9:44 PM | Monday, June 30, 2008 | Link
different perspective
I wonder why I'm feeling happy now. And it's HAPPY, not HYPER. I don't feel stressed or anything. I finally see it. :Ddifferent perspective
OMGosh, I love this. This = ? I don't know.
Had been blog hopping just now and I realised that most peoples' blogs have music to the background. Is it a trend or something? O.o I find it annoying sometimes when I have to tune the volume of my speaker because all of a sudden, THE MUSIC WILL BE BLASTED. When I mean blasted, I really mean so.
Have been talking to Priscilla just now. Ngee Ann lost to Anglican by just 11 points. They trashed SAC. o.O lols. Good luck for the next 2 matches! (: Talking to ex-teammies are abit weird now, but I really wish we can all play ball one day. I wanna a gathering with ex-classmates too. DAMN, I MISS THOSE DAYS.
My dad just told me that my bro told his teacher that my mum had high blood pressure so that she would not go complain to my mother about his results. He wanted the teacher to call my dad who was more lenient. -.-
Quite a smart reason I must say. Makes the teacher think that he's damn filial or something when there's nothing wrong with my mum. CRAZY.
He screwed up his homework = my dad clear the mess up.
And when that occurs, my ears will suffer. That's when I go semi-deaf or deaf cos I'll blast the music in my earpiece.
And my earpiece is spoiling soon. D: I shall treat it with EXTRA TENDER care from now on! HEH.
I love the security guard uncle. He's damn nice and friendly. When I went to Dunman after French class to get the ball bag and stuff, I was astounded to find it being locked. I was damn freaked out. I'm NOT going to school tomorrow and I definitely wouldn't want to go back to Buona Vista and back to Bedok. Waste of time and money. Plus, i hate sitting down on the East West Line. The seats are so SMALL and LOW, not big enough for my butt.
Then I asked the security guard if he could helped me open the gym door, and that was when all the crap began.
**switches on the lights to see a piece of paper although I don't think the light made a difference**
Security Guard: You want open the gym door is it?
Me: yah. you can help me open? please?
Security Guard: oh. you call this uncle he'll help you open.
Me: **o.O**
Security Guard: but right, you must say ehh FA ge, AH MI TUO FUO can help me open gym door?
Me: HUH?
Security Guard: It's a code. say ehh FA GE, ah mi tuo fuo. If not, he will just hang up. **claps his hands together**
Me: Ah mi tuo fuo??
Security Guard: Yah. Ah Mi Tuo Fuo. ** reads out number**
LOLS! Anyway I called the guy and he helped me open the door without any ah mi tuo fuo thing, just asking him politely. :D
Had a fun time talking to this uncle. I'm glad security guards are so fun nowadays. I guess they must be super bored tending to the school for the whole day, when nobody will come to rob our school or anything.
The guys played against Junyuan today. Junyuan scored an early 2 points within 1 minute. We thought it was going to be a close match but it turned out not to be. :D Junyuan's coach is Chung Cheng Main's basketball girls' coach and Dunman Sec's basketball girls' vice-coach I think. In charge of so many things, he reminds me of the coach of Teck Ghee Primary, Kranji Primary and Chua Chu Kang Primary.
Coach was damn high today, at the end of the match. He was smiling his way throughout. Then he suddenly asked crystal if some guy at the court was her father. WEIRDO. -.-
Went home with Crystal and talked about loads of stuff on the way. Gonna meet up with her 1 hour earlier tomorrow to ball(:
I realised that she has a great passion of basketball. And she definitely has more confidence than me. ):
Met Zhenwen Gabriel and Ziyi on the way. Ziyi was damn gay before the scanning counter. He couldn't find his wallet and he dumped his bag on the floor and digged out practically everything, bending his body with his butt STICKING OUT. Plus, he's tall. So I guess it's abit obscene. dIRTYYYY
Went opposite ways and sat down between a guy and an aunty. The guy was wearing some BIG BIG SUNGLASSES and skinny jeans. Disgusting.
Saw Jingmei. :D The world is so coincidental. Dunjie thought I could fly cos he was damn amazed that I walked so fast. I think he doesn't know that there's something called bus. -.-
I haven't done anything for IDMI and I ain't feeling remorseful. This is bad. I finished my maths worksheets though! Except for Pythagoras theorem cos it sucks. D: Done Formulae after Lingyue and YuQing taught me. RGS peeps are smart.
OHH, and Spain won the EuroCup or something. I heard the torrez guy or something was good. Everything is heard from my dad/bro/sister. I'm completely a noob except that I know that Maradoona is a good dribbler, Rooney is fat but charges like a bull, Cristiano Ronaldo is a proud ass shit but is relatively good, Beckham is now a face that only appears on advertisements but his curves (as in curved ball) used to be good, Ronaldo is a fat pumpkin now, and Agu Casmir or something decided not to play for Singapore. That fatty bum bum doesn't wanna play for Singapore. No big deal. Just that I watched him play once and I think he can shield the ball quite well. :D With his butt. YEPP.
