7:46 PM | Wednesday, October 31, 2007 | Link
Haven't been updating lately. Just played ball with Sylvia, Cheryl, Yiting, LaiYiRen, GRACE and my sis (:
Quite bored of life.

And I didn't start my CAP. DAMNIT. The moment I think of it, I feel like committing suicide. Still have to go to the stupid environmental movie tomorrow. BEing FORCED TO PAY MONEY TO WATCH. WTF?

But at least can relax. (:

Went for archery recently. Haven't post the pics cos my dad haven't copied the images to the com (: SLACKER LA.

I'm really bored. I'M SIIANED
Life is so sian.
And when I think of CAP.,.....



Reply tags la. Siian
Sher-em ♥ HAHA. I think I only have about 300 posts. 300 only la. Not 500. And i think it's lesser than 300. ): YOu love over-exaggerating. HEHE
Meng ♥ it's easy la. As we keep hearing them cheer, we get to know le. And it's really easy. (:]
Cheryl ♥ izare izare izare. CRAZY.
Jingmei ♥ who ask you so vulgar. ah ya, cbox super diiiaoo de.
Yvon ♥ SORRY LA. didn't want to dao you purposely. I'm not so shitty can. Had a full-screen programme ma.



10:36 AM | Thursday, October 25, 2007 | Link
Post Exam activities
Today we played like 6 maths games and I thought it was rather siians. We lost most of the times and some of the games were like crap. But I thought the Dominoes and Wilson's game were nice. The game using the Game of Life rule is like errr.r..... not even related to Maths?
And we lost that, so I'm super not happy.

The past 3 days were part of Xperience which we paid $2, while the rest of the fee was subsidised by the school.
The first day was Xplosion or Xperience. Not sure. We learnt the difficulties faced by the handicapped and it was quite fun.

It started with charade. Quite stupid. I was doing Boring movie using hand signs and it turned out to be HIP HOP.
I can't believe it.
we lost to 1I in the challenge cos we talked to the last person while 1I got it completely right without cheating.

Then we had to do 3 different activities against 1L. They gave us some WEIRD GLASSES which had a transparent plastic that was doodled with black marker and had a green piece of paper covering it. There were only 3 PATHETIC HOLES in it and we HAD TO SEE THROUGH THOSE.
  1. write and read a passage
  2. fold 15 aeroplanes / 5 cranes
  3. pass a ball using a non-master hand

I think I blogged about it before but this is a more detailed one (: Just feel like chunking all the details.
Then was WHEELCHAIR!! and blind soccer.
First day
We played with the i-dont-know-what-the-name-is. It was balancing something that looked similar to weights on a string. AND EW, I ain't good at that.
Then was stupid juggling.
And then that stupid thing again.

And I don't like the guy that supposedly dropped out of primary school and takes juggling as his occupation now. He talks super loudly and thinks he is amusing....

I wouldn't be SO PROUD if I dropped out of school and have an occupation that earns not-so-much and isn't really very common, though it's quite unique.
I think proclaiming that you have a bloody good cert would be much better than announcing to the whole world that you have dropped out of school.
Though the first one super show-off la. (:

I thought the two coaches for the balancing thing were quite nice. (:
Juggling just sucks.
I can do the wrong method but not the right one.

We were supposed to wait until about 12:30 before we could leave school. Balled with Rene and Jiaqi. After a while, we went to ball with Jubix people. It was super fun.
Rene and Jiaqi then treated me to ban mian and we were just in time to watch the third quarter of the basketball match of Year 4 DHS basketballers VS Alumni basketballers. We thought it started at 3 but it turned out to start just about 20 minutes after we left. Or was it 10? o.0

The basketballers were trashed man. Even after the coach and Mr Low went up to play. =( And the senior citizens played damn well. Their speed was like so..........


I'm jealous.

Then the final score was 88 - 67 I think.

Balled again and went home with Rene after her irritating pestering.
Second day:

The next day was like shit. Skipping was first. They spent a bloody long time arranging us in NEAT COLUMNS AND ROWS. I didn't really like the male trainer cos he treated us like soldiers and that we were in some stupid army and he was the commander. I just don't like the tone he commanded us in. I know, we were very rowdy and took like 5 minutes to FINALLY UNDERSTAND what he was talking about but that didn't give him the right to shout at us.
We have to be spoken nicely to (:

I wished we dragged the time longer though.

