11:02 PM | Thursday, July 31, 2008 | Link
one whole day just gone like that D:nothingness
Didn't watch the guys' match cos I was ermm, lazy and muggy
turned out that i didn't mugg.
promises are shit
I'm wondering why I'm typing like that.
Maybe enters are nice. Enter them awayyy
But I don't think I gonna post like this in the future, my enter key gonna spoil at this rate.
GAP was horrible today. When I mean horrible, I mean HORRIBLE. Leaves looked like big fat plasters and my flower was supposed to have 4 petals but it turned out to have 7. There was supposed to be a gradient but the colour was just thick and suddenly disappeared. you know, po4 bi3. D: Cos the petals were smalllll, I thought maybe I drew more to make up the empty space. Turned out to be the wrong decision. I wanted to merge a few petals together but Sylvia told me not to. Glad I didn't, wonder how it'll turn out.
The bee-drawing was atrocious. It was tinyyyy but it was the crux of the whole drawing. Draw a big scorpion and you're screwed. Calvin's one looked like a spider, mine like a scorpion, and i don'tknow about the rest. Sylvia was complaining that the "hair" on the plants looked like fangs. I thought they looked like the nails on cactus o.O
The rest of the day was mundane, as usual. We're learning chem now. Gah, memorising of the periodic table. lalalala. just hope i don't drop dead and die.
Mugged with jingmei after school. Yepp, mugged. That girl cheats people's feelings de. Play AWHILE then do a question then hardly done then play another while. ha.
sorry ahh, really didn't feel like going home that earlyyy D: anyway it's nice to not have loudspeakers beside you once in awhile when you go home. Can think much clearer(:
Turned out that my dad had to do grocery so I had to come home myself -.-
Spent about 15 mins finding ziyi's uniform before playing ball. Alone. yep. Cos everybody was busy and jingmei could have accompanied me, if only she didn't had a dumpling for an ankle. D:
But I sorted out alot of things in just that 45 minutes.
Slept throughout the whole train ride and I was wondering why the train moved so slowly. Seemed to sleep longer than usual and I was so damn afraid that I missed my stop.
It isn't pure luck damnit. don't look down on others just because they have proven that they can do it, just once.
10:15 PM | Wednesday, July 30, 2008 | Link
chill for a moment
History and Maths over(: Geog next. 1 week to prepare, i had better mugg and not burn midnight oil like the past few days. The feeling sucks.chill for a moment
I swore to do work tonight but apparently I stoned when I began to watch youtube for just a litttllleee while. You know, teenyweeny bit and it's gone.
Came across this gross video. The knee dislocation is HORRIBLE. I don't want knees like that, I can go die forever.
POOR THINGthingthing. even if you've no time, you should really watch this. It feels painful just by watching it like that. You see the knee BENDDDD and the body GOES DOWN and damn the knee. It's not like you're doing yoga or some stretching you know. What's more, it's self-inflicted. Then I read a comment which was quite funny.
"he needs more milk"
found out about the basketball fixtures and saw the history of basketball for both c-division and b-division. There's a pattern somehow, although some schools are kicked out and some new schools are introduced. It's amazing somehow.
I'm jealousjealousjealous of Denise Austin. Go here and read her wikipedia page. Apparently, she's 51 this year, but I thought she was in her early 40s when she was doing the fitness video! Has 2 kids and is still looking good. gosh, what's the matter with her?? ):
Wanted to go watch my dad play volleyball and go shop for something this sat but CIP took it away. Have to travel all he way to Jurong East Sports hall for some activity called BOCCIA to get 5 CIP hours. Change of schedule, how sucky. I hope it's funn though(: but CIP was never fun if you notice. Cleaning of rivers when there's no rubbish till you have to practically LOOK for rubbish, learning how to cook chicken when you're hardly doing anything.... the list is endless
I realised that we need to chill sometimes. When you stand back and look at the big picture, you see much more things and began to realise that you're entirely selfish. Putting yourself before others, that's a common mistake though it's the simplest and easiest way to forgive yourself.
mengg, you can do it(: the ball is round...that's the great thing about basketball.