At least people have butt to shield ball. I wann also cannot. Big butts are useful sometimes except that you probably can't squeeze into skinny jeans cos the threads will come out.
le monde est beau quand vous pensez ainsi...
Remind yourself that you need it, want it and show it.
8:30 AM | | Link

Checked my mails and I read a mail which said that bananas are damn good for health. I LOVE BANANAS! ok that sounds pervy but bananas are probably the nicest fruits on earth. Easy and convenient too(:
Bananas contain 3 natural sugars - sucrose, fructose and glucose, combined with fiber. A banana gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy.
Research has proven that just 2 bananas provide enough energy for a strenous 90 mins workout. No wonder the banana is the number 1 fruit with the world's leading athletes.
Perhaps I should eat a banana before a match since chocolates are expensive. D: Oh, I probably need more than 1 since we have to run like mad women. o.o
Many people suffering from depression felt much better after eating a banana. They felt relaxed and their mood was improved. Generally, they felt much happier.
HUH? This seriously is replacing chocolates.
The vitamin B6 it contains regulated blood glucose levels, which can affect the mood.
THIS IS GREAT NEWS OK. :D not that I have PMS or whatever but you know, this can probably prevent mood swings which may hurt others unconsciously. o.o
Blood Pressure
The banana has the ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.
Heck this. At the rate I'm eating my food, it's a matter of time I get a stroke or die or something anyway. D:
Brain Power
200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating bananas at breakfast, break and lunch in a id to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.
I wonder why they didn't visit the loo a lot of times at the rate they're consuming bananas. -.- Bananas make one smarter smarter smarter! HEH.
High in fiber, including bananas in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.
HEH. Bowel movement. MOVE IT!
One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a banana milkshake, sweetened with honey. The banana calms he stomach, and with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates the system.
ok. good for me in the future I suppose. I love milkshakes. They're just so nice.
Morning sickness
Snacking on bananas between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.
Enough procrastinating. I think I shall go back to doing my IDMI stuff. The library is getting noisier and noisier. roar. Shall shut myself up with music.
10:18 PM | Sunday, June 29, 2008 | Link
almost there
sleepy. have been doing nothing these two days except for sleeping, stoning and everything. geez, gonna catch up on my homework tomorrow alone :D almost there
Then probably go watch the guys' match against Junyuan with jingmei and rene at fengshan. Then take a train back to Buona Vista for french. -.- I think my life's sucky. Too much of a routine.
Missing Malacca's trip due to an unimportant basketball match. But I rather stay in Singapore. Jiamin and Caris are excited about the trip that just lasts a day and a night, something which I seriously can't understand. If it were a week or something, it would probably be more fun. :D
I shall stay in Singapore and enjoy the greenery and lesser smoke. (:
Saturday's training was ok since we could only use half of the gym due to the overwhelming number of tables and chairs occupying the other half. Many people fell sick. Nicole, weiwen, jingmei blablabla. Rachel hurt her right arm, something which she feels damn sad cos she can't dig her nose/ears properly. LOLS! I don't think that's a proper reason man!
Coach gave me a pair of basketball shoes which I thought weren't basketball shoes. They weren't the normal kind which were high and bulky and stuff. Quite nice to wear and relatively light I suppose, although I still ended up with one bullet hole on my right foot. :D Coach is nice, heh.
He refuses to tell me the price though. Although I think most likely he got it for free since he's Adidas supported.
ROAR. I wanna be supported too! That probably won't even happen in my dreams. D:
Aww, and he hurt his ankle during training. Was shuffling his feet to scare Ann I think, then POOP! he sprained his ankle. We thought he was drama-ing but it turned out to be real.
Caris, Wei Xin and Lynette came to the gym for the internet connection. They settled the survey questions so I was just there being an EXTRA. D: I'll probably fail during peer-assessment.
Bedok North's match was sucky. The ball just went plopped and disappeared out of our clutches. We won though(:
I guess every match is a progress both mentally and physically. Basketball trains one to turn into a STRONGER person. One good example is the booming muscles you get and the transformation of normal legs to hippo legs.
Hmmm.Reflection time.
I reflect after every match or training, but there's always no shit out of it. I won't stop reflecting on basketball, but I have already given up on how reflection helps. Courage and confidence. I lack both. I don't know how I gonna get them. I hope it's as easy as going into a shop and purchasing one, although I would even have difficulties doing this since I go POK POK POK easily.
I'm beginning to wonder why I'm a control. At the rate I'm playing, I'll be benched sooner or later. Maybe that's the place where I belong, DAMNIT.