Then skipped and skipped.

I can't believe people take skipping as a profession.
I know skipping is a CCA in primary school but it isn't in secondary school. And I doubt anybody would want to learn how to do stunts with a skipping rope at an older age.

Next was hip-hop dance. Aw man, the black guy rocked. He was super flexible and I loved his making of waves using his hand.

It's just so.... AWWW

I can't dance. But I appreciate dance (:
The whole thing ended off well with 3 different coaches dancing 3 different types of dance. MTV dance, Breakdance and street dancing (:

Balled for quite some time before some PE teacher came and shoo-ed us out because we were apparently late for some kinda of talk.
Sat at the back behind the tallies of 1L.

Was feeling super thirsty so I borrowed a mineral water bottle from Teri and opened the cap before going back to my seat. For some reasons, Sylvia SNATCHED the bottle by SQUEEZING IT.

And piew! Water spilled over some guy. (don't know how to spell his name. heheheh).
Then it was presentation by Jalan boy and he gave out sushi. Everybody was practically fighting over it. And according to Rachel during basketball training, the sushi tasted like shit because of the wrong usage of rice. She said it was gluey and everything negative.
And a sushi was wasted when some idiot threw it and the receiver didn't catch it. So in the end, the POOR sushi became a basketball (:

Basketball training next. Da Shermaine came. Jiao lian didn't. I said something embarrassing. ):
Jiaqi would know it.
3rd day

Making of pottery at Dragon Kiln!
The start of the day sucked because of mosquitoes biting my legs. Had about 6 mosquito bites. Then they let us watch some video in a room with fans which were not turned on and some pathetic chairs. The guys snatched almost all the chairs so we had to stand. Stupid Sing Rue was jumping about and in the end she SWEATED like she didn't sweat before. (:

Made an ugly-looking "pot" and a pig which looked retarded. Waited for a bloody 1 hour for the stupid bus which apparently lost its way.

Past few days were like that.


10:23 PM | Saturday, October 20, 2007 | Link
Nice days (:
Today's bball practice was ok and enjoyable. The seniors' match was super nice though they lost but improved (: JIAYOUUU!

Then went to Yvon's house to do Science project. Didn't really do much because I arrived rather late and the yong-gongers chiong all the stuff. =(
Yvon's maid cooked super nice food and I LOVED THE SOUP, ESPECIALLY THE FISHBALLS (:

Yesterday was super shiok. Treated Meng to KFC and played ball for a teeny weeny bit of time and stressed. (: As in played stress. Almost won but her stupid piano teacher came. =( Then I balled.
I love the half-court. Super pretty

Then went to Punggol Plaza to buy her cake and bought a drink from sweettalk.

The morning was ok too. Xperience was rather fun.

We played the er-i-don't-know-what game. It was just passing a message down using actions. IT WAS BORING.

Then it was some blind game activities. We had to write and read through a pathetic "glasses" and fold aeroplanes and throw balls.
I wrote the words and threw the ball to Shu Jun. I think I folded about 2 aeroplanes. (:

Then it was WHEELCHAIR!!
This was the coolest thing ever. My arms were aching at the end but we won the challenge anyway. Threw in some balls into the pail =D

Blind soccer was LAME and STUPID. Nobody won though. Caris was stupid kicking the ball out repeatedly. Her starting of the ball was STUPID and lousy. HEHEHH. But it was super hilarious. (:

Then it was a super long talk. Quite boring. .............................
Then a game that was super long. felt rather guilty when I threw lousy dices but it was ok anyway. (: We got 2nd

I'm tired now. Guess I'll reply tags tomorrow. And erh, I think this blog post super siian.

Tomorrow would be the match for the Singapore Slingers. Don't know who's the opponents. Thanks Rene for the free tickets!! =DD


11:16 PM | Thursday, October 18, 2007 | Link
Yay. Just a few more days before school COMPLETELY ENDS.
This is just so cool. (:

This morning did not start well. I was IN the MRT station when I realised that my file wasn't with me. As we were supposed to bring the stupid Chinese examination papers which he obviously did not collect, I HAD TO BRING THEM TODAY no matter what. And damnit, I wasted 50 cents.