I'm sleepyy now. Hmm, what have I done today? charging my ipod, editing some songs, and well, practically nothing.
5:12 PM | Saturday, July 26, 2008 | Link
Finally back on track. Spent the entire hour filing all past worksheets and I gonna go do my stuffs next. I realised that I have not been doing anything constructive over the weekends recently. bad bad.awake
Have been going to Rae's house the past 3 days. The first day was to tutor her maths alone. then the next day was with jingmei and yesterday was with weiwen. haha(: Went to workout at her house yesterday. It was comical I tell you, cos the way we did the workouts were so unglam and horrible-looking but the instructor (i think Denise Auston or something) looked so fit and HAPPY while doing them. She was talking the whole 45 minutes and there weren't any signs of panting or fatigue although her voice was abit coarse sometimes.
I so gonna go workout. Yoga lessons shall start in about 2 or 3 weeks time. Training shall start next tuesday(: Cross country in about 2 weeks D:
The bball guys got 3rd in zonals(: Watched anglican against dunman sec on thursday and I must say that our school played much much better against anglican than dunman sec. That's why we deserve second, not third D:
But anyway, greatgreatgreat. They're in to the nationals manmanman(:
I've been thinking alot these few days and I realised that I have turned materialistic. D: The earpiece which my dad bought is spoiling soon since it's wires are coming out but it would be fine if you just push the wires back. But well, it's sort-of time consuming sometimes and annoying. And the sound quality sort-of turned lousier as the wires are looser. I went to the earpiece shop in Compass yesterday and I saw one super super nice skyblue earpiece yesterday. 30 bucks. Geez. I so wanna get it. And I'm getting it to make myself feel happier.
There's so many things that I want to buy, but none of them are needed. They are just wants. Materialistic wants. D:
Checked my yahoo mail and I read some funny jokes. Shall share it here although I think hardly anybody reads. -.-
No offence, just humour...
When Dr. Mahathir was Prime Minister of Malaysia...
One lousy day in the middle of the economic crisis, PM Mahathir was feeling extremely frustrated and wondering how a neighbouring country can be doing better than Malysia.
One of his aides said, I heard that the leaders consult Feng Shui masters to ensure prosperity for the country. Dr Mahathir thought if that was the csse, Malaysia Bomoh also can, and went to seek the top bomoh's advice in the country.
After reviewing the case, the bomoh told Dr Mahathir that there were 2 things that he must do.
Bomoh: Step 1: You must blame the crisis on SOROS for everything.
Dr Mahathir: But why?
Bomoh: Because SOROS stands for "Speculate On Ringgit Or Stocks". You must blame him, and look at ways to control the ringgit and stock market
Step 2: You must get rid of ANWAR.
Dr Mahathir: What! Why him?
Bomoh: Because ANWAR stands for "A Nation Without Any Ringgit"
Dr Mahathir: But how? This is most difficult to do, he is popular with the people"
Bomoh: Aiyoh, you bodoh lah! Look at your name, MAHATHIR
Make Anwar Homosexual And Then Highlight It Repeatedly
Ha. Trust people to think of that -.-
Maths and history test next week. mugg.
10:21 PM | Wednesday, July 23, 2008 | Link
back on track
Just mugged with rae at her house and the high-class cafe at Bedok after the guys' match at Anglican. We did mug, mugged maths. Ohwell, abit of maths. I'm still blur at the x-intercept and constant and gradient. It's confusing and irritating. I rather go my equations(:back on track
The guys played against east view and we won. As what rachel said, it was sort-of expected I think. We were charged with charging fouls exceptionally lot today. It's the same biased referee who caused ngee ann to lose. He's sadistic, probably wanting to see winning teams to lose and cry like so gayshit, or maybe he likes having fights and vulgarities spewing all over. -.-
I've learnt one thing this year: referees can get involved in the game. they can alter the scores and make the losing team hate them, the winning team loving them.
So the guys are third(: and they can go FARRR. With coach pulling and pushing them, haha.