I wanna go to a sea now. I wanna feel the breeze blowing across my face and yell till I lose my voice. I wanna do a lot and a lot of things and a lot of new stuff. I wanna a new knee. I wanna either grow taller so I can catch more rebounds or shrink shorter so I can dribble better.
My wants are stupid but I really want it.
Oh, and I realised that I have slanted shoulders. Oh damn. This sucks. I'll probably have shoulders which are slanted enough to be a slope.
useless commands since my body doesn't even listen. D:
One great example would be my visit to the loo three times in a row this morning. What the f- have you been doing to your body?
8:20 PM | Wednesday, June 25, 2008 | Link
shitty day
today started badly with a quarrel. i hate quarrels but i'm always landing into one. Worse still, it was my mum.shitty day
Got out of the house earlier than before, probably about 10 mins, which explained why I reached school super early.
I know I suck. Imperfections. Imperfections wouldn't be used to describe somebody unless he's not that perfect. D: I realised that probably I was wrong. Or maybe I AM WRONG. But it always takes two hands to clap.
I don't know, there's seriously something wrong with me. I can't figure out what.
Today's talk at the CEPP was quite ok. Was dragged by REne, so I ended up being somebody from Enive. lols. I think her class is quite nice. heh.
Slept almost throughout the talk by a non-officer. He's funny I think, but I still wonder why I sleep. I think it's the powerpoint slides. The moment I saw the powerpoint slides with ALL WORDS, i was screwed. Slept away like some pig.
Geez, i know it's rude and stuff, but sorry lah! o.o
French was effing screwed. mugging like 3 hours before the test seemed to help a litttllleee bit. I wonder what caused me to continue hanging in there when I should just break down and die and give up or something.
Just had a sudden thought. What if I suddenly have a BIGG house with a BIGG basketball court and a BIGG swimming pool? Heh. That's totally random but that would be so damn cool. Then I can do whatever I want and wouldn't be stoning in front of the com if I'm damn bored. I can even go ball in the middle of the night, say 3 am, and wear myself out before going to school. :D I LOVE THE THOUGHT OF IT.
D: Tomorrow gonna be the important match. Just when I know I shouldn't be screwing it up one more time again, my knee feels like shit. ONE FAT ASS STONE. D:
Dining etiquette tomorrow. I hope it's fun. >.< Alone in Yishun, gonna take a taxi ALL BY MYSELF to bedok. ):
you don't seem to stop regretting. you make wrong decisions almost all your life. it's like WTH?
9:43 PM | Tuesday, June 24, 2008 | Link
a load off my mind
Yepp. It was a good beginning for all of us, so a good ending would be great. :Da load off my mind
Some played great, some below expectations and bla. I was sucky as usual. Sigh. Toughen up damnit!
went with Jingmei to Marine Parade CC. I wonder why I wanted to go. heh. Just wanted to dribble and shoot. When we saw the CC, we were like "WASEH SO BIGG".
I was thinking "what a sexy big place".
Heh. Pervy.
Took quite a LONNGGG time to find the basketball court. Jingmei almost kissed a guy when she went too close to the lift doors. LOLS. Ok la, not close enough but the guy was shocked. zZz. That was awkward.
The basketball court LOOKED BIG, although it of the same size. Climbed stairs UPPP to some BIGG empty place. I was damn happy and ran around like some crazy mad woman.
Felt free and cooling.
Dribbled the ball for awhile then was called down by coach. Well, the usual stuff. I think I need to go to the bravery shop. heh, rachel needs the bravery and confidence shop. :D
Reached home relatively late. Atmosphere isn't nice right now.
11:04 PM | Sunday, June 22, 2008 | Link
alone. dark at night
Tagged by nicole. :D Hah, thanks man. I was looking for a quiz. alone. dark at night
Are you:
1. Perfect
Nope. In fact, being perfect is too perfectly scary. Imperfects are what make someone perfect. :D
2. Tall?
Heh, I guess so, being at the height of 1.68m. :D I'm not proud of my height though. I wanna be at 1.7m and I'll be contented and happy and not moany.
3. In your pyjamas?
Nope. I haven't worn pyjamas for quite long already. Probably like 5 years. The weather's too hot for long pants...
Left handed?
NOO. How i wish to be BOTH handed.
Friend you saw?
Amanda, Rene, Weiwen and Hung Hui. After training.
Talked to on the phone?
Rene. She wanted Rae's house number.
Person you texted to?
Crystal. I was telling her about tuesday's arrangement. We gonna eat at VIVO. :D With qi. I'm looking forward to a good meal.
Was today better than yesterday?
No. Although yesterday was tiring, it was more fulfilling.
Number? 7
Colour? Sky blue and purple
Food? chocos. anything that tastes nice (Damn i sound like a rubbish bin)
Place? a basketball court
SInger? none.
Hobby? balling. blogging. stoning. everything.