Spent a whole bloody 20 minutes detouring home and back. Luckily, my father hadn't gone to work so he just passed me my file (:
If not I had to open the gate, take off my shoes, take off my socks, rush to the table, take the file, put on my socks, put on my shoes, close the door

(: Saved quite a lot of time, considering that I tie my shoelaces T.W.I.C.E.

But I wasn't late for school though. (: Thanks to the fast train. I thought I would be late or at least rather late and disgrace myself by running to the front during assembly.

I.T. was quite fun cos I slacked. Was so bored that I played neopets. Haha, our school computers suck. Lag like hell and the animation was soooooo SLLOOWWW.
Then Yvon went crazy with the linking and I learnt a little of CSS. Quite similar to blogging though. (:
For once, Sylvia and Sing Rue did not shout for my name. (: Cos Syl forgot to bring her thumbdrive and their documents weren't found in the computer. Caris and Cherisse's one too. I think an idiot purposely deleted them away or the teacher just did a clean-up. But the other documents were there.

LA rocked with Ms Kheng letting us play a game. Quite fun la. (: And Yvon's group was like damn robotic la. Guessed everything right and fast. For eg.
Yvon: a gun
Shermin: Revolver

And the difference was lesser than 2 seconds. No fun.

Then Geog.

Then we were supposed to go for some crap meeting for RS and it turned out that WE WERE NOT EVEN INVOLVED
Waste of time.
And Caris Lau because Cans Lau while Tan Shu Jun became Tan Shu Fun!! So hilarious

For Caris's case, it's understandable but for Shu Fun??!!

Had a good laugh before basketball practice and I taped my legs once again. (: was super careful when running at the start but after a while, I DIDN'T CARE. Run run run and run. Training was uniquely different and fun.



So happy. I wish training would be as nice as today (:

Tomorrow's xPerience or something like that. Paid money le. Can't pon. Plus it's MY OWN MONEY.
Meeting Meng tomorrow to eat. HEHEHE. Saturday would be basketball practice while Sunday would be the Science meeting. (: Life is improving.


Reply tags
Yvon ♥ walao, you crapped SOOO MUCH. Ok, I didn't think about the imitation thingy but hey, I got creativity de loh. You didn't OPEN your eyes to SEE and understand. And erh, point taken but I'm too lazy to change. Hehe. And ah ya, this kinda of stuff no need to point out de right, GRAMMAR TEACHER.
Cherisse ♥ OK (: Why you keep changing url de huh?
Jingmei ♥ OHH. I owe you money huh. Ok, return you ASAP. Didn't realise that it was you though I felt that I OWED SOMEBODY $$$$$$$$$

It's getting late now and I gonna turn in.
And YES!! My mum's coming back soon. (: Then I can slack more.

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8:38 PM | Wednesday, October 17, 2007 | Link
life is monotonous
Just lost my tempered and hollered at my bro. Damn him.
I really don't understand what problem he has

Came back from MOE LC after watching a french movie (:
The show rocked my socks. It was hilarious yet touching. The ending was unique and good. It was just very entertaining. Better than some nude japanese anime that Yvon watched, ACCORDING TO HER.

Hah, just realised that my sentences were short. (: I'm really very bored now. Received the test papers back with the SOLE EXCEPTION OF geography. Uh, and malay if you count that as a subject which is taught for only 1 TERM. Everything's okay (:
Though I dislike the French's results. Stupid dictee took ALL OF MY 5 MARKS. Don't understand a toot of what they are talking about. They should learn how to speak slowly. SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWLLLLLLLLLLLLLYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Yvon was complaining about how little I post after school when we were in the library crapping. And she commented on my profile name. It's creativity la idiot.
Then I called Ms Lim and she told me that SMART YANG LAO SHI did not collect the CHINESE EXAM PAPERS which he is SUPPOSED TO.
So we have to bring them TOMORROW.

How smart can he be man.

Just some recent updates (:
Interclass: Izare won!!! (: The match against Beltrix was super nice and entertaining. Far nicer than the match against Kezo and Lectra. HEH, I wasn't even playing well. So we ended up 4th place.
And I gonna blame Meng. Go support Cheryl. DAMNIT. I read Cheryl's tagboard kay.
Just giving myself excuses (:

But they really did play well. (: So they deserve Champs for the interclass and class league. WOOOO HOOO

Er, I think that's the only thing I can think of. Ew. Oh ya, gonna go pay my debt this friday (:


Is it or is it not?