Training's tomorrow yay(: Time to feel tired again. Rachel and I were talking about training 3-pointers -.- It's always easier said than done, but it isn't impossible. Impossible is nothing. Nothingness~~
I'm having more quality sleep nowadays but I seem to be sleeping in class more often D: Slept for 15 mins for I.T. and about 10 mins for LA. The I.T. lessons are boring. The only interesting thing was the video, but she just had to destroy the lesson by showing us a video of a guy talking and talking endlessly in the background about some lame stuff on how you can import files differently. ._.
numbness isn't the solution
10:47 PM | Sunday, July 20, 2008 | Link
shut up
I'm blasting music into my ears although I shouldn't cos I'm going half deaf already. What the fuck is their problem? I'm free to do what I want and I do not need to seek their permission, do I fucking need to? shut up
This morning I went to pray and visit my relatives. It was a rather boring morning I suppose. I think spending time in front of the computer would be much more meaningful though. Watching a nice drama to tide my time over.
I was thinking about life as I'm listening to some melancholic songs now. Life is a routine, with no purpose. We are told to study and mug and study and mug and stay healthy and be environmental friendly and be polite and be nice and good. I admit some of the things that we are told to do are fun doing. Being nice can't possibly make someone feel painful or stupid can it?
Then probably the months of mugging and studying would be rewarded with two months of rest in a year. yea, I agree totally that it's rest.
Monsieur Huet was commenting that there wasn't anything called CCAs during the holidays in France. They said that it was like a felony to go back to school or talk about anything related to studying during the holidays. Their holidays were meant for them to have fun and for them to gather with their friends and family. They didn't have co-curricular activities after school. They would probably go cycle or something.
When I feel tired I envy them because they get so much rest. However, when i feel restless, I pity them because they would probably have nothing to occupy their minds with.
Enough of ranting I suppose. I think I rant and rave too much nowadays. Still haven't accepted the shitty life we students have. i want freedom, doing everything we wanna, (like ponning school) although that would mean a lack of discipline. SIGH, this post is abit stupid.
Sleeping time now. Don't wanna sleep at night but don't wanna wake up in the morning. how contradictory ><
Touch my body touch my body touch my body touch my body
just some addictive song to listen to once in a while.
11:16 PM | Friday, July 18, 2008 | Link
tagged by syl to do this. ha. ok not tagged. blogged. whatever. I'm plain bored I think. I think my mum gonna scold me when she gets back from work. Just over something that is damn minute and mediocre, but whatever. ..
1. Do the following without complaint
2. Choose 5 people to do this after you completed yours.
3. Leave a tag on the person's tagboard to say he/she have been tagged. (geez. I don't like this rule. Do it if you like(: |
Favourite colour: Sky blue and purple
Used to like BLUE. All shades of blue, till I thought some shades of blue were horribly disgustingly looking. Purple's the international gay colour but ohwell, it's nice I suppose.
Favourite food: practically everything under the sun except for cauliflower and brocolli. JUst hate them. And some weird weird looking vegetable that feels like some caterpillar when I stuff it into my mouth. ew.
Favourite movie: don't know.
I seldom watch movies la!
Favourite Sport: basketball
Favourite day: no days in particular.
Favourite Season: Autumn
That's when the leaves and everything grow so nicely. Or is it spring? o.O
Favourite ice-cream:
Rae the pigg told me my spelling was wrong >< Can't spell properly for favourite ice-cream. what a failure
Current mood: sleepy
but i don't feel like sleeping.
Current clothes: normal.
current desktop: Normal com except that the screen is the television. So I'm in the living room yepp
Current time: 11:23pm. Oo. It was 11:22pm previously
Current surroundings: living room with clothes hanging at the window. And whole pile of newspaper beside me. It's annoying.
Current annoyances: why I can't stay awake but yet I don't want to sleep.
First best friend: Janelle.
First crush: hmm. erms I think it was some guy when I was primary one. how retarded. I thought he was damn cool since he played basketball and everything. -.-
Last drink: Water with aloe vera
Last car ride: taking Brandon's father's car with jingmei
Last crush: don't think soo.