Ten random facts about me:
1. I feel tired most of the time.
2. I currently have jersey number 11.
3. I hate homework.
4. I hate to feel stupid and slackish.
5. I love re-watching nice dramas.
6. I'm afraid of horror movies.
7. I have quite alot of nicknames. Some weird ones. zZz.
8. I want a laptop
9. I have long arms but short legs
10. I'm quite pervy at times.
I'm not tagging anybody. Just do if you feel like it.
It's 11. Finished history. I know I should go to bed now but I can't help thinking. What happened to me this holidays? I spent the time doing NOTHING, except basketballing. I was wondering what would become of me without basketball. I would be a useless freak who procrastinates by watching teevee and eating and sleeping. That makes a pig.
Looking at the pile of undone homework, I can't help but feel sorry for myself. Feeling sorry for my inability to control my slacking and everything. D:
Tournaments are coming and I'm still struggling with my work. I gona have french on Wednesday and I have not revised or done anything constructive. I don't think I can speak anything right except jem'appelle Christina. I wonder if that's even the right spelling.
Damn the songs that are playing in my iPod now. So freaking slow and yet, I'm lazy to change. I gonna try to be myself one day. The one that would be satisfied with herself.
I'm nervous. I wonder if I'll screw up. It's just two more days. I don't wanna screw up. I don't wanna disappoint people again.
It's alright to disappoint myself but not the rest.
10:13 AM | | Link
Got my jersey yesterday. 11. Quite a nice number although I still prefer 7. Plus 11 is a fast number but I ain't fast at all. HEH.Bball
Screwed up yesterday. Passed flying balls that only people who have wings could receive. I think I have to calm down abit. Banged into Comint and elbowed Elizabeth. OH GAWD. AWW. Sorry! I wonder why I was so damn rough. I think I was pissed with myself.
Then I decided to stone in the basketball court to do my work because I couldn't do any at home. Helped Ms Lim do some things and stuff. Electives suck because they screw our schedules for basketball up. ELECTIVES. I'm learning to bake and have some proper dining etiquette. BAKING. HAHA. I hope my cakes don't turn out into some weird black bombs.
OH. I wouldn't be able to finish baking anyway. :D
To those who didn't make it to the team, DON"T WORRY LAHH. Hard work always pays it off. Jaiyouuu. I didn't know how to sort of console and encourage Melissa. Sigh. Cos her attendance was most of the reason why she couldn't make it. Girl, work harder next year! :D Heh and amanda, you can de lah. Remember, you are the STRONGEST in the team! I don't mind lending you my jersey for another year cos I know that one day, the jersey will be returned back to me cos you'll have yours. (:
Went home with MS Lim and she let me take her cab and I alighted at Commonwealth. Talked quite alot on the way. She's a nice and caring teacher. (:
Geez. I'm bored. Finished my e-assignment and chinese miaoxiewen. Oh, and my geog research. I have to chiong LA AND SCIENCE AND HISTORY. woah. meeting online for history.
I slept for about 12 hours today. From 10 pm yesterday to 10 am today. I feel totally refreshed but the mountain of homework is bringing me down.
Almost teared during debriefing.
Sorry for the disappointing me. SORRY. I think nobody and nothing can help me.
10:30 AM | Friday, June 20, 2008 | Link
Look at this: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/main.jhtml?xml=/health/2008/03/03/hage103.xmlTrotters
PIG TROTTERS (feet) are the new health food. MUAAHHHHA. It used to be my favourite food till I realised it was fattening and stuff. :D But it still tastes nice if you don't look at the appearance luh. China's ones are super nice.
Oh, and according to the website, carbonated drinks age people.
Ew. I only know they kill stamina but not age people. gee.
Mozilla Firefox 3 is sexy, pretty and nice. :D Serious. The outlook is better now and it's faster too. Wheee. :D Spent a few minutes adding add-ons and stuff. Now I'm doing my work! Researched on biofuels bla.
Ms Lim is funny la. Sent an sms ENCOURAGING us to finish our work. Hah. Even congratulated those who finished. Gee.
My toe is somewhat swollen. D: Now it probably looks like pig trotters. HMPH. I hope they don't bleed, like the blisters I got a month ago. Thanks to my basketball shoes which were not worn for like 8 months, I have blisters which look like bullet holes in my opinion. Worn once and NO MORE. :D
Bullet holes. RAWR
I peeled the skin off after staring at it for like a minute. The more you look at it, the more you feel like peeling it. Heng it was skin that was supposed to be peeled off, not those with blood underneath. HENG. :D
Went to the loo for like 3 times today. Super stomachache. My body's screwed...
