would be weird if we didn't do group work together as partners. Being on your group makes me feel real safe cos I know there would be a chiongster to back my slacking. >< Your english and science are real good, just believe what people say for once(:
Yvon: Thanks for lending me twilight(: I hope the book wasn't in a bad condition! >< You're my homework reference haha. Your maths and IT are superbbb.
Calvin: thanks for lending me your jacket when i had a BAD TERRIBLE HORRIBLE flu, especially on EOY geog(: and koping pearls too haha.
Jacob: idiot zilian guy, thanks for the encouragements and consolation, although your methods are abit screwed sometimes. I gonna kope songs from you soon(:
Marcus: managed to talk to you more than usual during the IDMI period and realised you were actually quite nice(: But why didn't you wanna take the last photo with me lol.
Zong Long: another source of jacket! haha, thanks for offering your drink although I declined it >< Sorry for the rollercoaster moods and venting my frustrations sometimes. I need a punching bag.
En Zhi: The retard who manages to quarrel till I've NOTHING to say. Geez. Your results leave people speechless so I aint gonna say anything. haha. uh, and thanks for lending me your jacket too(:
Han Siang: heheh. My online chat friend who keeps me entertained with your unconsciously funny jokes. Turn darker ok! Go tan, if not later you can't even be seen in a cold country with snow(: And we can go swimm often. Don't worry, I'll rescue you haha. AndAND, tag lah ediot.
Darryl: the guy with an immense amount of IQ. I forgot what already, haha. your sciences and maths are realll good but uh, don't be so sarcastic ok ><
And that's it. I realised that we've really little people in our class. Time travels real fast and soon I'll be in the same class with a different group of people with different personalities, probably even worlds apart. I wonder if I'd be able to blend in with the new identity and everything.
Yesterday's basketball match was fulfilling cos I saw and learnt alot of things. Huayi ballers are really fast and good. For once, the aussies are panicking yay(:
Today was mundane. Slept till 8:30. Ate cereal and a bun for breakfast. Curry rice and 4 slices of bread with curry for lunch. Curry rice and soup for dinner. 4 slices of chocolate coated cookies for supper. geez, what a pig. HOWEVER, considering that I missed dinner last night, as I only drank a pathetic small bowl of soup, today's meal is acceptable! (: Self-consolation is pathetic and hopeless, but it's the only way to make yourself feel happier artifically. Just like how I gonna eat KIMCHI cup noodles for lunch tomorrow. Instant noodles for the THIRD time. all health information gonna be thrown aside.
Took a slight nap and used the com com com. Changed the outlook of my ipod and added many applications. Training tomorrow. Sunday is freetime. monday tuesday wednesday thursday is ball. friday is swimming(: saturday is ball again. sunday is free time. and probably the routine repeats. wow, my life is so planned.
Wanted to find a job and had a nice chance but I forgo the interview today so there goes my probably $10 an hour job. heck. no mood.
I googled pictures using the word SAD and I found this. haha(:

Courage. Confidence. Need them. Find them.
8:52 PM | Saturday, October 25, 2008 | Link
a long long day
Yepp it was a long day. FUlfilling too I supposed. TOday is full of basketball and no sleep(: THe reason why I like to stay outdoors so often is because you won't feel so stupid slacking at home. At least you'll feel more useful perhaps maybe?a long long day
Training was fun(: 2 water breaks for a whole 2 hours. I liked the start of training but i hated to run. runrunrun. That's why I run slow. aha. I want to shoot though. Don't like those driving towards the basket blah.
Watched the guys bdiv and adiv basketball matches against Presbyterian. Saw nanchiau peeps. They improved fast. Presbyterian has weird jerseys. Golden ones with their names on it. But they're quite pretty I think
Yesterday's swimming was fun, although I didn't really tan. No sun, no tan. But we swam and swam and swam. Swimming's so enjoyable, though it's a little boring at times.
Time is passing SOOO fast. A few more days and school gonna end and before you know it, a new year will start. This year passed super fast and I made so many more new friends. I'll miss kezo perhaps maybe.