Last phone call: singrue
Last CD played: wow. that's quite long ago
Have you ever??
Have you ever dated one of your best friend: no.
Have you ever broken the law: yah.
Have you ever been on TV: yes. I remember there was some news broadcaster who had to do a story on our school having children to recite poems and stuff. Then my face was there when they were scanning through the class. hahahah.
Have you ever kissed someone you don't know: no
5 things you are good at: sleeping. stoning. slacking. eating. being a pigg in general
4 things you've done today: watched the guys' match. talked to ex-teammies. played basketball. typed
3 things you can hear right now: the keyboard clicking away. my brother and sister talking relatively loudly. the clock ticking.
Characteristics I love about myself: i don't know? being easy-going?
Characteristics I hate about myself: Being unable to let go of things I should have. thinking too much
MOst idea person I want to be: Complete
People I LOve: people that i don't love
People extremely dear to me: quite alot. you know it people!(: hugsandkisses~~
10:21 PM | | Link
I felt unfair when I was watching Ngee Ann's match against Temasek. Although we were rooting for Temasek to win since we required a tiny weeny triangle to get into the semi finals, I felt a kind of old old feeling again. unfair
Basketball is supposed to be a game of skill and ability, and the sports hall is supposed to be filled with audience's cheerings after a good ball is shot. Instead, ex-jiaolian's voice and some other ngee ann's supporters' jeering of the unfair referring filled the entire Anglican sports hall.
From a win of about 11 points after the first quarter to losing about 8 points, I think it must have felt shitty. 3 players were fouled out, till ex-jiaolian had to think for quite some time when she was scanning the players.
But she persevered I suppose, although the screaming stopped during the last 6 minutes of the 4th quarter. According to Priscilla and jiaolian, they gonna go complain to the basketball association of singapore. LOLS. and get the damn referee sacked.
And ohwell, I thought it was quite hypocritical to support both sides throughout the match? Cos we wanted temasek to win, but not of more than 9 points, so there was a point of time when Temasek won NAS by about 11 points, then we were hoping that NAS got their freethrows in -.-
Then the teachers screamed and stuff so I thought it was hypocritical and NAS supporters were staring at us. SIGH.
Then it was DHS against dunman sec. It's so weird when you have schools with the same name playing against each other. We had to go like "Dunman High, jiayouu!" instead of 德明,加油! Sounds so awkward but well, the guys played a good game. Calvin is really a good player, he's like so awesome, being able to do what coach taught him to just a few hours ago. Priscilla even thought he was year 2 -.-
Didn't really pay attention to the first 2 quarters as I was busy catching up with Ru Huan and Priscilla, but I knew the guys were leading at first before Dunman Sec caught up. Found out that Ru Huan is capt while Ying Ying is vice-capt. Then when I told them that our nanchiau team would have like 3 capts altogether, Priscilla was like "HAHA, 我什么都不是,只是一个小小的 center 而已!" Yah, 小小 man! She's the same height as me, how small can that be? o.O
I was having fun poking her orh-ceh. It's uber black and painful I suppose. But she got her revenge back after tickling me, roar. I CAN'T BELIEVE IM STILL SCARED OF TICKLES. It just gives you a shivering weird feeling.
Played ALOT of basketball today. It's fun playing basketball when you're not training, whereby there's no expectations and no yells in wrong passes and mis-shots except that you have to deal with your own disappointment and wonder whatthehell is happening to you. Played basketball during PE, recess and after school. (: Thanks sylvia, for reviving my love for basketball again. I thought I was so disappointed in my basketball skills that I wouldn't wanna play again. Turned out that it made me feel carefree again.
When you're in the middle of the whole court, no, just half the court, with a ball, and you do backturns, crossovers and do both side layups, you feel different. The satisfaction is definitely different from anything you get, high scores, praises from parents, beating the opponent in a computer game, everything. Even if you don't get the shot in, if the shot was somewhere near the net and you know you get it in, there's always a second chance. When you miss the left hand layup for some reason somehow, you know you can forgive yourself for just that second because no one's looking. However, basketball wouldn't be called basketball if it was just like that. I have come to terms with that. FINALLY.