Dunman is so nice, giving us TWO WHOLE MONTHS for resting, slacking and crapping. (:
I ♥ DUNMAN!!! (:

But I wonder if it's two months is two long for a holiday. But nevermind, I'll still be able to do SOMETHING at least.

Reply tags:
Yvon ♥ quite weird yea. I just realised so too (: And your HAHAHAHAS and clapping for no reason is nuts.
Jingmei ♥ AH YA, never gang up la. I deleted what I said what (: Just crapping abit loh. And kay, NOW I THINK OF YOU LE =D hehe
Huiwen ♥ YEAH I KNOW. After today when you crapped a lot about dramas when I just sat beside you. =D
Meng ♥ EW. SO EXPENSIVE. Anyway I wouldn't even buy it. =P <-- just realised this face looks quite stupid And eh, that really sounded like joy.

No interesting mails or jokes cos my mum is overseas. Damn, I miss her. ):

Life isn't just like this.

But it is.


11:37 AM | Sunday, October 14, 2007 | Link
finally feeling better (:
hah. I think I love the word FINALLY. It's always FINALLY. finally. finally and FINALLY!!

hah. Crazy

I don't know why but I sort-of felt better. Sort-of. Was procrastinating yesterday and didn't do a bloody useful shit. Watched teevee for about 10 hours and the rest of the time..... ER, daydreaming? wanted to cycle or go for a swim. Or ball. =(

My mum just went overseas and my sis got a new phone. My mum even sent an email to say that everything's fine and they're feeling great. Everybody's enjoying themselves except ME. I really don't know what I should do. I was hooked on Youtube before but now i ain't, cos I have NOTHING TO DO


Sometimes i really wonder if I should just sleep for like 2 days and 2 nights. Perhaps I would feel better.
But that would make me a PIG.

And I seem to be angry over all small little stuffies. Wanted to go play audi since I had no shit to do but turned out the bloody application can't work. Everything is going against me.

Now I have NOTHING to do. NOTHING. NOTHING. NOTHING.NOTHING. No sports, no shows, no games, NOTHING.

The inter-class thingacious can get me quite crazy. I'm very confused now. So who do we play with? 1 class or 3? I DON'T KNOW AND I DON'T CARE. I just know that I want to move my lazy ass off my bloody chair and do something constructive.

Read Syl's blog yesterday and found out many FUCK words. hah. First time I used it on my blog. (: I ain't vulgar. (: Can't believe she used those words to scold a FREAKING guy who shouldn't have time wasted on him.

Gonna do the test Cheryl tagged me. Quite a short one (:

Blog keeping Rules:
1) Each blogger must post these rules first.
2) Each blogger starts with 8 random facts/habits about themselves.
3) Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their 8 things and post these rules. At the end of your blog, you need to choose 8 people to get tagged and list their names.
4) Don't forget to leave a comment telling them they're tagged and to read your blog.

8 random facts about myself:
- I am tall
- I love bball
- I love crapping
- an ex-NCpian
- currently a Dunmanian (Kezo)
- I MISS all my friends
- addiction to youtube (:
- love and hate myself at times

POOF. That was quite slow cos I took some time to think about the 8 random facts.
Can I don't tag anybody? Cos I'm quite lazy (:

Reply tags
Yvon ♥ OK. Sowwie loh. But you spammed more than me. -_-
Meng ♥ WALAO. Treats also must count then not call treats loh. Anyway I see see first (: Will treat you if I feel like it. But currently I don't. MUAHAHA (: Pok la.
Actually not.
Rae ♥ NOT SURE but mostly yes. (: Looking forward to a nice game (:
Jingmei ♥ THANK YOUUUUU!! Then your life how heh? Later your dar dar come kill me cos I took away his darling's life.
HAHA, ok, just joking. I know you don't like me to crap about these. Shall strike those words. (: Anyway, thanks gal =D
Cheryl ♥ DONE. (: And do we only play one match or what? Gosh, I'm feeling blur.
or maybe I always do.

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11:50 AM | Saturday, October 13, 2007 | Link
finally blogging (:

I'm here again(:

Just a short one cos I really have no mood now. ):

Netball's ok. I'm glad we could come so far. (:
The guy's basketball is ok la. Just didn't like A class's bloddy ATTITUDE. Win then win la, everybody knows that they'll win so they do not have to pity us by playing fake basketball right? So stupid.


My knee's aching but it will be ok (:

ALL THE WAY NETBALL-IES! I wanna play a good game, not necessarily winning (:
Sylvia and I were talking on the train and we realised that this inter-class taught us a lot of things. The spirit of persevering after losing and finally having turnovers. Or at least playing our best so that we will have no regrets after losing (:

Reply tags:
Yvon ♥ SPAMMER. and My ligament ain't happy.
Weixin ♥ sorry laaaa. I lazy to edit leh. nevermind horh?
Syl ♥ HAHA. ok (:
Nicole ♥ YEPP!! relaxx. (:
Jingmei ♥ NO WAY LA. My class de Nicole. -_-'''
Cheryl ♥ YEPP. All the best to you too. (:
Meng ♥ AH NA AH NA. Just a few days only ma. And EW, I don't feel honoured. =( HAH. you no pencil le meh? And I trade HSM 2 with the pencil (: Though it's quite worth it (:

My tags are shorter and shorter. Don't mind me cos I really can't crap much now. =(

Blah. So siians now. I don't know what's happening to me.

Someone give me a life.

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9:59 AM | Sunday, October 07, 2007 | Link
3 more days!!! 3 more days!! 3 more days!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!! 3 more days!!!

HAHA, that was quite crazy. I practically typed the code from 150% to 10% for the font size. MUAHAHAHAS. (: So happy. A week passed so quickly and YES, a mere period of 3 more days will PASS TOO. (: HCL - (Thanks to Yvon and Caris LAAAAA)
, Maths, then Science (:

I was mugging quite hard for yesterday. Slacked quite a lot on Friday. Yesterday abit la. Watched HSM 2 with my bro after I found nothing better to do. Borrowed the CD from meng (: THANKS GAL. Wonder when I would return it to her. I wann my holi-es!!
Watched Teevee until about 1am yesterday. The show was quite hilarious and I had a super good night sleep (: LOVE LATE TEEVEE

Recently, I just watched the movie mv of Jolin and I must say it's quite good and creative (: Her acting skills not bad la except that the storyline a bit .......

HEHE. Fill in that word yourself (:
I'm quite bored today and I can't watch TEEVEE because I'm banned. But I'm not banned from the com. Quite ironic right? Since I can watch TEEVEE through crunchyroll and youtube. (: BUT I GONNA BE A GOOD GAL AND DO MY WORK.

Quite impossible though.
Just read Grace's tagboard and found out that her EXAMS ARE OVER. What the hell? So fast. And she must be relaxing like hell now. ARGH. So lucky.
But considering that other schools are still having like 2957348943789 million papers, I should be happy (: Ok la, not that I'm feeling super sad or what. (:

Just checked my hotmail and there were quite alot of spam mails. NOt alot for some but it was alot since I just checked my mails 2 or 3 days ago. I thought this period of EOY should have lots of people mugging but it turned out to be otherwise. Perhaps their exams are over. =( I HATE SPAM MAILS. Though I was one of the few who circulate them (: Simple ma, Just click forward, then a group, and SEND!! Simple (:

I still have another post to post about. My trip to the timsum restaurant. Began crazy and took like 8397438947 million pictures with my dad's cam. Then I was lazy to post. But when I felt like posting it, I realised that my card reader was SPOILT. Apparently, someone dropped it and the only possibility is my bro but he keeps denying it. DAMN IT. And now I can't post it. ): That could add on to my number of picture-heaving posts. (: And I love posting images loh, though it makes my blog SUPER SLOW.
Talking about food, I remembered the powerpoint slide that was for I.T. and I talked about the steamboat. Got quite a pretty score though it was rather sucky as compared to the rest who got like 90++. Ah ya, I think it was because my powerpoint was just crapping. I just SLAM all the pictures on the powerpoint and did not organise the slides. Everything was just shit with points being repeated OVER AND OVER AGAIN. ehehe. That was just so million years ago. I'm just trying to make this post longer and procrastinate longer (:

this post gonna be super long because of my HUGE pictures. (: Jokes again but this time it's pictures. The pics are CUTE instead of HILARIOUS. The baby looks cute (: And the jokes aren't really nice. I noticed I love the smiley (:

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

MUAFAFAHS. Finished. I have not really read the jokes. Gonna read them on my blog then (:

Reply Tags
Yvon ♥ I DIDN'T MEAN THAT YOU WERE PETTY. ewwww. HEHE. thanks for saying it's adorable (: I know it too. And the pig DOES LOOK LIKE A DUCK. I think the eyes and nose don't fit. THe nose looks like a BEAK. The feet looks wrong too. ^^
Caris ♥ HAHA. agreed. (: Pretty right? Roses and everything. The cream is damn even but I think it looks rather fake after you stare at it for quite some time.
D&D: ERRRR, I didn't really say I wanna go. Just amusing myself only. and nope, I hate Genting and I ain't gonna go there anymore after staying there for 3 days and playing the same thing over and over again.
JOYJOY ♥ HAHA. You JIAYOU TOO!! mug hard especially you are in the PRO PRO PRO STRESSFUL SCHOOL.
Grace ♥ HEYYY THAT'S good news!! What's the sport?? (: Is it really that fun?
Jingmei ♥ DAMN I HAVE LOTS OF POINTS TO COMMENT ON. Number 1. YOu are a THICK-SKINNED WOMAN. No money, so no pressies. But I can give you a bear hug if you want. Erm, but not really a huge one cos I'm quite skinny. (: Or I can just sms you happy b'dae or plaster a banner, HAPPY B'DAE for ya if you wanna. But I reckon you want neither. (: Then I can save time and trouble. Point 2. How to tag at your blog when it's private and you didn't give me permission?? -.- Point 3. I'M NOT EVIL. I'm the nicest person ever. Ok la, not the NICEST. But quite nice la. (:
Yiting ♥ HELLLOOO!!! Ok, i didn't want to eat the cake. Plus, I DON'T LOVE PIGS. (: Ah ya, just crapping a bit la. (:

Yay, finished (: I gonna go change my links code. Find it quite UGLY and not consistent and I don't quite like it.

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8:27 PM | Thursday, October 04, 2007 | Link
bored and guilty ):
Today's history was ok except that I thought my handwriting was UGLY.
Nothing interesting to blog about.

GAH. I felt super bad after doing Yvon's friend test. ): Just got 50. usually I got higher than that when I do friend test. ): And her b'dae is TOMORROW yet I didn't know!

BLAH. I'm lag in b'daes can.
Just can't remember.

I don't even remember the birthdays of my CLOSEST CLOSEST friends in my primary schools very well. Not that I can't remember, I don't even know the date today unless I wrote it a lot of times. And I don't relate them. =((

I think she'll read it. (:

PAI SEH LA. Shall give her a cute pig to show my sincerity since she ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ PIGS

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

sorry for the small pic. Thought that was cute and didn't want to expand the picture cos the pixels would be seen.

And a b'dae cake (:
A pig one too. Looked like a duck though. I liked the nose and tail. (: Looks squishy. HAHA.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

But i'm still not in love with pigs.

BLAH. I feel better now. hehe. Wonder what her response would be. I think she would thank me like siiao. Blah. (:

Reply tags
Yvon ♥ HAH. Agreed. Though I don't like school food. BUT I STILL EAT LA.
Jingmei ♥ kay. loved. (: ♥
Grace ♥ YA. Because I feel fit and healthy. Unlike now, which is the feeling of FAT FAT FAT. Blah. I know you don't like PE. (: But don't be biased, like what history teaches us. HAHA, I think I study hist until I'm going crazy.


3:16 PM | Wednesday, October 03, 2007 | Link
Yay. Here's what's done:
  • French paper
  • LA paper 1
  • LA paper 2
  • HCL paper 1
  • HCL paper 2
  • Malay
  • BP
  • Geog
  • History
  • Maths
  • Science

  • Muahaha. So shiok. Few more papers to go and WHEEEE we can play like crazy (:
    I ain't slacking now. Just taking a break.... like

    15 mins?

    Can de la. (:

    Felt super good today because one worry is down. GEOG was scary. I wish they take like 15 minutes from chinese compo to Geog. Geog is STUPID

    Next up is history, maths and science.
    WTF, I'm super scared that there isn't any time can.

    Chiong geog today. The teacher was scary. When he said: Hand in the answer sheet, I was STONED. Die. Turned out it was the QUESTION PAPER. I would have cursed him if he weren't a chinese teacher. -.o
    My heart was beating so fast can.

    I feel like eating chocolate now. My dad just bought some but it's CHOCOLATE BISCUIT. I want a big bar of chocolate.

    Sounds damn fat. But I found a pretty chocolate cake on the net. HIGH with 3 layers and THICK with chocolate. (:

    Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

    Damn, I sound like a fatso wanting to gorge herself and making herself fatter. ):
    Like a pregnant lady. I was recently telling i-forget-who, I think my mum, that whenever I think of food, I just felt like eating. ):

    Nevermind, basketball practice within a week!! Drain down those fats!! I LOVE THE FEELING OF SWEATING. whoho

    Just watched Treasure hunters 2 hours ago. The show ended at 2. The last episode would be broadcasted tomorrow! I think Air Force is like a damn good team. They work well and don't quarrel. One group quarrelled just because they were 2nd when they were 1st at the start, after losing their way. Then the Teevee started censoring for about 15 seconds. I could hardly hear a word. MUAHAHA fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

    HAHA. Then they were walking further and further from each other, while a guy was in the middle, and kept saying shut up. I'm glad he didn't add the f word in the middle (:

    But they still got into the finals anyway.

    WOAH. Just realised I digressed a lot. (: Enough relaxing. I gonna go off soon. Now for replying tags. (:

    reply tags
    Yvon ♥ yepp. Serene. And erm, I am a materialistic fickle-minded woman who gets in love with different things very quickly (:
    Jingmei ♥ KAY. Not caps. I think I meant EXCLAMATION MARK!!
    Caris ♥ OK. Got it. YES GAL. HELLO HUGE. (: Haha.

    Back to history ):

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    8:46 PM | Monday, October 01, 2007 | Link
    hoho (:
    That word is from Meng. She loves that word. HAHA sounded weird but that word sounded ok. (:

    Morning assembly was pretty with the VP announcing that the last school-day-friday would be A FREE HOLIDAY!! Simply because we maintained and even got 2 more awards. haha. so shiok. Slacking day then (:

    YAY. 2 papers down. LA and malay. (:
    Got quite siiao today asking the teacher questions about 2 or 3 times. I think the first time was if the evidence had to be from that bloody paragraph. Just felt blank and scared. =( TURNED OUT NOT. Made me feel stupid cos a geper is supposed to know this kind of basic things because of the many practices.


    I think I got to nervous and started questioning myself regarding the questions. Kept cancelling here and there. Did not really used the correction tape but only a littttllllllleeeeeeee bit.

    Malay was ok. Finished the paper 10 minutes earlier. The numbering system was siiao. I don't see how 2 numbers can be repeated twice. Confused me at the start. I thought there were 10 questions for the MCQ and that the teacher was crapping. But turned out to be 12. o.-
    i just looked at the last number cos if there's any printing errors, it would have been the last few numbers.

    And when the teacher say
    Don't write anything
    I was stoned cos I wrote the answers for the first 6 questions already!!!
    Didn't want to waste correction tape so didn't do anything. And HENG, cos those questions weren't affected. (:
    Malay wasn't a killer. And I loved cloze passage cos they provided one answer for me!! SOOO NICE!! (: Plus I didn't know how to do that question but the same sentence was at the end of the passage so i just had to COPY THE WORD!!

    MUAHAHA. Though Sing Rue and Yvon didn't see that but they still got the answer correct anyway. (: I put the wrong one before I saw that.

    LOVE THE FEELING. jiayous!! few more papers more! Tomorrow's chinese compo. BLAH. i suck at compo and I just don't like it. But there's a chinese dic to help me (:
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    WOAHHOOOO!! This pic is pretty. I got quite insane, making the pic so small to the size of an avatar. (: Serene hehhh?? Quite insane but nevermind.

    I think I'm getting over-hyper and over-insane because of MUGGING. Damn it.

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    Grace ♥ HAHA. okay (:
    Yvon ♥ there is something called lazy you IDIOT.
    jingmei ♥ OK OK OK. No need caps laa. Got your point.

    PUA PUA. I'm bored. I think I'm in love with the word PUA.
    Sorry, just one of my crazy rantings again. BLAH

    i hate geog
    i hate history
    i hate chinese
    i hate urm
    i hate bp
    i hate waking up early in the morning
    i hate school when it's all about EOYs
    i hate the com when it lags like shit
    i hate
    i hate

    can't hate any more.
    I gonna extend it somehow. SOMEDAY. some time.

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