I wonder what's happening to me
8:48 PM | Thursday, June 19, 2008 | Link
high and hyper
I was damn hyper today during lunch, or rather, after training. I wonder why. HEH. :D Maybe it's to cover up my tiredness. o.o I don't know. I think my body's weird. high and hyper
Woke up at 3:30 this morning after jerking out of sleep and unable to go back. Tossed and turned before deciding to really wake up. Ate instant noodles (AGAIN) for breakfast and did some maths questions (3 as a matter of fact. RAWR) while waiting. Finished eating and watched teevee. Felt sleepy so slept on the sofa for AWHILE. It was a wrong decision apparently. Cos I saw some blurry blurry lights after sleeping quite comfortably. So I thought my mom woke up and was preparing to go work. That should be around 5:30. I was thinking: wow. one hour is so freaking longggg.
Then i told my dad: 5:30 le ar. Wake me up at 5:45 kay. I want to stone.
My dad was like: 5:30 your head ah. it's 6:30
I tell you, I practically JUMPED OUT OF THE SOFA. 6:30. what the. I usually LEAVE THE HOUSE at this time. Called jingmei and packed my stuff.
Didn't really rush cos somehow there was time. :D heh.
Saw A WHOLE LOT OF PEOPLE OUTSIDE THE GYM then I thought they were about to go in the gym. Then I was like: HENG, I THOUGHT I WAS LATE damn loudly. The juniors laughed. -.- I didn't know why till I saw coach. heh, we were locked out of the gym. :D
Jingmei took a damn long time to change to some ugly yellow socks with some cartoon thing thing on it. Then coach took his board and talked and talked. I still prefer the old skittles one. The new magnets are too flat. Not nice.
Training was ok. Wei Wen and I slacked. Point guards are fun cos you train with centers and THEY ARE training. Just that you pass overhead balls. :D But I think my waist somehow got hurt. It hurts now when you slap your hand on it.
Oh, and my thighs hurt. D: I hate muscle aches! Although it means that you have exercised. heh. When I just sit down, I feel a pricking pain. But after awhile, it's gone. :D
I was drumming my thighs after every 15 laps. Went numb at a point of time. Sorry coach, just can't run.
Was damn tired when playing match that I walked and watched the "fashion show" in front when Jingmei was having a layup.
Oh, and sorry Hung Hui for pulling down your specs. D: I hope it doesn't get slanted somehow. I have some problem with specs I think. Slammed the ball right into Rae's face during the friendly yesterday. Don't know what's my problem. Then in Malaysia when I was playing ball, threw the ball right into 3 peoples' heads. twice at the same person. zZz.
Went with Rae and Jingmei to Tampines to collect our training tee. :D It looked fabulous. I love the front design. And it's black. Favourite colour.
Crapped alot on the way. Teammies rule.
Woah. I didn't realised that I typed so much out. And much on training. Geez, I guess I'm really weird today.
And I finally realised how much homework is undone after looking at my homework list. I'm really MUGGING now.
11:20 AM | Wednesday, June 18, 2008 | Link
another 20 more minutes so I shall spend my time on quizzes. :DQuizzes
1) Where'd you get the shirt you're wearing?
School? Pe tee is from school.
2) Who do you currently like?
Everybody. except some. hah
3) Does anyone like you?
People I like probably likes me, unless I'm some extra kia.
4) Sunrise or sunset?
Both are pretty. Sunrise marks the start of the day. Sunset marks the end of the day. Start or end, you must have both. :D
5) What time did you go to bed last night?
6. Time you woke up?
9.30am. stonage.
7. What DVD is in your DVD player?
8. Where's your honeymoon going to be?
Paris, France. That place is sexy.
9. Last thing that made you mad?
my parents not allowing me to stay alone. I quarrelled. That was quite long ago though.
10. Are you cocky?
yea, sometimes
11. Can you speak French?
If stammering means speaking french, then probably yes.
12. Have you been to Mexico?
Nope. I heard you see loads of cowboys there.
13. Do you make your bed daily?
Yah. Nobody wants to help me so I have to help myself.
14. Your favourite movie?
Difficult to compare. As in, the movies I watched are difficult to compare so no preference.
15. Your favourite TV show?
16. Single or taken?
17. Do you own slippers?
haha, what a dumb question. yes.
18. Is there a TV in my bedroom?
No. D: I want one but apparently my room is too small.
19. How many piercings do you have?
None. I want 4.
20. What do you think of Tom Cruise?
a normal person?
You have to use 3 words to answer each question. No more or no less. it's harder than you think...
1. Where is your cell phone? In front of me
2. your boyfriend/girlfriend? none no don't have
3. Your hair? Shoulder length
4. Where is your father? out at work
5. Your favourite thing to do? whatever I like
6. Your dream last night? can't remember
7. Your favourite drink? Anything that taste nice
8. Your dream car? a fast one.
9. THe room you're in? My brother's room
10. Your fears? Losing myself one day
11. Who did you hang out with last night? The computer here.
12. What you're not good at? Concentrating and persevering
13. Muffin? erm. it's just normal
14. One of your wish list items: a pretty laptop
15. Where did you grow up? Small little singapore
16. The last thing you did? Typed the symbol ?
------ :D
10:51 AM | | Link
stone. rock. mountain
Stoned in bed for about an hour before deciding to drag myself out for breakfast. Decided to have korean instant noodles. It was nice and tasty. :D That's my brunch. stone. rock. mountain
Yesterday's field trip was ok. :D visited places and stuff. I think the Changi's museum was the best, although the photos of the POWs being tortured were disgusting. I admire their bravery and perseverance. Serious, I would have broken down and committed suicide.
Cleared my mails. I think the coolest-parents group thing is spamming my inbox. Although the mails have some content, I don't bother reading it. I don't know why, but I like short mails. No long mails. No inspirational mails. Even if so, put loads of enters and spaces. :D
2/3 of the mails were from weird weird people who told me I won money and stuff. zZz. If only being a millionaire would be so easy.
Gonna meet Jingmei half an hour later. :D That stupid girl has eaten too much and is down with sore throat which is so bad that she can hardly eat. Roar.
I gonna run and run today. I always give up and fall below expectations. Roar. Christina Ho, you better run today. There's so many things which you have failed to do.
Geez, sorry to those who were disappointed. >( I promise i promise to do better.
Finally, a completed homework. Miaoxiewen was done quickly partly because of Qi. I told her I would let her see mine by today so that she can train. Ha, thanks Qi! Somehow this kinda of pressure helps you do your work faster. (:
But your promises always seem to be broken. Are your promises that worthless?
10:24 PM | Monday, June 16, 2008 | Link
Gahh I know this is like damn lag but nevermind. I just gave my dad his present too so it shows how lag I am. My mum said I was heartless. o.O It's the thought that counts isn't it. Lagging doesn't matter, as long as it doesn't drag too long.HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!
Geez, there were times I really wanted to tell him how great a dad he was. Being accommodating and siding me when I quarrelled with my mum. When my mum disagreed, he agreed. (except for me staying alone at home. HMPH) When I stank much worse than the toilet bowl after ball practices, he continued fetching me from school and didn't really mind me sitting beside him. (The air-con is stronger you see. :D) When he was rushing his work like hell, he still fetched me from french lessons cos I was just lazy to walk to the MRT station and wanted to save money. When I went POK and asked him for money he gave me. Geez, Dad, thanks alot man.
This is probably the most mushy one I ever typed. Heh. I didn't even write those in the card. It's awkward I guess. And I know he shows my mum the card. STOOPID LA. They share stuff. Should have some privacy de isn't it?
Like the letter the teachers forced us to write during PCCG before the level camp, my mum showed my dad neh. IT'S LIKE SO... WALAU. i don't wanna write letters to them ANYMORE.
Plus I did put a little effort inside. Heh, abit of crap too. meng knows how much I can crap. :D
Maths E-assignments near completion. :D And damn the history trip for starting so early. There goes my sleep. D: RAWR
10:17 PM | Sunday, June 15, 2008 | Link
Back. Sticking my ass here.
Yepp, I gonna be stuck in front of this com for like millions of hours. Geez, I MISS MY COM! Home sweet home. Home is still the best I guess. :D After spending 7 days out of home, I miss my com, my table, my chair, my sofa, my mattress, my everything. And yes, even the fridge. Back. Sticking my ass here.
Have been stoning in front of the com for the past 1 hour doing nothing. Edited the links, visited blogs and realised how much I have lost in touch with the world. D: Rae's blog was seriously hilarious. The post on the match, I laughed like a mad woman. You don't describe people like that! And her basketball terms are damn farni. I guess I laughed too loudly till my mom came in. I think she thought I was watching porn or something.
I don't watch porn OK, laughing like a mad dog means that i'm enjoying life lahh. :D
Just came back from Meng's house. Heh, pals forever! Talked as long as we could and balled for a mere pathetic 1 hour cos she wanted to go pee. -.-! Should have pee-ed long ago laa. Watched the WEI WO DU ZUN for half an hour before deciding to go home. The show is seriously bloody lame and meaningless. The only nice thing is that wang ren fu is one of the judges. He looks freaking cute in specs! OMGosh. :D
OH, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY soon Meng. I can't believe he still gives you presents. heh.
Felt super loved when teammies welcomed me back in smses. MUAHAHA. No capt around for a week. I guess they missed me. I missed them too. :D crappers and crap; everything. It did hurt not playing ball for a week. Ok, not exactly a week since I did play for a while during the last few days since my cousin had a basketball court at the back of his house. The net was low though. ):
Did I enjoy the trip? i kept asking myself this question during my trip. Maybe I did, with the food and shopping and everything, with socialising and cuties, but I guess I would enjoy myself much more back in Singapore. D:
Cuties!! (: My cousins are mostly males and another side of the family has like millions of boys who are younger than me.
THEREFORE: they'll be damn cute.
And they'll find everything about you amusing. (:
Rae smsed me on tuesday I think. Scared me like anything. She said they screwed up against new town and asked me not to gain weight. A born-slacker is suddenly so uptight. Seriously, she freaked me out ok. And I ended up eating veggies the entire day. D:
Couldn't curb the temptation of nice food the next day and decided to go back to normal. Heh. Except for lesser rice and meat. Just a litttttleeeeeeeeee bit won't hurt!
I was good and didn't eat durians though. :D Great self-control.
Gonna meet Yvon, Sing Rue and Teri for projects tomorrow. Gosh, I can go murder myself. Undone homework. Numerous. I shall do my e-assignment for maths now. :D
1:25 PM | Tuesday, June 10, 2008 | Link
few more days to go
It's 1 and I'm waiting for 3 o'clock to arrive. Pigged like shit this morning with bak kut teh as breakfast. I'm amazed that they eat it like 3 or 4 times a week. It was nice with rice and nice soup. :D I drank about 15 cups of tea. Cleansed off all dirt! Hehfew more days to go
Was eating slowly when I suddenly thought that my teammies were training. All the mood was gone. DANG. I'm eating here while they're training and running. D:
I wish I could split myself into half.
Drank red wine yesterday. The second bottle was the nicest. :D Felt free again after laughing over some silly jokes. Then we talked about some serious matters. Serious then joking, serious then joking, the switch of atmosphere was nice. (:
There's an Indian near the shop who is pathetically sad. I don't pity his plight but I pity with how he deals with his life. His shirt and shorts are full of dirt but yet he doesn't care. I heard from my uncle that he would buy the cheap kind of wine, those that are like RM 2.50 a bottle. To them, drinking wine is important. Losing their family, no food, being a lousy father and child doesn't matter. It's disgusting I tell you.
He shits at the same location, hardly can walk by himself, having to walk with the aid of a walking stick, pushing himself by holding on to the wall. He sleeps and drinks at the entrance of a stall. I can't imagine how the people there can do business. I heard that he shits unconsciously so it means that the entrance stink. Awww.
Gahh. I'm glad I ate my lunch already. Gonna move to my another aunt's house later. They have a basketball court there. :D And I've progressed to about page 120 of my chinese book! Concentrating more and more.... :D
Theme changed to a simpler one. (: I'm finding something to doooo. heh. going off now. byebye (: can't wait to go back to singapore.
10:34 AM | Sunday, June 08, 2008 | Link
First day here
Yay I didn't know that they have coms here and the speed is relatively fast. :D The previous time when I came here which was like 1 year ago... the com was old and yellow. HEH. The old computer is still here too. I can charge my iPod :DFirst day here
Yesterday was a slackish day I think. The train ride was about 8 hours, 2 hours longer than the designated one. The train stopped for about half an hour for no apparent reason and it moved sloooooooowwwwwwww FASSSSSSSSSSTTTTTTT slooooww FAST..
Damn retarded
Reached the train station at about 2:30 or somewhere near 3. My relatives waited for about 2 hours man! ohgawd.._.
I hate taking trains. They should ban people from smoking or something. People would go outside and smoke then when the doors OPEN when they come in, it stinks totally.
Yepp. I gonna go shopping later. Bought 2 shirts yesterday. :D Had soya bean milk and beancurd this morning for breakfast. A dumpling too. Vegetables and soup for dinner yesterday. Heng it wasn't heavy.
A great accomplishment:
Page 89 of the chinese book! It's quite interesting as a matter of fact. (:
5:19 PM | Friday, June 06, 2008 | Link
Oops! I did it again! (results of quiz. o.O)
Felt damn bored after playing Audition. Yea yea, i shouldn't be playing such a lame game or something but hello??!! I WAS BORED. Fullstop.Oops! I did it again! (results of quiz. o.O)
Balled early in the morning at about 8:30. Quarrelled again. I don't know what's her fucking problem but I just got out of the house for 2 hours to shut myself out. Saw an indian small little cutie balling. The ball was like bigger than his head? He was quite hopeless I guess, cos the ball was like going VERTICALLY UP when he was attempting to shoot.
Two other small kids came and balled. I must say that the 8 or 9 year old can ball. His layups were nice. :D Although not accurate but the ball was huge so yepp, forgiven. (:
It's just fun looking at small kids ball nowadays. Sometimes you wish to be their height and age so you can play with them together.
If I were to confront them, they would be so bloody freaked out isn't it? D:
My left-hand layup still sucks as usual. Shot some balls and sat down and thought about loads of stuff. Almost cried. I just don't know why, sometimes when I think about stuff like that. ):
Read all of JIngmei's archives. Her posts are funny. heh. And my name was in almost every post. Felt LOVEEDD. I love you
Decided to do the music test she did. I think it would be quite lame though. o.O
1. Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, ETC on Shuffle
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name
5. Put this on your journal
If someone says, "Is this okay?" You say?
Beautiful -Christina Aguilera
How would you describe yourself?
Beat it-Fall-out Boy
(Beat what? gee.)
What do you like in a guy/girl?
Under the Sea
(I wonder how this got into my library. I thought I deleted it. oO This is so unrelated)
How do you feel today?
Can you feel the love tonight
(oO I don't feel anything neh)
What is your life's purpose?
Lying is the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off -PANIC! at the disco
What is your motto?
All around me -Flyleaf
(weird neh)
What do your friends think of you?
Creep -the Cure
(WHAT??!! Makes it sound like I'm a perv or something.)
What do you think of your parents?
Call me when you are sober -evanescence
What do you think about very often?
Irreplaceable -Beyonce
(Me being irreplaceable or what? HEH)
What is 2+2?
With You -Chris Brown
(This song is nice but it's not related. o.o)
What do you think of your best friend?
Where is the Love -Black Eyed Peas
What do you think of the person you like?
I don't have to try -Avril Lavigne
What is your life story?
Deja Vu -Beyonce
(Ah ha! Deja Vu = you have the feeling that something that is happening right now has happened to you in the past. It fits doesn't it?)
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Lollipop -Lil Wayne ft. Static Major
(HAHA. I love this song. And nope, a lollipop has no figure. Who would want it?)
What do you think of when you see the person you like?
Hip Hop 2 Night
What will you dance to at your wedding?
Graduation (Friends Forever) -Vitamin C
(oO. That's a slow one.)
What will you play at your funeral?
Dreams -The Corrs
What is your hobby/interest?
Everybody -backstreet boys
(Omg no. I'm not that pervy. Interested in everybody. Geez)
What is your biggest fear?
Put your records on -Corrine Bailey Rae
(I love records I think. They are cool. :D)
What is your biggest secret?
Don't Cha -The Pussycat Dolls
What do you think of your friends?
Run to You -Whitney Houston
(Oo. Close friends yea??)
What will you post this as?
Oops! I did it again! -Britney Spears
HA. This is stupid. I shall go watch my teevee now. Goodbye teammies! Cya 12 days later! And coach too. :D
And the school gym.
And my life.
10:57 AM | Wednesday, June 04, 2008 | Link
If only there was a picture
Today's my last training before I go for my BRILLIANT 12 DAYS BREAK. I can't believe my mum just niiao-ed about me not packing. WHAT THE HELL??!! I don't want to go there so I should pack yea? And I'm so enthusiastic about going there when life here is so much better.If only there was a picture
Why can't I stay at home alone? Cos I will burn the house down? or drown in the bathroom? or fall out of the building? or die in an earthquake in singapore?
Couldn't suck worse today during training. ): Kept having stomach cramps in and out today. Oh dang. It's coming again. Stomach is cramping cramping cramping! ):
Nice jingmei has just scanned me the geog rubrics. ok that's off.
Stoned around in school after training and watched the guys' match. Seriously, I thought they played FABULOUS. Coach and Mr Low weren't happy apparently. Or was it just one of them. o.O
Had lunch with Rene, Jingmei, Qianye and Rae. Lunch cum dinner to be exact since it was about 4 plus. Talked about loads of stuff and ate like a pig.
Groupings for C-Div are out. Against Dunman Sec, Tampiness and Bedok North. Yepp that's it. :D We can do it, lalala. Missing 4 out of 5 friendlies. I'm really afraid of dragging the rest down.
Met up with gang recently. Didn't play much, just with water. Pictures koped from Meng. Fooled me to go to Macs>KFC>Cold Storage. Then lagged around with an ice-cream before deciding to head for Vivocity. Wanted to watch a movie but decided not to.
First stop: Candy Empire. The things there are eff-ing expensive. Serious, just 120 lollipops cost about $60. Lick lick lick me like a lollipop. lick lick lick me like a lollipop. Just one joke that me and Jingmei share. heh. LOLLIPOP

Jas and Zhan.
Then off to buy some snacks at Giant before going to some water place. :D Meeting up is so fun and nice



Meng. Heh.
Oh dang. I forgot to kope Khoon's one. Nevermind, she hid her face ANYWAY.
Then we decided to dry at some stairs and began talking about everything under the sun. I realise I can really talk you know. Talked with Jingmei once for 2 whole hours at Kopitiam.
There was this couple who was kissing and pausing and kissing and pausing again and again. What's worse is that the guy has BUNNY TEETH and the girl doesn't mind doing it in public.
It's gross and so unromantic. Could have chosen a better place couldn't they? o.O
My homework is undone. HAVEN'T EVEN STARTED. ):
Let's hope I can get my stuff on track. Everything that used to be.