I have to run for the darn cross-country thing. I'm so not running if nobody runs with me D: I hate running. I hate simply running like that.
no training tomorrow. maths and science project tomorrow. D: Teri, SIngrue and Yvon are coming to my house. WHen they were arguing over where they should go, I immediately proposed to come to my house since I was lazy to move my ass and travel on some train for like 1 and a half hours to and fro each trip.
Gonna turn in. And geez, I think the PG show on CHannel U isn't that nice after all. I thought there was finally some good show that Singapore is producing but I realised that the show isn't really realistic. Who would go consult a cosmetic surgeon if he had numerous failed attempts on beautifying the woman?
Beach Ball babes is quite ok though. Although I think the takes are a bit fake. OHH, and I have to have to say this man. When I watched the behind-the-scenes of the show on TEEVEE (i wonder why they broadcasted it), I came to know that Joanne Peh had to act as twins so there was alot of work done. Then I was thinking "WOW, that would take such a long timeee. That's so cool".
Then when I watched today's show, which is like the 10th episode, Joanne Peh's twin died. How fast. I was telling my dad that they were probably tired and decided to write off the character but can't make her disappear just like that or give a lame reason that she going overseas and not coming back, SOO, they go for the easy way. make her die. -.-!
Would stories always be like this?
10:23 PM | Thursday, July 17, 2008 | Link
just came home like an hour ago and I'm already feeling tired although I had a bath. calm
Today was quite eventful. At least I did homework(: Pythagoras, Solving Equations and trigonometry. ALthough it took like 5 hours, I finally did proper homework.
Homework so far currently would probably be french, learning chengyus, maths peer-teaching, mugging science.
I HATE WAVES. Someone teachh me?
I hate science, they tear everything apart. My bro just got scolded because of science. That's when you don't study and keep playing basketball. SEE? And my dad threatened him that he'll force him out of basketball. -.-
All parents are like that, damnit. Basketball and studies have no effing relationship la. Like you won't spend the time training to sleep. Training starts early so you wake up early. If there's no training, you'll probably sleep isn't it?
Ok I should just keep quiet since it's none of my business.
Today was FUN. Balled and talked crap and crap. heheheh. (: Just have to remind myself to bring a tee shirt and not play in uniform. Oh, and thxthxthx to comint for teaching me trigonometry(: and pigg for making me feel like a teacher again.
Haven't been teaching my siblings for a long time. I remember my ambition when I was about 5 years old was to be a teacher -.- Then I changed my mind at around pri 4 when I saw how horrendous a teacher's work could be. I thought it was so cool that teachers could get two months break since the students were enjoying their holidays. Then teachers had relief teachers in case they were sick or having cramps. NAIVE THINKING MAN.
Days without trainings are weird. Although I look forward to Bdiv trainings, I so hate to run. Slow runner plus lousy stamina, gosh, it sucks. And something keeps haunting me.
Gdluck to the guys tomorrow. They can dooo it.
6:36 PM | Wednesday, July 16, 2008 | Link
it's not the end
i still don't get it. why is it so different? I thought i played my best but apparently it wasn't. I thought I felt tired after the first quarter so I thought I ran enough. I thought since I was such a failure I should pass. I thought I was a loser but i realised that I ain't even fit to be one.it's not the end
I thought.......
Thinking is seriously not enough. I'm mentally weak. and physically. awww. But I can't help it when I think THAT way. I really can't hear an effing shit. I think I should go visit a counsellor since I can't find the confidence and bravery and skills shop. Maybe counselling won't even work. I'm hopeless. How I wish this was maple, buy gachapon and wear it. haha.
It has been a long time since I played games. Deprivation of childhood.
My life seriously sucks. I have achieved nothing so far. Geeezz.
After the match we went to CSC with Nicole, Rae, JIngmei, Rene and Amanda. Nicole's mum treated us, how nice(: camwhored like madd, I think we hit about 100 photos altogether. heheh. We made damn lot of noise in the toilet till people were annoyed :X
Upload next time(:
Today was ok, average. lessons were rather interesting I think, although I had a hard time staying awake. I'm sleeping more and more during lessons than usual. BLAHH. I think I slept for longer hours these few days??!! THE PERSON WHO SAID THAT MORE SLEEP = MORE ENERGY IS A FAT PIG. roar.
The only time when I could stay awake was during the darn maths pop quiz. BP was hopelessly boring although I thought the stories were quite nice. haven't read a book for a long long long long long time.
that's all i suppose. geez. I wanna watch a MOVIEE. but there isn't nice movies around. I wanna slack but wanna mug at the same time. I wanna do things well but I end up screwing it up.
Life is full of contradictions.
and, im sorry. there's probably no way you can spur me on. I'm just like that.
Just printed 3 pieces of pictures of animals. I think art's lame but i had a fun time browsing through the pics(:
And this is a damn cool pic:

Sexyaye? It looks gloomy, that's why it's sexy(:
Ok im retarded.
Gonna switch off the com to mug for stupid chengyus. I want my darn points. It's probably the easiest to score.
And ohh, the durians just arrived. HAHAHA. 2 hours late. Gonna stuff myself and put my mind elsewhere. Instead of thinking about useless stuff.
and JINGMEI the pigg, tagg lehh! make my tagboard aliveeeee. :D
8:43 PM | Friday, July 11, 2008 | Link
This morning was disastrous. It was probably the longest walk to school ever although I took the bus to the back gate. I thought about alot of things. Couldn't understand.uncertainty
Then when Jingmei asked me to go open the cage to get the ball bag for the guys, I felt worse after leaving the gym. D:
But I'm glad I went to watch the guys' match(:
The guys played well. It was an exciting match although the final score was 50-51, our bad. I think ex-jiaolian shouldn't make so much noise in the future. haha. Caused her team to have technical foul, lols.
Came home and talked alot to my bro. For once I think, in these 2 weeks. I realised I lost in touch with my family. D: And my mum said "you finally want to talk already ah". Then I was like: yahh. Today damn good mood.
Then I realised what she said was true. These few days, I would just pull a long face and bathe and do my stuff and sit in front of the com. Just that. I talk to myself. Myself talks back to me. Or perhaps some online friends.
I sorted my feelings out although I'm uncertain. I'm wondering why I feel numb. Disappointment, failure and disappointment again. I shouldn't have had considered so much. I shouldn't have had lost faith in myself. At the very least, I should have trusted coach and did what he told me to. OHWELL.
I guess this is what regret feels like. Regretful.
9:17 AM | Wednesday, July 09, 2008 | Link
disappointment. how many more?
In the lab now. We are given free time to do our stuff but apparently I'm supposed to do googlesketchup. I think googlesketchup is lame. I don't like building stuff.disappointment. how many more?
My ankle is aching now. The back of the ankle. Somewhere near the shoe area. And my right knee's screwed. Wonder what's my prob.
Yesterday's training was horrible. It was rather slack, but that isn't my point. We spent much time shooting and doing lay-ups and we were told to be FIERCER AND FIERCER. I hope I don't get fouled out again tomorrow. > <
Let's hope I'll stay calm and not panic.
Goodluck c-div. juniors and teammies! (:
I really wish we can get it.
9:00 PM | Monday, July 07, 2008 | Link

Today's morning was wasted I think. Met up with Yvon online to do geog before we stoned and decided to go offline completely. There's a few more days to the deadline so I guess that's why everything's slack.
I don't see the point in understanding how solid waste is managed in Singapore although I admit we should seriously reduce the amount of waste we produce. We do not have enough land so lesser waste should go into the land refill. That's for sure.
Other homework is done(: LA and Maths. Science is abittt done.
School starts tomorrow. I wonder if I should rejoice or something. TOmorrow's PE. I hate volleyball. I don't know why. The ball comes smashing down at your face and you're suppose to be able to return the ball properly. you can't even CATCH the ball. ROAR.