>> sylvia: uh so sad): haha. nevermind. we can always meet up to play ball
>> Rae: OIOI. you broadcasting to whole world is it. haha. shush. nevermind(:
1:08 PM | Friday, October 24, 2008 | Link
life is full of choices. now i've to make one dumb stream choice. waste time only. actually I rather they give us the topics which are necessary then we won't regret if we choose the wrong stream haha. But people like me will probably complain and complain about how horrible a subject is blahblah.choices
Yesterday I sat in the hall until my ass turned sore. Serious. It turned numb when I went to the toilet with Caris. zzzz. But I suppose the talks were really helpful. ANd I changed my mind about geography(: Taking history now haha! I don't know why, but it just struck me that I had more interest in history so I should just follow my interest I suppose. TOld my dad and he was saying that I was always changing my mind.
Slept the whole morning. I was intending to ball so I woke up at 7 but read a few pages of a book and slept for a while. Woke up at 9 and realised the floor was wet from a rain. After teevee-ing I went to check the floors; it was slightly wet. Decided to take a nap AGAIN and here I am, camping in front of the computer-teevee typing this post. Gonna go swim with jingmei later. When to ball? I don't know. Probably late at night when it's quiet and you only here dribbles. Of course, I"ll bring the alarm along in case I meet any molesters/perverts/rapists haha. But I forgot where I put the alarm. Nevermind, I think I can scream. -.-
The past few days were balling and balling and balling. Tuesday was match against some school which were fast and good. OHwell, it was good experience. Wednesday was balling again(: But it was quite a horrible day because the cage was unlocked and nice balls just disappeared in thin air like magic. Found the balls though(: 1 more molten ball to go.
THe guys played against some angmoh school which center was even taller than Brandon. zzz. It's so freaky seeing people grow TALLER AND TALLER when you find yourself stationed at a certain pathetic height which is neither short nor tall):
i gonna go eat and swim later. soak my hair in the water full of chlorine and float in the water. enjoy the gentle cool breeze and the nice tingling smell of the rain. geez. that was how i enjoyed swimming two years ago.
And yes jingmei, you act cute lol.
11:01 PM | Monday, October 20, 2008 | Link
Today is probably the most tired day of my life. No basketball practice, nothing, but I feel as if the world has just crumbled down. being a middleman, being glue, being the one nonchalant about the shit around the world, staying positive about everything, it's just so effing tiring. When you hear about negative stuffs and disappointment, you feel like slapping yourself. But how to do it? Not that I'm an octopus right. facade
BUTBUT, seeing people smile because of you really makes your heart feel warm. Nothing can replace that, really.
Everybody seems to be so sad about their results): Results were ok I suppose, just that I really wonder why I can't meet my expectations and my parents'. It isn't that I'm not working hard enough damn it, I just lack self-control to study for the entire week non-stop. Coffee doesn't do miracles, nor do I have the perseverance to constantly search for the joy which I found in studies in the past. I lack interest and every damn thing I used to have. Everything's replaced with burden and a need to do better.
Whatever. Hard work doesn't pay off. Maybe it does, just a teeny weeny little bit. To make you feel better, to make you give excuses for yourself that you tried your best.
Was collecting the language arts papers and went to the toilet with syl when i sound people crying, eyes swollen and friends trying their best to render help and consolation, by passing them tissue. I just felt super sad at that moment, even though I hardly know the person, but I really wonder why we must study in the first place. Why should there even be examinations when good results make you strive for the better while bad ones make you sad and crying your heart out? If everyone were to succeed, what's success?
Syl is right probably. It's sadder to see your friend cry and not knowing what to do, than to receive bad results and feeling melancholic. I just hope that people come out of those bad feelings fast one day. Learning to be strong is one great advice that is easy to give but hard to follow.
Let's talk about brighter and happier stuffs(: Uh. No school tomorrow. ok lah, watching movies don't count do they. and we gonna bargain for pe lessons haha. then there gonna be training. train train train.
muscle aches yay(: muscle cramp gone, replaced by muscle aches. Make you feel fitter although it doesn't change the fact that you are fat. BLUH.
I suddenly thought of the strawberry cookies I koped from Jingmei haha. I feel loved suddenly. Warmth and happiness(:
Chill girl, ok. I just realised that crying is just a waste of tears, and one day, you'll feel so tired to even cry.
You'll get dehydrated too.
Played ball with Qi, Jingmei, Nicole, Crystal, Elizabeth and darachel(: Played with no hoop): geez sorry uh jacob, heh. thanks for agreeing to stay back and play ball with me uh. Sudden notice, sorrysorry ><
Jingmei the ______, can layup with 0 angle. WHATTHEHELL. I wonder how she even does it. Just fling the ball and it goes in. -.- GAH.
Tomorrow gonna be movie day I think. Ms Kheng said she would rent some nice CD and let us watch something nice, instead of TEN PROMISES TO A DOG. I forgot if it's promises or kisses. Anyway it's retarded so yah. Evil people who are going for the engineering thing were hoping that we would watch MacBeth. I've had enough of Shakespeare this year already roar.
spammed songs again. and i gonna spam somemore. school gonna end. china trip coming. trainings coming. a new year gonna start. who gonna be my classmates? will I be happier, or worse? what about new-found friends? i'll miss kezo all the same(: koping the drinks of others, making sarcastic remarks, pulling the hair, begging for praises, haha, it's too many to count. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10... take your time and the list may be done(:
>: I realised my parents know what's sensitivity actually. I always thought of them as insensitive people who did not have the ability to understand and stand in my shoes. But when I walked in my room and my mum just asked me gently you ok already?, I really felt my heart stir. Just replying an UH. and getting out of the room quickly, I felt so loved. gah. then my dad just left me alone although he probably sensed that normal flu doesn't require so much tissues. My brother even left me alone in my room and apologised when he came in even though it's HIS room I'm using the computer in. Geez, I'm speechless.
i'll get through this fast and soon I believe. Just need more laughter and more swishing chops from basketball nets and I'll do fine.
andand, sharing stuffs with others just makes it easier to stand up again, because you'll realise that you ain't alone. It's late now and I'm feeling tired. Gonna go sleep and embrace a brand new day, with hopefully no sorrows(:(:(:
>> SYL: haha(: thanks alot(: you know what i'm talking about! spamspamspam. i need your help de ok.... andand, don't be anti-social ok. cos I need people to talk to sometimes. andandand, get your PMS off fast ok. fastfast.
>> Jingmei: YOUYOUYOU. look who's talking uh! don't cry too much ok. later your eyes really turn swollen until cannot even see your already-small eyes. Then you cant gimme that gl face already. you know the face that really makes me fume cos it's so annoying haha.
>> comint: lol harlo. how did you find your way here?
anyway, i thought it's superWOMAN. heh, thanks alot(:
9:07 PM | Saturday, October 18, 2008 | Link
I'm back home from training. First training since EOYs aha. I'm feeling surprisingly not-tired and quite satisfied I suppose. Geez, although my dribbling still sucks during full court layup): unexpected
The feeling of sweating just makes you feel healthy and less couch-potato-ish(:
So many things happened, so many emotions. Just don't know where to start and probably wouldn't. Found out so many things, and realised that things aren't that easy as what it seems on the surface and neither can I pretend to be nonchalant and ignore my surroundings):
Talked alot with jingmei on the train and began bursting out with laughter. HAHA. I think nobody heard us talk if not they would have thought that we were super damn sick. ahaha(: It's so cool when you just chat with people and end up laughing, be it stupid or silly or pervertic things(:
Interclass ended up badly for our class. Don't really feel anything though, sadly. Because it's volleyball and I don't feel anything for it. o.o
I guess the only fruitful thing on wednesday was playing ball with the D class people and Sylvia, Jiamin, Shermin, Lynette, Caris and Amanda(: Yay gonna play ball with syl on monday.
Training gonna start real soon and I gonna be so preoccupied with so many stuffs. For one, I have to pack my table. It's like strewn with clothes and papers and notes that I mugged for EOYs. Abit lazy uh. Being busybusybusy is so nice. Just stops you from thinking about lame stuffs and getting emotional over every word that you feel like rebutting your parents about.
Am I a rebellious kid? haha, probably not, since I'm so filial and nice(: oo, i guess my only problem is I make abit too much noise. Voicing out my opinions seem to always get me in some trouble. My bro just got scolded, roar. Why give him so much stress? My dinner ended up screwed as a result. Moody and everything. Nice beehoon turned out normal and tasteless. Nice soup turned out horrible. But the atmosphere was ok once again(:
If only my troubles would end that fast, just in a matter of seconds.
6:20 PM | Wednesday, October 08, 2008 | Link
I want to learn how to hack(: haha.hacking is so fun. I hope the 2.0 update can be fast. I want 2.0 2.0 2.0. Then I'll be the happiest woman on earth(: just like how i once hacked my ipod and I think I felt relatively happy. Then I realised the songs wouldn't play so I had to restore it and hack again. Waste time. zZzz. poof.
Today was the nicest out of all the exams days. exams days are horrible. Today started with a lousy bang. Had morning signess (I-don't-know-how-to-spell) so I began sneezing and sneezing like some mad horse. Grabbed tissues on the MRT and one guy was staring. He must have been thinking "WTF is the problem with this girl. just stuff the goddamn tissue and shuddap". The flu stopped for AWHILE when I changed trains. It went on its rampage again during geog test but was ok after 5 tissues stuffings(: thankyouu calvin for lending me his jacket. yayay. sitting behind in class just makes you feel cold and jittery.
went home with jingmei and lunched at kfc. Kfc's fattening. the oil and stuffs, but who cares when you have painful knuckles. Met Khoon, Priscilla, Yingying and Ruhuan(: Wished it was back to those nice primary school days again, for a second. but I can't keep clinging on to those useless thoughts. I need to grow up. growupgrowupgrowup. What truly defines growing up? o.o
Bought Jingmei a cake. Some thick chocolate-fudge cake which was small and thick and had a pathetic small chocolate thing on top. Took 2 bites and I conclude it's thick and ohwell, quite nice. If I wasn't feeling that full, I would have gobbled it up although I treated her. hahah
"mugged" for awhile. Bio is quite ok cos you just need to memorise them. You don't need brains aha. Physics is horrible. Can't understand why everybody says physics is easier than chemistry. Isn't chemistry interesting, you add stuff and they emit some gas. waves are just some small stupid particles travelling in some gay direction. Anyway, i hate science.
Then it began to POUR HEAVILY. So, we took shelter in the cc and there was one uncle who talked to us about IV/IP/IE. I don't know what, but he was talking about some book which is small and super expensive, but after taking up the course, one can go straight to the university in Australia and there's not a need to take the entrance exam. But I wonder why he suddenly asked us about such weird stuffs. ahah.
It seemed that the rain would not stop when I wanted it to, so nice jingmei decided to umbrella me home. hahah. there was one super nice aunty who wanted to share the umbrella with me, which was BIGGER than hers. The umbrella went haywire somehow, going inside-out once. But it's not spoilt. In the end, jingmei was wetter hahah. not my fault ok. The rain's.
Then I saw the nice auntie who lives downstairs. She makes nice chilli sauce. I said hi to her and ohwell, I think she didn't hear/see me. One uncle was there and I think he was wondering why the lady didn't reply. Quite embarrassing to be dao-ed, especially when I said AUNTIE,NIHAO relatively loudly.
I hate being dao-ed. So I rather not say hello. I shall learn how to say hello anymore. It's so horrible. Just the feeling of being dao-ed makes one feel so queasy. nevermind.
four more tests to go(:
and i need to mug my science.
and maths.
I'm saying ohwells so often nowadays. ahah. stay strong people
9:27 PM | Wednesday, October 01, 2008 | Link
Hari Raya(:
have been blog surfing to entertain myself after long hours of mugging but decided that blogging would be the most constructive(: aha.Hari Raya(:
uh. I've mugged little. ): gonna finish TKAM haha. 60 more pages to go. Tomorrow would be mugging time with jingmei again. and i swear i gonna make good use of time. time's too precious.
Mugged with meng last sunday aha. Was quite ok and concentrated except for the fact that dumb maths questions made me waste paper by redoing and redoing again. KFC is a nice place when you have good earpieces stuck to your ears. Some china librarian shoo-ed us out AGAIN. Idiot. There were other people who were studying explicitly and she didn't chase them out??!! Just because they had MORE people doesn't mean that they can do whatever they want, damnit.
But my mood ain't affected(:
Geez. tomorrow gonna be the last schooling day before exams come. gottogo. study hard and rest well people(:
Jingmei: pawnpawnpawn. i pawn you too lahh slacking pig.
Huiwen: huh? what dumb lol. -.- hello
Cherisse: (:GOod luck too
Chantelle: oi piglet, shush. you go dance your rain dance heh. -.-
rae: eh.... but i solved the maths question in the end uh. And you had some help there isn't it? (: