11:30 PM | Sunday, September 27, 2009 | Link
something which ceased to exist
Gonna be a really short post since I promised myself an early sleep. HEH.
EOYS are like 2 weeks later, and I really wonder how I gonna cope with it. get it over and done with, and i would be able to finally resume my pigging life. And sweat like nuts and come home really really late, who cares if I have to squeeze with so many stinking peeps on the bus (although I'm one of those contributing to the stench in the air ha)

anyways, just received a message to pass the gud lucks for eoys on, and apparently I not gonna forward it cos it's just so O.O and I've to send alotalot of people in order to get the supposedly good grade. I know it sounds stupid but I also believe in KARMA!
HAH, so anyways, good lucks okays, people. Just get through this pathetically stupid period of a month (including exams of course) and you'll be free little birds (stupid description, but that is a really apt one). And you can't possibly just slack through this period and waste the amount of energy you spent on the past year right?

At least that's how I motivate myself.

Yoga was kinda okays today, cos we didn't really sweat.
but i nidda do something about feeling stiff and pathetically unhealthily--fat.

anyways, point of this blogpost is, all the best people(:
heh, gonna go embrace my sleep now. really need it, especially when I can't help it but doze off in class.

12:15 PM | Saturday, September 19, 2009 | Link
a dim spark to light up the world
Happy mid-autumn people(:
Although I ain't sure if people actually wish each other on such a day. It really is losing its significance, at least I think it is in my family. Those times when we would marvel at the thought of lighting those small firesticks (?) and start waving our arms in circles, trying to create nice patterns with the sparkling light. Holding lanterns only happened before I moved to Sengkang and it can only stay as something of the past. Lighting candles on the floor in one nice pretty circle was still a thing two years ago, even last year i think. Seeing those pretty little things shine real brightly in the dark gloomy night made me feel peaceful and calm. It's as if a dim spark is just needed to light up the entire world. The only trouble was clearing the candle wax and ensuring that there isn't any stained on the floor. Hate that part.

Yesterday was okay. Missed three-quarters of the celebration to attend the history workshop at Teacher's Network. Fell asleep for 15 minutes although the speaker was really eloquent and knowledgeable. Saw Teri and caught up alot, gossiping and it felt great when there wasn't no boundaries or moments of awkwardness in between as we spoke. Went back to school to see the last half of the concert at PAC before heading home.

Gonna slack tomorrow when my whole family goes to WWW. Weird choice of a day, but I don't mind taking a breather before embarking on my crazy journey of 5 weeks of mugging. Nuts.

Quiz koped from Chan's blog:
10 facts about me:

1. I hide my emotions most of the time (only show them to close friends who will accept the random PMS-es. However, I'll feel terrible when I can't decipher why I'm feeling what I'm feeling)
2. I always think too much, and no matter how things are not related to me, I try to make things better and when i don't succeed, I end up disappointed.
3. It takes a while for me to recover from disappointment, especially when I put in some effort.
4. My hormones are un-thawed (hehehe. but muscles make me S.T.A.R.E. , though bad impressions make me shudder)
5. My definition of happiness is really simple. (having enough good food, a few close friends, a target to work towards, a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment and general acceptance. Not forgetting good sleep)
6. To re-emphasize point 5, I really love sleeping. Although I know the time spent on sleeping can probably be used to do more useful stuffs like staying fit and reading, but sleeping is good. Really.
7. I love eating. Though I must always remind myself to make exercise and food proportional.
8. I always wonder what it is like to feel carefree and having no regards for anything except your own happiness.
9. I wanna witness a pretty sunset and hopefully, a sunrise one day (heh hopeful, cos I aint sure if I'll choose sunrises over pigging)
10. I really feel great when I know that people accept me for who I am (my craziness, unconscious daoness, straightforwardness, sarcasm, sensitivity and bad habits)

Took me kinda long to type out the 10 simple facts of me. And yeah, I think I should really learn how not to make mountains out of molehills and accept things as they are, though I think there's a huge difference between not brooding over things too much and accepting things at surface value.

Gonna go eat my lunch. CURRRYYYY. love it, though I'll probably have breakouts and I can totally imagine the layers of fats and volume of oil in my body): AH.
Nevermind, training will remove all of them soon. soon = 5 weeks haha.

Syl>> hahah, I ain't fungi. ohyeah! tweety bird, but why ah?

10:11 PM | Tuesday, September 15, 2009 | Link
load off
Yeah. Finally finished the financial lit report. Now waiting for the printer to print it out before I fly off to moley concept.

But i don't know, I think I like this feeling of being busy until I can hardly breathe. And I'm still breathing, so it can't be that bad.
Time to list down targets and plans (:

Anyways, I came across this email and I thought it was kinda cute.
Embracing my dear childhood, and my blog seriously needs pictures and colours so yups, here they are(:
THE CARTOONS in our lives... at their current age

I think this email kinda broached the topic in a light-hearted way, but you can't help but feel wary of the speed humans are aging.
Oh and btw, the oldest woman, aged 115, passed away yesterday. Or was it the previous day? An african woman I think. Even Obama congratulated her on her 115th birthday. Really really cool.

Barbie Doll's 50th birthday:
Lolol. I was wondering who this fat ass was.

Tweety Bird is 60 years old
Lols I think this is my favourite picture. It still looks kinda cute. I used to like tweety bird alot alot. There's a framed jigsaw puzzle of it just on the wall outside my room.
I think it's baldness is adorable. lol.

FAT guy who smokes.
I seriously hate smokers, especially those who smoke pathetically stinky cigarettes. If they wanna harm themselves, I'm fine with it, but when they blow the smoke right into your face, you really feel like screaming at them. But ohwells, you can't.

What's Thor?
This shows how deprived I am.

Wonder woman (touch of menopause here)
hahah. menopause

Batman and Robin
too sick until it can't move, lmao. joke.

This is my second favourite. PAMPERS! hahah.

"Life is short, break the rules, forgive sooner, kiss slowly, laugh without control and always keep smiling!
Maybe life is not the party that we were expecting, but in the mean time, we're here and we can still dance....."

End of email(:

Kinda long since I uploaded mails, cos there hasn't been a really good one so far. Taking a break and reading such nice, inspirational mails really give my mood a lift. And it has been a long time since I watched cartoons. I remember laughing at stupid lame idiots who just stand there and get attacked.

Innocence is something once taken, it'll be long gone.

1:31 AM | Sunday, September 13, 2009 | Link
when exhilaration is exhausted
Came back from the Computer Show at Suntec. There were heck lot of people, and I had a fun time squeezing with them hahaha. There were only 2 floors this time and I really feel nothing now. It's like, there's nothing that has great impact, and will leave a vivid impression. Everything seems to be changing so fast. Gone are mp3s, thumbdrives and dvd rws. I don't really know if this rapid change is a good thing, but it doesn't feel good when I feel so empty after walking for more than 4 hours.

But my dad bought nice stuffs for me(: It's so wonderful having an ATM machine. I like it when he doesn't really question what I buy, except for niao-ing about how quickly I spoil my earpieces.
Got new earpiece, bone for my earpiece, and cooling balls for my lappy.

Have been trying to do financial literacy report for the past 3 nights but the project doesn't seem to be progressing anywhere. I finally finished the tabulations and I don't feel the usual sense of accomplishment. Man, what's happening.

Gah, was really really really tired, so I wondered how fugly tired I looked like. So I used the webcam and I discovered new stuffs hahaha. This gonna be the only time I post pics taken by my webcam kays. Chansou, not copying you! Anyways I don't have photo booth or stuffs like that :/

bubbles. hahahah. i think they're cute. imagine seeing bubbles containing memories of your loved ones floating everywhere. Love can be shared in this way(: really, it's kinda cool.

i'm tired.

Life's a picture, a drawing, anything. Sometimes, people make it seem so complicated, mysterious and difficult to comprehend, but in actual fact, it's just laid there right in front of you. Thinking too much or too little; it's always a problem.

at least for me.
I was actually feeling kinda excited and happy yesterday whenever I thought of going to the computer show today. (i wonder why, nevermind, siao one). But look at the drastic change. The feeling of something hollow and unreachable, it's so unexplainable and indecipherable.
gah, I'm tired of trying to understand everything I'm feeling.
It's time I let things go.
maybe it'll leave as naturally as it came.

Syl>>ey, the way you put it is as if i forced you to tag manz >< I didn't! ha, at least that's what I think. Leaving your footprint before you leave is gud is it? Ha, that "i'm cute you're cuter" thing is still funny when I think about it. Insider joke, not zilian about ourselves right ha.
Qi>> that woman speaks wonderful english manz. "BOOM! anything that screams ME!" ha.

7:10 PM | Monday, September 07, 2009 | Link
i feel so full
yeah so really really full. Just had a wonderful dinner.
Hmmms, I feel kinda weird nowadays. Like I've nothing much to do. But I not gonna waste the september holidays like that. Must spend it well, or at least slack in better ways :D

No more trainings already. Kinda good, so I've more time for myself, although that probably means more potato-couching and more fats gaining.
AH, I can see my tummy.

Had a family chalet kinda long ago. Last week i think. It was great, bonding and everything(: Family time is really precious and worth cherishing, but I just really can't bother being the one taking the initiative or being more enthusiastic. Sometimes, I really feel happy and thankful for many things, but I just can't bring myself to say thankyou or 'I really appreciate it, thanks alot'. Sometimes, it's really odd how human relationships are. The closer you get, the more it seems difficult to say sorry or thankyou.
Just one stubborn mule who refuses to move her mouth, but rather stick to her so-called pathetic principles and attitude. -.-



Helped barbecue and I must say the heat IS HORRIBLE. But it feels great when you see people eating the food that you barbecued and it doesn't really taste that bad. :D At least I don't cause the food to all turn charcoal. HENG. But I can't barbecue chicken wings for nuts sake. stupid wings. There was one which was black on the outside, but when i bit it, the chicken blood came out. So it probably meant that I didn't barbecue it well enough.
Gross and disgusting, but ahh.... whatever :/

Night alone with chan felt great. Watched The Proposal and it was seriously hilarious. That stupid stripper/exotic dancer with unshaved pubic hair, AHHHHH. repulsive manz. But I had a really good laugh throughout the movie and definitely didn't sleep, something which I least expected to.

I think balling on fridays suck really alot now. There's no courts to shoot and I've to resort to loitering about. Sigh. It's so horrible now. :( Neverminds, I shall go stone in the library instead. Gonna go read the series of books written by Paulo Coelho. I think his books are really good, and it makes me think alot. Entertaining and simple too(:

Hmmms, gonna go finish the chinese compo, and bathe. Then write the stupid physics journal and pack my files. Then go online and talk to chan and continue our topic discussion(: Then watch abit of teevee here and there, slack abit, eat snacks and supper, lie here and there, and go to bed.

I really love holidays cos they give me great sleeps, with no fixed time to wake up. Good naps really change one's mood.
Okays, maybe it just applies to me cos I really love to sleep.
Why not, resting and not doing anything(: Maybe besides gaining fats. But heys, that's beyond the point!

Crystal:>> YO, wanna me to give you some pacs hahahha(: thanks yupss, enjoyed it loads. and come on, you aint fat lah -.-