My parents' moods have been up and down like a rollercoaster nowadays. It's so hard to think what's happening. SIGH, WHERE'S THE LOVE? Sometimes when we're engaged in one topic and laughing merrily, my siblings will get scolded just over a teeny weeny mistake that usually won't happen. D:
PMS don't occur that quickly and don't change THAT drastically! I guess they have problems at work or something. SIGH. I thought my problems were bigg. How minute they seem now.

This posture is so cool. :D
I wanna LEARN YOGA! Yepp, YOGA! I wonder if this is a short-term craze or something but I think Yoga's cool now. I watched a few shows and yoga seems to be really cool. I read up about Yoga and I am surprised that Yoga is an Indian spiritual path aimed at achieving the union with the Supreme Consciousness. from wikipedia. Chim isn't it?
Yoga will prevent many injuries cos your bones will turn more loose and you'll probably be more flexible. (: YAY. I gonna learn elementary yoga before I JUMP to advanced yoga. MUAHAHAHA. Then I'll probably grow FASTER AND TALLER since I gonna stretchhh. And I'll reach my target of 1.7m quickly!
I'm obssessed. with I don't-know-what.

my display pic for my iPod.
It really makes me feel moody sometimes when I see it. The background and everything, I really wonder if you can see such things in real life or if it's just photoshopped.
Life's a rollercoaster ride. You won't know when it's going to go high or low, fast or slow. What you know is, it'll come to a stop some day.
9:55 AM | Sunday, July 06, 2008 | Link
say goodbye and hello
Yesterday was slack. Training was relatively slack in my opinion, although I almost felt like dying just during warm-up. There were more than usual water breaks and training ended at around 12, on the dot, 1 and a half hour earlier. It just feels weird I suppose. say goodbye and hello
Coach was moody and well, pulling a long face. He looked tired. Probably of us. I don't know.
Learnt new formations and stuff. Did under-baskets and passed the heavy trainer ball which we did not do for about 4 trainings. At that point of time, I rather trained than have tournaments, although tournaments are the reason why we train. I think I like the new formation (:
Next training's on tuesday at 2:15! I hope no one's late cos they would be OUT of training and match. Serious. I would probably skip lunch or something.
After crapping and jingmei camwhoring with weiwen, we went to the canteen to do homework. YEPP, homework. I did a few questions,quite unbelievably. But we spent more time talking and eating though. We DID do homework (:

Her face looks like it was cut and paste on the photo isn't it?

Some pics. JIngmei the pig dropped her paper and it fLEWWWW down.

Oh and she did one jump shot I think, Face censored. Her request. Although I think it's quite ok. Nicely censored I think. The basketball fits her face PERFECTLY (:

Oh and the nice security guard which I mentioned in the earlier post was on duty yesterday. (: Then we spent quite some time saying byebye to him and walked off. Then I felt an urge to pee so we ended up going BACK to school. He didn't notice us man! He aint doing his job. Then when he saw us coming out again, he looked quite shocked. heheheh. GHOSTS. (:
Stoned and everything in compass point and the mrt. Slept throughout the journey. I feel tired. Everyone's tired I guess.
Tomorrow's Youth Day. Another day for sleeping and stuff....
I'm in need of money. RAWR. I wann a jobb.
10:13 AM | Friday, July 04, 2008 | Link
my com died on me
I don't know what my dad did to this com but I think everything was restored. Which meant that I have to re-import my whole entire music library. my com died on me
Everything's not going my way. DAMNIT.
My spectacles were stepped on. My earpiece gonna spoil since the wire is dropping out. I realised my left eye degree is getting higher and higher and I gonna have to wear specs during basketball if this continues. This computer crashed.
I wonder what I can continue adding to this list. ROAR.
IDMI is over. It was relatively fun I suppose, although the task is lame in my opinion. But I learnt alot :D
Youth Day's today and there's no school on Monday. (: Slacking time.
gonna decide how to spend today usefully and finally doing something. (: